Woyzeck: Texts

Full text for Woyzeck, as printed in the Woyzeck 2002 program.
Photography by Hansen-Hansen (Erik Hansen/ The Ocular One)


An announcer with a monkey, horse and a canary bird.

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Listen to audio excerpt of Woyzeck theatre intro (Danish).
Betty Nansen Theatre. Copenhagen/ Denmark. November 20, 2000.

Carnival Announcer
Ladies and gentlemen here you see the astronomical horse and the two little canary birds - favorites of all potentates and of all crowned heads, tell the people everything, how old, how many children, what illnesses.

Gentlemen! Gentlemen! Look at this creature, as God made it: nothing, nothing at all.

Misery's the River of the World
Misery's the River of the World
Misery's the River of the World

The higher that the monkey can climb
The more he shows his tail
Call no man happy 'til he dies
There's no milk at the bottom of the pail
God builds a church
The devil builds a chapel
Like the thistles that are growing
'round the trunk of a tree
All the good in the world
You can put inside a thimble
And still have room for you and me

If there's one thing you can say
About Mankind
There's nothing kind about man
You can drive out nature with a pitchfork
But it always comes roaring back again

Gentlemen, now see the effect of art. The monkey is already a soldier - that is not much, it is the lowest level of the human race! The little dummy is musical. Gentlemen this animal that you see here, with a tail on his body, with his four hooves, is a member of all learned societies, professor of our university, with whom the students learn to ride and fight. Man - you are created of dust, sand and dirt. Do you want to be more than dust, sand and dirt? Observe the progress of civilization. Everything progresses: a horse, a monkey, a canary bird. The commencement of the commencement is starting now!

The higher that the monkey can climb
The more he shows his tail
Call no man happy 'til he dies
There's no milk at the bottom of the pail

God tempers all the winds
for the new shorn lambs
the devil knows the bible
like the back of his hand

All the good in the world
You can put inside a thimble
And still have room for you and me

If there's one thing you can say
About Mankind
There's nothing kind about man
You can drive out nature with a pitchfork
But it always comes roaring back again

For want of a bird
The sky was lost
For want of a nail
A shoe was lost
For want of a life
A knife was lost
For want of a toy
A child was lost

Misery's the River of the World
Everybody Row! Everybody Row!
Misery's the River of the World
Misery's the River of the World
Misery's the River of the World
Everybody Row! Everybody Row!
Everybody Row



Scene 1
(Mid Stage)
Captain on a chair. Woyzeck shaves him.

Easy Woyzeck, easy. One thing at a time; he is making me quite dizzy. What the Hell am I supposed to do with the extra ten minutes, when he finishes early today? Woyzeck, just think, he still has a good thirty years to live, thirty years! That's 360 months, and days, hours, minutes! What is he going to do with that frightening amount of time? Compose yourself, Woyzeck.

Yes, Captain.

I fear for the world when I think about eternity. Activity, Woyzeck, activity! Eternal, that's eternal, - he sees that. Eternal, that's eternal, - he sees that. But then again it's not eternal, it's only a moment, yes, a tiny moment. Woyzeck. I shiver when I think that the world revolves in one day - I shiver when I think that the world revolves in one day - Just looking at a mill wheel makes me melancholy.

Yes Captain

Woyzeck, he always looks so rushed. A good man doesn't do that. Woyzeck, he is a good man, yes, a good man, but he has no morals. Morals that's when you are moral, does Woyzeck understand that? He has a child without the blessing of the church.

Captain, the good lord won't look down on the poor creature just because Amen wasn't said over him before he was made. The lord said: Suffer the little children to come unto me.

What's he saying? What kind of a strange answer is that? He thinks too much, it is taxing. When I say he, I mean him, him!

Us poor people. Yes, money, money. You see, Captain, if you have no money. Try raising someone like me in this world on morals alone. Man is also flesh and blood.

Flesh and blood? In the evening when I'm lying by the window after rainfall, and I watch all the lovely white stockings go tripping down the street - damn it, Woyzeck, then love comes over me. I too have flesh and blood. Virtue Woyzeck, virtue!

Yes, Captain, virtue! That I haven't figured out yet. I'm just a poor guy. The likes of us are wretched in this world and the next. If we ever got to heaven, we'd have to help make the thunder.

Scene 2
(Full Stage)
Late afternoon.
Woyzeck and his friend Andres, another soldier.

Yes, Andres that strip there, that's where the head rolls at night; once somebody picked it up, he thought it was a hedgehog. Three days and three nights, and he was lying in a wooden box. Andres, it was the Freemasons, that's it, the Freemasons, quiet! Silence! Listen, it is moving! Hollow down there. All hollow. Hollow, you hear that? All hollow down there. It's moving under me, behind me.

You scare me.

It's so strangely silent. One mustn't breathe.


Say something! Andres! Are you a mole; are your ears full of sand? Don't you hear that terrible roar in the sky? All glowing fire. Away. Quick. Don't look back.

Woyzeck! Do you still hear it?

Quiet. All quiet, as if the world was dead!

Woyzeck and Andres

Zerlelda Samuels said she ain't never prayed
'til her right arm was blown off
in a Pinkerton raid
They lashed her to a windmill
with '3-fingered Dave'
now she's 102 and drinking
juleps in the shade

Always keep a Diamond in your mind
Always keep a Diamond in your mind
Wherever you may wander
Wherever you may roan
Always keep a Diamond in your mind

Sissy's hanging laundry
down by the brook
Penfield Morgan's taking
more than a look
if it weren't for the
squawk of the rocker
that's kept out in the rain
There would be nothing
to complain about
except for the trains...oh,



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Listen to audio excerpt of Diamond In Your Mind as performed in the theatre play Woyzeck.
Sung by Jens J�rn Spottag and Morten L�tzh�ft (as Woyzeck and Andres).
Betty Nansen theatre. Copenhagen/ Denmark. November 20, 2000.

Scene 3
(Mid Stage)
Military music approaching.
Marie standing with her child at the window.
Margret outside.
A Military band passing by, lead by the Drum Major.

Marie (Rocking the child in her arms.)
There, boy! Ta-ra-ra-ra! Do you hear it? They're coming.

What a lovely man!

Like a tree!

Say, what a friendly look, Mrs. Neighbor we're not used to that. Her eyes are shining.

So what? Why don't you take your eyes to the Jew and have them polished. Maybe they'll shine enough to sell as two buttons.

What? Why, Mrs. Virgin, I'm a decent woman, but she, she can stare through seven pairs of leather trousers!

Come, my boy. How people talk. You're just a poor little bastard, and you make your mother so happy with your little, bastard face.

... Nothing's ever yours to keep
Close your eyes, go to sleep
if I die before I you wake
Don't you cry don't you weep

Nothing's ever as it seems
Climb the ladder to your dreams
If I die before you wake
Don't you cry; don't you weep
Nothing's ever yours to keep
Close your eyes; go to...

<object classid="CLSID:22d6f312-b0f6-11d0-94ab-0080c74c7e95" codebase="http://activex.microsoft.com/activex/controls/mplayer/en/nsmp2inf.cab#%20Version=5,1,52,701" height="46" id="MediaPlayer1" standby="Loading Microsoft Windows� Media Player components..." type="application/x-oleobject" width="320"><embed autostart="0" height="46" name="MediaPlayer1" pluginspage="http://www.microsoft.com/Windows/MediaPlayer/" showcontrols="1" src="http://www.tomwaitslibrary.info/audio/woyzeck-lullaby.m3u" type="application/x-mplayer2" volume="-300" width="320"></embed> </object>
Listen to audio excerpt of Lullaby/ Overturned Pot as performed in the theatre play Woyzeck.
Sung by Kaya Br�el (as Marie).
Betty Nansen theatre. Copenhagen/ Denmark. November 20, 2000.

Is that you, Franz? Come on in.

I can't, Marie, the barracks are calling.

Did you cut wood for the Captain?

Yes, Marie.

What's the matter with you, Franz? You look so upset.

Shh! Quiet! I figured it out. The Freemasons! There was a terrible roar in the sky and all a glow! I'm on the track of something! Something big!


Look around! Everything's rigid, hard, dark, what lies beneath it all? Something we don't understand. God's gone. Everything's gone.


It followed me until I reached town.

Franz, your child.

I've got to go.

He'll go mad with those thoughts of his. Why are you so quiet, son? Are you scared? It's getting so dark, you'd think you were going blind. Usually there's a light shining in. I can't stand it.


Scene 4
(Mid Stage)
Woyzeck. The Doctor.

What's this, Woyzeck? A man of his word!

What now, Doctor?

I saw it, Woyzeck, he pissed on the street, he pissed on the street, pissed on the wall like a dog. And you get two cents a day. Woyzeck, that's bad. The world is in a bad way, very bad.

But the call of nature, Doctor.

The call of nature! Nature! Haven't I proved that the musculus constrictor vesicae is subject to the will? Nature! Man is free; Woyzeck, in man alone is individuality exalted to freedom. Couldn't hold the urine in! Did you eat your peas, Woyzeck? I'm revolutionizing science; I will blow it sky-high. Urea ten per cent, ammonium chloride, hyperoxidic. Don't you have to piss again, Woyzeck? Go in and try.

I can't, Doctor. You see, Doctor, sometimes you've got a certain character with a certain structure. - But with nature, that's something else, you see, with nature, that's like, how should I put it, for example, I have...

Woyzeck philosophizes again. Woyzeck philosophizes again. Bacteria, bacteria, God's away on business. God's away on business.

Doctor, have you ever seen anything of double nature? That's when nature has run out! When the world gets so dark that you have to feel your way around it with your hands, and you think it'll dissolve like spider webs! That's when one is something and yet isn't. When everything is dark and there's only a red glow in the west, like from a furnace. Then I heard a terrible voice talking to me!


There's a one-eyed man in the poker pit
They're digging up the dead with a shovel and a pick
The sun went down; the moon wept blood
A bloody jack of Diamonds, a plague, and a flood

There's a leak, there's a leak
In the boiler room, the poor, the lame, the blind
Who are the ones left in charge?
Killers, thieves, and whores

There's a leak, there's a leak
In the boiler room, the poor, the lame, the blind
Who are the ones left in charge?
Killers, thieves, and whores

God's away, God's away,
God's away on business etc.
Bacteria, bacteria

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Listen to audio excerpt of God's Away On Business as performed in the theatre play Woyzeck.
Sung by Morten Eisner and Hanne Uldal (as Doctors).
Betty Nansen theatre. Copenhagen/ Denmark. November 20, 2000.

Woyzeck's got an aberratio, he's got a marvelous aberratio mentalis partialis, type two, and so beautifully characteristic. Woyzeck's getting a raise. Is he doing everything as usual, shaving, shaving, shaving, shaving his captain?

Yes, Doctor.

Is he eating his peas?

Same as ever, Doctor. My wife gets the money for the household.

Do your duty?

Yes, sir.

He is an interesting case. Keep in shape. Let's see the pulse! Yes. Woyzeck. I'll be immortal.


Every night she comes
To take me out to dreamland
When I'm with her, I'm the richest
Man in the town
She's a rose, she's a pearl
She's the spin on my world
All the stars make their wishes on her eyes

She's my Coney Island Baby
She's my Coney Island Girl

She's a princess; in a red dress
She's the moon in the mist to me
She's my Coney Island Baby
She's my Coney Island Girl

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Listen to audio excerpt of Coney Island Baby as performed in the theatre play Woyzeck.
Sung by Jens J�rn Spottag (as Woyzeck).
Betty Nansen theatre. Copenhagen/ Denmark. November 20, 2000.

Scene 5
Marie (Proscenium)
Marie. Drum Major.

Drum Major
Marie! Marie! Marie!

Marie. (Looking at him expressively)
Let me take a look at you. Chest like a bull, and mane like a lion.

Drum Major
On Sundays when I wear my big, plumed helmet and my white gloves, uhh, Marie! The prince always says: He is a fine figure of a man!


Why be sweet, why be careful, why be kind?
A man has only one thing on his mind
Why ask politely, why go lightly, why say please?
They only want to get you on your knees
There are a few things I never could believe

A woman when she weeps
A merchant when he swears
A thief who says he'll pay
A lawyer when he cares
A snake when he is sleeping 
A drunkard when he prays
I don't believe you go to heaven when you're good
Everything goes to hell, anyway

Drum major
Laissez-faire mi amour, se la vie
Shall I return to shore or swim back out to sea?
The world don't care what a soldier does in town
It's all hanging in the windows by the pound
There are few things I never could believe

A woman when she weeps
A merchant when he swears
A thief who says he'll pay
A lawyer when he cares
A snake when he is sleeping
A drunkard when he prays
I don't believe you go to heaven when you're good
Everything goes to hell, anyway

<object classid="CLSID:22d6f312-b0f6-11d0-94ab-0080c74c7e95" codebase="http://activex.microsoft.com/activex/controls/mplayer/en/nsmp2inf.cab#%20Version=5,1,52,701" height="46" id="MediaPlayer1" standby="Loading Microsoft Windows� Media Player components..." type="application/x-oleobject" width="320"><embed autostart="0" height="46" name="MediaPlayer1" pluginspage="http://www.microsoft.com/Windows/MediaPlayer/" showcontrols="1" src="http://www.tomwaitslibrary.info/audio/woyzeck-everythinggoestohell.m3u" type="application/x-mplayer2" volume="-300" width="320"></embed> </object>
Listen to audio excerpt of Everything Goes To Hell as performed in the theatre play Woyzeck.
Sung by Kaya Br�el (as Marie).
Betty Nansen theatre. Copenhagen/ Denmark. November 20, 2000.

Leave me alone!

Drum Major
You wildcat!

Just you try and touch me!

Drum Major
Is the devil looking through your eyes?

Maybe. It doesn't matter for all I care.

Marie and Drum Major
I only want to hear your purr and hear youmoan
There is another man who brings the money home
I don't want dishes in the sink
Please don't tell me what you feel or what you think
There are few things I never could believe

A woman when she weeps
A merchant when he swears
A thief who says he'll pay
A lawyer when he cares
A snake when he is sleeping
A drunkard when he prays
I don't believe you go to heaven when you'regood
Everything goes to hell, anyway



Scene 1
(Mid Stage)
Marie sitting with the child beside her. A piece of mirror in her hand.


I lit a wooden match; I let it all burn down
I've broken every rule; I've wrecked it all down
There is no words in the wind; the trees are all bare
Life's mean as a needle; but why should I care?

A good man is hard to find
Only strangers sleep in my bed
My favourite words are good-bye
And my favourite colour is red

I always play Russian Roulette in my head
It's seventeen black and twenty-nine red
How far from the gutter; how far from the pew
I'll always remember to forget about you

A good man is hard to find
Only strangers sleep in my bed
My favourite words are good-bye
And my favourite colour is red

A long dead soldier looks out from the frame
No one remembers his war; no one remembers his name
Go out to the meadow; scare off all the crows
It does nothing but rain here, and nothing will grow

A good man is hard to find
Only strangers sleep in my bed
My Favourite words are good-bye
And my favourite colour is red

<object classid="CLSID:22d6f312-b0f6-11d0-94ab-0080c74c7e95" codebase="http://activex.microsoft.com/activex/controls/mplayer/en/nsmp2inf.cab#%20Version=5,1,52,701" height="46" id="MediaPlayer1" standby="Loading Microsoft Windows� Media Player components..." type="application/x-oleobject" width="320"><embed autostart="0" height="46" name="MediaPlayer1" pluginspage="http://www.microsoft.com/Windows/MediaPlayer/" showcontrols="1" src="http://www.tomwaitslibrary.info/audio/woyzeck-agoodmanishardtofind.m3u" type="application/x-mplayer2" volume="-300" width="320"></embed> </object>
Listen to audio excerpt of A Good Man Is Hard To Find as performed in the theatre play Woyzeck.
Sung by Kaya Br�el (as Marie).
Betty Nansen theatre. Copenhagen/ Denmark. November 20, 2000.

Quiet, son, look, the angel of sleep is running along the wall. Shut your eyes, or you'll go blind if he looks at you.

What's that you got there.


There between your fingers, it's shining.

It's just a small earring I found.

I've never found anything like that. Two at once.

What do you want? What do you take me for?

It's all right, Marie. Look, the boy's asleep. There are shiny drops on his forehead; everything under the sun is work and sweat, even in our sleep. Us poor people! Here's more money, Marie, my pay and some from the Captain.

Bless you, Franz.

I have to go. Tonight, Marie.

What a bad person I am. I could stab myself to death. Oh, what a world! Everything goes to hell, man and woman.

Scene 2
Doctor. Captain.

Why are you running like that, Doctor! You'll run yourself to death. A good man with a good conscience doesn't run so fast. Take your time, honorable Mr. Coffin Nail.

I don't waste my time like you honorable Mr. Drillprick.

Allow me to save a human life. While you're wearing out your little legs on the pavement.

In a hurry, Captain, in a hurry.

Doctor, I'm so melancholic. I only have to see my coat hanging on the wall, then I start to cry.

Hm! Bloated, fat, thick neck, apoplectic constitution. Yes, Captain, you might be stricken by an apoplexia cerebralis. But you might get it just on one side, or even better: be mentally paralyzed, so you just keep vegetating from now on: those are approximately your prospects for the next four weeks.

Doctor, don't frighten me! People have been known to die of fright, of pure, sheer fright. Hey, Woyzeck, why is he running past us like that? Stay here, Woyzeck. He is running around the world like an open razor blade and one might get cut! He is running like he had to shave a regiment of Eunuchs and would be hanged by the last hair. Talking about hair, Woyzeck. How is it going with those long, black hairs? Hasn't he found a hair in his soup bowl at home? Woyzeck knows what I mean. The long, black hair from the mane of a drum major? But he has a decent wife. Surely he won't end up like the others.

Yes, sir! What are you saying, Captain?

Look at the face he's making! Now it doesn't have to be in the soup, but he might still find one on a pair of lips - a pair of lips, Woyzeck. I too know what love is, Woyzeck.

Say! He is as white as chalk! Pulse, Woyzeck, pulse - short, hard, skipping, irregular.

Captain I'm just a poor devil - and that's all I have in the world. Captain, if you're joking

Joking? Me?

Captain, the earth is hot as hell, I am cold as ice. Cold as ice - hell is cold, do you wanna bet? That bitch. It's not possible! Impossible!

Listen, fellow, would he like to be shot, would he like to have a couple of bullets in his head? He is looking daggers at me, but I only mean well.

Facial muscles rigid, tense, occasionally twitching. Posture upright tense.


I fell into the ocean
When you became my wife
I risked it all against the sea
To have a better life
Marie you're the wild blue sky
And men do foolish things
You turn kings into beggars
And beggars into kings

Pretend that you owe me nothing
And all the world is green
Let's pretend we can bring back the old days again
And all the world is green

<object classid="CLSID:22d6f312-b0f6-11d0-94ab-0080c74c7e95" codebase="http://activex.microsoft.com/activex/controls/mplayer/en/nsmp2inf.cab#%20Version=5,1,52,701" height="46" id="MediaPlayer1" standby="Loading Microsoft Windows� Media Player components..." type="application/x-oleobject" width="320"><embed autostart="0" height="46" name="MediaPlayer1" pluginspage="http://www.microsoft.com/Windows/MediaPlayer/" showcontrols="1" src="http://www.tomwaitslibrary.info/audio/woyzeck-alltheworldisgreen.m3u" type="application/x-mplayer2" volume="-300" width="320"></embed> </object>
Listen to audio excerpt of All The World's Green as performed in the theatre play Woyzeck.
Sung by Jens J�rn Spottag (as Woyzeck).
Betty Nansen theatre. Copenhagen/ Denmark. November 20, 2000.

I'm going. A lot is possible. The weather's nice, Captain. Look: such a beautiful, solid, rough sky -you'd almost feel like pounding a block of wood into it and hanging yourself on it. Only because of the hyphen between yes and no? Is no to blame for yes, or yes for no? I'll have to think about that.

Doctor (Races after him.)
A phenomenon, Woyzeck! A raise!


Your life is whittled
Time's a riddle; man's a fiddle
That it plays on
When the day breaks
And the earth quakes; your life's a mistake
All day long

Who gives a good god damn
You'll never get out alive!
There's no meaning; don't go dreaming
A man must test his mettle
In a crooked old world

Starving in the belly
Starving in the belly
Starving in the belly in a whale

<object classid="CLSID:22d6f312-b0f6-11d0-94ab-0080c74c7e95" codebase="http://activex.microsoft.com/activex/controls/mplayer/en/nsmp2inf.cab#%20Version=5,1,52,701" height="46" id="MediaPlayer1" standby="Loading Microsoft Windows� Media Player components..." type="application/x-oleobject" width="320"><embed autostart="0" height="46" name="MediaPlayer1" pluginspage="http://www.microsoft.com/Windows/MediaPlayer/" showcontrols="1" src="http://www.tomwaitslibrary.info/audio/woyzeck-starvinginthebelly.m3u" type="application/x-mplayer2" volume="-300" width="320"></embed> </object>
Listen to audio excerpt of Starving In The Belly as performed in the theatre play Woyzeck.
Sung by Ole Thestrup (as Captain).
Betty Nansen theatre. Copenhagen/ Denmark. November 20, 2000.

Scene 3
(Mid Stage)
Late afternoon.
Marie. Woyzeck.

I don't see anything, I don't see anything. One should be able to see it. You are so beautiful.

What's the matter with you, Franz? You are out of your mind.

A sin so fat and so wide - it stinks enough to smoke the little angels out. Your mouth is red, Marie. No blister on it? Marie, you're as beautiful as sin. Can deadly sin be so beautiful? Was he standing here like this, like this?

Since the day is long many people can stand on the same spot.
(Embrace, silent scene)

Don't you touch me, Franz! I'd rather have a knife in my body than your hand on mine. When I was ten years old, even my father didn't dare touch me when I looked at him.

I saw him.

You can see a lot if you've got two eyes and you are not blind, and the sun is shining.

With my own eyes, Marie.

So what!

Woyzeck (on tape)

Woman! One should be able to see it. Everyone's an abyss - you get dizzy when you look down into it. She walks like innocence itself Do I know it? Who knows?

Scene 4
Woyzeck. Andres

Andres (sings)

Because it's just the way we are boys
Just the way we are
Don't try to change us
Because it's just the way we are

There was a young soldier named Dice
Who remarked, they say, bigamy's nice
Even two are a bore I prefer three or four
For the plural of spouse it is spice

Because it's just the way we are boys
Just the way we are
Don't try to change us
Because it's just the way we are

A damsel seductive and handsome
Got wedged in a sleeping room transom
When she offered much gold 
For release she was told
That the view was worth more than the ransom

Because it's just the way we are boys
Just the way we are
Don't try to change us
Because it's just the way we are

<object classid="CLSID:22d6f312-b0f6-11d0-94ab-0080c74c7e95" codebase="http://activex.microsoft.com/activex/controls/mplayer/en/nsmp2inf.cab#%20Version=5,1,52,701" height="46" id="MediaPlayer1" standby="Loading Microsoft Windows� Media Player components..." type="application/x-oleobject" width="320"><embed autostart="0" height="46" name="MediaPlayer1" pluginspage="http://www.microsoft.com/Windows/MediaPlayer/" showcontrols="1" src="http://www.tomwaitslibrary.info/audio/woyzeck-itsjustthewayweare.m3u" type="application/x-mplayer2" volume="-300" width="320"></embed> </object>
Listen to audio excerpt of It's Just The Way We Are as performed in the theatre play Woyzeck.
Sung by Morten L�tzh�ft (as Andres).
Betty Nansen Theatre. Copenhagen/ Denmark. November 20, 2000


Huh, what is it?

Nice weather.

Sunday weather. There's music outside town. The girls are out there already, the people are steaming - it's really moving along.

Dance, Andres, they're dancing.

At the Horse and at the Star.

Dance, dance.

So what. Let them dance.

I'm worried, Andres.


I must get out. Dance, dance. How hot her hands are. Damn it, Andres!

What is it you want?

I must leave. I've got to go.

That girl is making you crazy

I've got to get out of here.


There once was a man from Kent
Whose dick was so long It was bent
So to save him the trouble
He put it in double
And instead of coming
He went

Because it's just the way we are boys
Just the way we are
Don't try to change us
Because it's just the way we are

Scene 5
(Full Stage)
Sunny Afternoon.
Couples dancing, among them Marie and the Drum Major. Woyzeck watches them.


The things a crow puts in his nest
They are always things he finds that shine best
Somehow they'll find a shiny dime, a silver twine
From a Valentine
The crows all bring them shiny things

Leave me alone you big ol' moon
the light you cast is just a liar
You're like the crows, 'cos if it glows
You're dressed to go, you guessed I know
You'll always cling to shiny things

Well, I'm not dancing here tonight
But things are bound to turn around
Though the only I want that shines is to be king
here in your eyes
To be your only shiny thing
To be your only shiny thing

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Listen to audio excerpt of Shiny Things as performed in the theatre play Woyzeck.
Sung by Benjamin Boe Rasmussen (as Karl).
Betty Nansen theatre. Copenhagen/ Denmark. November 20, 2000.


You must have brought bad weather with you
The sky's the color of lead.
All you left me is a feather on an unmade bed.
It's always me whenever there is trouble.
The world does nothing but turn.
And the ring, it fell of my finger.
I guess I'll never learn.

But it's over, it's over.
I'm getting dressed in the dark
Our story ends before it begins.
I always confess to everyone's sin.
The nail gets hammered down,
And it's over
Let it go

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Listen to audio excerpt of It's Over as performed in the theatre play Woyzeck.
Sung by Ulla Henningsen (as Margret).
Betty Nansen theatre. Copenhagen/ Denmark. November 20, 2000.

Him. Her. Damn. Always the same, always the same. Spin around, roll around. Why doesn't God blow out the sun so that everything can roll around in lust, man and woman, man and beast. Do it in broad daylight. The bastard! How he has his hands all over her, and she. On and on, on and on.. Always the same, the same

Phew! It stinks!

Yeah, it stinks! She's got red, red cheeks, but she stinks, why does she stink? What do you sense, Karl?

I smell, I smell blood.

Blood? Why is everything turning red in front of my eyes? It's like they were rolling around in a sea of blood, all of them together! Ha! a red sea! Quiet - music. Quiet.
What are you saying? Louder, louder - stab, stab, dead. Stab, stab, dead. Should I? Must I? Is that what I hear, Is the wind saying it too?
The wind is telling me to do things, to do things, the wind told me to do things, the wind told me, the wind told me to do things. Let it go

So don't go and make a big deal out of nothin'.
Well, it's just a storm on a dime.
And I've always found there is nothing that money can't buy
I've already gone to the place where I'm going
There's no place left to fall
And there is something to be said for saying nothing at all...

And it's over, it's over, it's over
It's done, forgotten and through.
No one cares what it's all for.
You'll be buried in the clothes that you never wore
So keep your suitcase by the door.
It's over, let it go.
No one cares what it's all for.
You'll be buried in the clothes that you never wore
So keep your suitcase by the door.
It's over, let it go
You gotta let it go
Let it go

Scene 6
Woyzeck. Andres.

I am restless - I hear it always. Stab! Stab! Dead. It's always the same. I hear it all the time. Always the same. The same. Always the same. The same - the same - the same. And the walls are talking - don't you hear it?

Let them dance

It's always the same: Stab! Stab! It's like a knife between my eyes.

You should drink some schnapps. Put a little gunpowder in it. That'll lower the fever.

Drum Major
It's over, it's over ... let it go I'm a man! A man, I say. Who wants some? Unless you are God the Almighty and pissed as well, stay away from me. I'll shove your nose up your ass. I will... man have a drink. A man gotta drink. I wish the world were schnapps, schnapps. You want me to pull your tongue out of your throat and wrap it around you? Shall I leave you as much breath as an old woman's fart?

Drum Major

Bougainvillea's bloom and wind
Be careful mind the strangle vines
The rose is climbing over blind
'Cause the sun is on the other side
The bees will find their honey
The sweetest every time

Around a red rose 
I see a red rose, a red rose
Blooming on another man's vine

Golden Willie's gone to war
He left his young wife on the shore
Will she be steadfast everyday?
While Golden Willie is far away
Along the way her letters end
She never reads what Willie sends

Now I see a red rose
I smell a red rose
I'll pick a red rose
Blooming on another man's vine

<object classid="CLSID:22d6f312-b0f6-11d0-94ab-0080c74c7e95" codebase="http://activex.microsoft.com/activex/controls/mplayer/en/nsmp2inf.cab#%20Version=5,1,52,701" height="46" id="MediaPlayer1" standby="Loading Microsoft Windows� Media Player components..." type="application/x-oleobject" width="320"><embed autostart="0" height="46" name="MediaPlayer1" pluginspage="http://www.microsoft.com/Windows/MediaPlayer/" showcontrols="1" src="http://www.tomwaitslibrary.info/audio/woyzeck-anothermansvine.m3u" type="application/x-mplayer2" volume="-300" width="320"></embed> </object>
Listen to audio excerpt of Another Man's Vine as performed in the theatre play Woyzeck.
Sung by Tom Jensen (as drum major).
Betty Nansen theatre. Copenhagen/ Denmark. November 20, 2000.


Scene 1
(Mid Stage)
Marie. The Fool. The Child.

No guile was found in his mouth. O My God, my God! Don't look at me. But the Pharisees brought unto him a woman taken in adultery, and set her in the midst and Jesus said unto her. Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no more. My God! My God! I can't. God just give me enough strength to pray. The boy is like a knife in my heart. Karl!

This one has a golden crown - he is a king. Tomorrow I'll go get the queen's child. Blood sausage says, come, liver sausage! O Fallada, there you are hanging, rookedeegoo, blood's in the shoe, If I had you, did I want you. Mirror mirror on the wall

Franz hasn't been here, not yesterday, not today. It's getting hot in here. And stood at his feet weeping, and began to wash his feet with tears, and did wipe them with the hairs of her head, and kissed his feet, and anointed them with balm, it's all dead! All dead.

Marie and Woyzeck

I fell into the ocean
When you became my wife
I risked it all against the sea
To have a better life
Marie you're the wild blue sky
And men do foolish things
You turn kings into beggars
And beggars into kings

Let me lie about it all
Call back yesterday 
We lay down in a shady grove
With the yellow buds of May 
Now the shadows are getting longer
Winter's moving in
It is colder than I remember
That it's ever been

Pretend that you owe me nothing
And all the world is green
Let's pretend we can bring back the old days again
And all the world is green

The face forgives the mirror
The worm forgives the plow
The questions begs the answer
Can you forgive me somehow
Maybe when our story's over
We'll go where it's always spring
The band is playing our song again
And all the world is green

Pretend that you owe me nothing
And all the world is green
Let's pretend we can bring back the old days again
And all the world is green

When the moon is yellow silver
Oh the things that summer brings
It's a love you'd kill for
And all the world is green
He is balancing a diamond
On a blade of grass
The dew will settle on our grave
When all the world is green

Scene 2
(Full Stage)
Late Evening.
Marie and Woyzeck.


The ribbon round your neck
against your skin that's pale as bone
It is my favourite thing you've worn
The band is playing our song
And we won't go home, 'til morn

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Listen to audio excerpt of Woyzeck's Woe as performed in the theatre play Woyzeck.
Sung by Jens J�rn Spottag (as Woyzeck).
Betty Nansen theatre. Copenhagen/ Denmark. November 20, 2000.


Listen. Quiet! Over there.

Ooh! There! What a sound.

It's the water calling. It's bad to hear things like that.

Let's go Doctor

Scene 3
(Mid Stage)
Karl and the child.


Sun is red; moon is cracked
Daddy's never coming back
Nothing's ever yours to keep
Close your eyes, go to sleep
If I die before I you wake
Don't you cry don't you weep
Nothing's ever as it seems
Climb the ladder to your dreams
If I die before you wake

Once upon a time there was a poor child
with no father and no mother
everything was dead
and no one was left in the whole world.
Everything was dead
and it went and searched day and night
And since nobody was left on the earth
it wanted to go up to the heavens
and the moon was looking at it so friendly
and when it finally got to the moon
the moon was a piece of rotten wood
and then it went to the sun
and when it got there the sun was a wilted sunflower
and when it got to the stars
they were little golden flies
stuck up there
like the shrike sticks 'em on the blackthorn
and when it wanted to go back down to earth
the earth was an overturned piss pot!
and was all alone

Once upon a time there was a poor child
with no father and no mother
everything was dead
and no one was left in the whole world.
Everything was dead
and it went and searched day and night
And since nobody was left on the earth
it wanted to go up to the heavens
and the moon was looking at it so friendly
and when it finally got to the moon
the moon was a piece of rotten wood
and then it went to the sun
and when it got there the sun was a wilted sunflower
and when it got to the stars
they were little golden flies
stuck up there
like the shrike sticks 'em on the blackthorn
and when it wanted to go back down to earth
the earth was an overturned piss pot!
and was all alone

... and it sat down and cried
and there it sits to this day
all alone.

Misery's the river of the World,
Misery's the river of the World,
Misery's the river of the World,
Misery's the river of the World,
Misery's the river of the World
Everybody row, everybody row
Everybody row, everybody row

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Listen to audio excerpt of Children's Story as performed in the theatre play Woyzeck.
Sung by Ulla Henningsen (as Margret) and Benjamin Boe Rasmussen (as Karl).
Betty Nansen theatre. Copenhagen/ Denmark. November 20, 2000.