P01050050. Source: video screenshot from the Irish documentary "Freedom Highway" (directed by Philip King). Date: Prairie Sun studios. Cotati/ USA, 2001. Credits: video screenshot/ Hummingbird productions

P01050051. Source: video screenshot from the Irish documentary "Freedom Highway" (directed by Philip King). Date: Prairie Sun studios. Cotati/ USA, 2001. Credits: video screenshot/ Hummingbird productions

P01050052. Source: video screenshot from the Irish documentary "Freedom Highway" (directed by Philip King). Date: Prairie Sun studios. Cotati/ USA, 2001. Credits: video screenshot/ Hummingbird productions

P01050053. Source: video screenshot from the Irish documentary "Freedom Highway" (directed by Philip King). Date: Prairie Sun studios. Cotati/ USA, 2001. Credits: video screenshot/ Hummingbird productions

P01050054. Source: video screenshot from the Irish documentary "Freedom Highway" (directed by Philip King). Date: Prairie Sun studios. Cotati/ USA, 2001. Credits: video screenshot/ Hummingbird productions

P01050055. Source: video screenshot from the Irish documentary "Freedom Highway" (directed by Philip King). Date: Prairie Sun studios. Cotati/ USA, 2001. Credits: video screenshot/ Hummingbird productions

P01050100. Source: unknown (w. Calliope). Date: May 2001 or earlier. Credits: unknown

P01050101. Source: Annie Leibovitz portfolio, 2002. Date: May 18, 2001 (in studio w. Calliope). Credits: photography by Annie Leibovitz

P01050102. Source: Vanity Fair. February 2002. Date: May 18, 2001 (in studio w. Calliope). Credits: photography by Annie Leibovitz

P01050110. Source: Rolling Stone magazine (w. John Hammond and Charlie Musselwhite) . Date: San Francisco/ USA May, 2001. Credits: photography by Jay Blakesberg. Thanks to Rainy Stanford for donating scan

P01050120. Source: unknown (w. John Hammond). Date: 2001. Credits: unknown

P01050130. Source: San Francisco Chronicle. Date: March 21, 2001 at John Hammond's show at the Great American Music Hall in San Francisco. Credits: photography by Lacy Atkins

P01050140. Source: San Francisco Chronicle. Date: March 21, 2001 at John Hammond's show at the Great American Music Hall in San Francisco (w. John Hammond). Credits: photography by Lacy Atkins

P01050150. Source: Tom Waits honored with the ASCAP founders award at the 18th annual ASCAP Pop Music Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel. Date: May 22, 2001. Credits: unknown (screenshot)

P01050151. Source: Tom Waits honored with the ASCAP founders award at the 18th annual ASCAP Pop Music Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel. Date: May 22, 2001. Credits: unknown (screenshot)

P01050152. Source: Tom Waits honored with the ASCAP founders award at the 18th annual ASCAP Pop Music Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel. Date: May 22, 2001. Credits: unknown (screenshot)

P01050154. Source: Tom Waits honored with the ASCAP founders award at the 18th annual ASCAP Pop Music Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel (L. W. Bergman). Date: May 22, 2001. Credits: unknown

P01050155. Source: Tom Waits performing at the 18th annual ASCAP Pop Music Awards at the Beverly Hilton Hotel. Date: May 22, 2001. Credits: unknown

P01050160. Source: S�ddeutsche Zeitung site "F�ttere die H�hner gut!". September, 2004. Also printed in Houston Chronicle: October 4, 2004 "Tom Waits visits the California Senate in 2002 for a hearing on record label accounting practices, in Los Angeles." Date: September 24, 2002. Credits: Photo credit Lucy Nicholson/ AP

P01050170. Source: ANTI promo picture (press kit) for Alice/ Blood Money as published on anti.com, April, 2002. Date: 1999/ 2002. Credits: photography by Jesse Dylan

P01050180. Source: ANTI promo picture (press kit) for Alice/ Blood Money as published on anti.com, April, 2002. Date: 1999/ 2002. Credits: photography by Matt Mahurin

P01050190. Source: ANTI promo picture for Alice/ Blood Money as published on anti.com, April, 2002. Date: 2002(?). Credits: photography by James Minchin III

P01050191. Source: ANTI promo picture for Alice/ Blood Money as published in Chico News and Review (USA) May 7, 2002. Also printed in De Volkskrant (The Netherlands) September 30, 2004. Also printed on the front cover of Rolling Stone magazine (Germany) nr. 10 October 2004. Date: 2002 (?). Credits: photography by James Minchin III

P01050192. Source: James Minchin III portfolio. Date: 2002(?). Credits: photography by James Minchin III

P01050193. Source: Anti promo picture for Orphans, as published on Anti official site October 2006. Also printed on Now Magazine (Canada) November 16, 2006. Also printed in Revolver magazine (The Netherlands) December 2006. Also printed in Los Angeles Times (USA) November 19, 2006. Date: 2002(?). Credits: photography by James Minchin III

P01050195. Source: Aloha magazine (The Netherlands) "Ik Ben Niet Helemaal Krankzinnig". No 7, issue 6. October, 2004. Also printed in De Volkskrant (The Netherlands). September 30, 2004. Date: 2002(?). Credits: photography by James Minchin III

P01050196. Source: James Minchin III portfolio. Date: 2002(?). Credits: photography by James Minchin III

P01050197. Source: Anti promo picture for Orphans, as published on Anti official site October 2006. Date: 2002(?). Credits: photography by James Minchin III

P01050198. Source: NME archives, 2008. Date: 2002(?). Credits: photography by James Minchin III(?)

P01050200. Source: OOR Magazine, Nr. 8 (The Netherlands). April 20, 2002. Date: Flamingo Resort Hotel, Santa Rosa/ CA. February/ March 2002. Credits: photography by Jurri�n Wouterse

P01050210. Source: OOR Magazine, Nr. 8 (The Netherlands). April 20, 2002. Date: Flamingo Resort Hotel, Santa Rosa/ CA. February/ March 2002. Credits: photography by Jurri�n Wouterse

P01050220. Source: OOR Magazine, Nr. 8 (The Netherlands). April 20, 2002. Date: Flamingo Resort Hotel, Santa Rosa/ CA. February/ March 2002. Credits: photography by Jurri�n Wouterse

P01050230. Source: OOR Magazine, Nr. 8 (The Netherlands). April 20, 2002. Date: Flamingo Resort Hotel, Santa Rosa/ CA. February/ March 2002. Credits: photography by Jurri�n Wouterse. Books are: The Willie Dixon Biography "I am the Blues", "A Treasury of African Folklore" by Harold Courlander, "The Old West" series of books from Time-Life called "The Gunfighters" and "1886 Professional Criminals of America" by Thomas Byrnes (thanks to Hans Nijs & Kurt Gegenuber. Raindogs Listserv discussionlist. April 22, 2002)

P01050240. Source: OOR Magazine, Nr. 8 (The Netherlands). April 20, 2002. Date: Flamingo Resort Hotel, Santa Rosa/ CA. February/ March 2002. Credits: photography by Jurri�n Wouterse

P01050250. Source: OOR Magazine, Nr. 8 (The Netherlands). April 20, 2002. Date: Flamingo Resort Hotel, Santa Rosa/ CA. February/ March2002. Credits: photography by Jurri�n Wouterse

P01050260. Source: OOR Magazine, Nr. 8 (The Netherlands). April 20, 2002. Date: Flamingo Resort Hotel, Santa Rosa/ CA. February/ March 2002. Credits: photography by Jurri�n Wouterse

P01050270. Source: Het Volkskrant Magazine (The Netherlands). May 4, 2002. Date: Flamingo Hotel, Santa Rosa/ CA. February/ March. Published: May 4, 2002 (?). Credits: photography by Lukas G�bel

P01050275. Source: Het Volkskrant Magazine (The Netherlands). May 4, 2002. Date: Flamingo Hotel, Santa Rosa/ CA. February/ March. Published: May 4, 2002. Credits: photography by Lukas G�bel

P01050280. Source: Het Volkskrant Magazine (The Netherlands). May 4, 2002. Date: Flamingo Hotel, Santa Rosa/ CA. February/ March. Published: May 4, 2002. Credits: photography by Lukas G�bel

P01050290. Source: Het Volkskrant Magazine (The Netherlands). May 4, 2002. Date: Flamingo Hotel, Santa Rosa/ CA. February/ March. Published: May 4, 2002. Credits: photography by Lukas G�bel

P01050300. Source: Het Volkskrant Magazine (The Netherlands). May 4, 2002. Date: Flamingo Hotel, Santa Rosa/ CA. February/ March. Published: May 4, 2002. Credits: photography by Lukas G�bel

P01050310. Source: Het Volkskrant Magazine (The Netherlands). May 4, 2002. Date: Flamingo Hotel, Santa Rosa/ CA. February/ March. Published: May 4, 2002. Credits: photography by Lukas G�bel

P01050315. Source: Lukas Göbel archives. Date: Flamingo Hotel, Santa Rosa/ CA. February/ March. Published: May 4, 2002. Credits: photography by Lukas G�bel

P01050320. Source: booklet for the Alice CD. ANTI, 2002. Date: late 2001/ early 2002. Album released: May 4, 2002. Credits: photography and concept by Matt Mahurin. Design: Ralfinoe. A&R and Art Direction: Jeff Abarta.

P01050330. Source: booklet for the Alice CD. ANTI, 2002. Date: late 2001/ early 2002. Album released: May 4, 2002. Credits: photography and concept by Matt Mahurin. Design: Ralfinoe. A&R and Art Direction: Jeff Abarta.

P01050340. Source: booklet for the Alice CD. ANTI, 2002. Date: late 2001/ early 2002. Album released: May 4, 2002. Credits: photography and concept by Matt Mahurin. Design: Ralfinoe. A&R and Art Direction: Jeff Abarta.

P01050350. Source: booklet for the Blood Money CD. ANTI, 2002. Date: late 2001/ early 2002. Album released: May 4, 2002. Credits: A&R and Art Direction: Jeff Abarta. Design: Winni Wintermeyer. Photos and Concept: Jesse Dylan

P01050360. Source: booklet for the Blood Money CD. ANTI, 2002. Date: late 2001/ early 2002. Album released: May 4, 2002. Credits: A&R and Art Direction: Jeff Abarta. Design: Winni Wintermeyer. Photos and Concept: Jesse Dylan

P01050370. Source: booklet for the Blood Money CD. ANTI, 2002. Date: late 2001/ early 2002. Album released: May 4, 2002. Credits: A&R and Art Direction: Jeff Abarta. Design: Winni Wintermeyer. Photos and Concept: Jesse Dylan

P01050400. Source: booklet for the Blood Money CD. ANTI, 2002. Date: late 2001/ early 2002. Album released: May 4, 2002. Credits: A&R and Art Direction: Jeff Abarta. Design: Winni Wintermeyer. Photos and Concept: Jesse Dylan

P01050410. Source: booklet for the Blood Money CD. ANTI, 2002. Date: late 2001/ early 2002. Album released: May 4, 2002. Credits: A&R and Art Direction: Jeff Abarta. Design: Winni Wintermeyer. Photos and Concept: Jesse Dylan

P01050420. Source: booklet for the Blood Money CD. ANTI, 2002. Date: late 2001/ early 2002. Album released: May 4, 2002. Credits: A&R and Art Direction: Jeff Abarta. Design: Winni Wintermeyer. Photos and Concept: Jesse Dylan

P01050425. Source: screen shot from video promoting "God's Away On Business". ANTI, 2002. Date: shot June 2002 or earlier (same day as Anti Electronic Press Kit/ We're All Mad Here). Credits: Anti/ Epitaph 2002. Directed by Jesse Dylan

P01050426. Source: screen shot from video promoting "God's Away On Business". ANTI, 2002. Date: shot June 2002 or earlier (same day as Anti Electronic Press Kit/ We're All Mad Here). Credits: Anti/ Epitaph 2002. Directed by Jesse Dylan

P01050427. Source: screen shot from video promoting "God's Away On Business". ANTI, 2002. Date: shot June 2002 or earlier (same day as Anti Electronic Press Kit/ We're All Mad Here). Credits: Anti/ Epitaph 2002. Directed by Jesse Dylan

P01050428. Source: screen shot from Anti Records promo interview as distributed through Anti website (Anti Electronic Press Kit). Date: First published on Anti Records website June 13, 2002. Recorded on the same day the video for "God's Away On Business" was shot (probably the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles). Credits: Anti/ Epitaph 2002.

P01050430. Source: Uncut magazine 5th Anniversary Special. Take 61, June (May) 2002. Date: published: May, 2002. Credits: photography by Tom Sheehan

P01050431. Source: Uncut magazine 5th Anniversary Special. Take 61, June (May) 2002. Date: published: May, 2002. Credits: photography by Tom Sheehan

P01050432. Source: Uncut magazine 5th Anniversary Special. Take 61, June (May) 2002. Date: published: May, 2002. Credits: photography by Tom Sheehan

P01050433. Source: Uncut magazine 5th Anniversary Special. Take 61, June (May) 2002. Date: published: May, 2002. Credits: photography by Tom Sheehan

P01050434. Source: Uncut magazine 5th Anniversary Special. Take 61, June (May) 2002. Date: published: May, 2002. Credits: photography by Tom Sheehan

P01050450. Source: Zembla magazine, issue 7. December, 2004. Date: May, 2002. Credits: photography by Tom Sheehan. Thanks to Pascal Fricke for donating scan

P01050451. Source: Zembla magazine, issue 7. December, 2004. Date: May, 2002. Credits: photography by Tom Sheehan. Thanks to Pascal Fricke for donating scan

P01050480. Source: The Times magazine (UK), May 4, 2002 (magazine front cover). Date: Flamingo Resort Hotel, Santa Rosa/ CA. February/ March 2002. Published: May 4, 2002. Credits: photography by Mitch Jenkins. Thanks to Rob Matthews for donating scans

P01050490. Source: The Times magazine (UK), May 4, 2002. Date: Flamingo Resort Hotel, Santa Rosa/ CA. February/ March 2002. Published: May 4, 2002. Credits: photography by Mitch Jenkins

P01050495. Source: unknown. Date: Flamingo Resort Hotel, Santa Rosa/ CA. February/ March 2002. Credits: photography by Mitch Jenkins

P01050500. Source: The Times magazine (UK), May 4, 2002. Date: Flamingo Resort Hotel, Santa Rosa/ CA. February/ March 2002. Published: May 4, 2002. Credits: photography by Mitch Jenkins

P01050510. Source: The Times magazine (UK), May 4, 2002. Date: Flamingo Resort Hotel, Santa Rosa/ CA. February/ March 2002. Published: May 4, 2002. Credits: photography by Mitch Jenkins

P01050520. Source: The Times magazine (UK), May 4, 2002. Date: Flamingo Resort Hotel, Santa Rosa/ CA. February/ March 2002. Published: May 4, 2002. Credits: photography by Mitch Jenkins

P01050532. Source: TV screen shot from the "Late Show With David Letterman" (CBS TV-show). Date: Ed Sullivan Theater, New York/ USA. May 8, 2002. Credits: CBS (screenshots). Thanks to Jaime Mayo for donating screenshots

P01050533. Source: TV screen shot from the "Late Show With David Letterman" (CBS TV-show). Date: Ed Sullivan Theater, New York/ USA. May 8, 2002. Credits: CBS (screenshots)

P01050534. Source: TV screen shot from the "Late Show With David Letterman" (CBS TV-show). Date: Ed Sullivan Theater, New York/ USA. May 8, 2002. Credits: CBS (screenshots)

P01050537. Source: TV screen shot from the "Late Show With David Letterman" (CBS TV-show). Date: Ed Sullivan Theater, New York/ USA. May 8, 2002. Credits: CBS (screenshots)

P01050539. Source: TV screen shot from the "Late Show With David Letterman" (CBS TV-show). Date: Ed Sullivan Theater, New York/ USA. May 8, 2002. Credits: CBS (screenshots)

P01050540. Source: Alice/ Blood Money promo picture as published in "People & Music"/ Van Leest (The Netherlands). April/ June, 2002. Also printed in Rolling Stone magazine (Germany) nr. 5. May 2002. Also printed in Galore magazine vol. 4 (Germany) October/ November 2004. Date: 2002 (1999?). Credits: photography by Jean Baptiste Mondino

P01050541. Source: Alice/ Blood Money promo picture as published on planet.nl. May, 2002. Also published in Swedish magazine Groove nr. 4 2002. Date: 2002 (1999?). Credits: photography by Jean Baptiste Mondino (credited to Anton Corbijn)

P01050542. Source: Alice/ Blood Money promo picture as published in Black Book magazine (USA) June, 2002. Date: 2002 (1992?). Credits: photography by Jean Baptiste Mondino

P01050550. Source: Alice/ Blood Money promo picture as published on planet.nl. May, 2002. Also published in Swedish magazine Groove nr. 4 2002 and Black Book magazine (USA) June, 2002. Date: 2002 (1992?). Credits: photography by Jean Baptiste Mondino

P01050551. Source: Alice/ Blood Money promo picture. Also printed in Big Brother Skateboarding magazine (USA), July, 2002. Date: 2002 (1999?). Credits: photography by Jean Baptiste Mondino

P01050560. Source: Alice/ Blood Money promo picture as published in Black + White magazine (USA), Issue 61. June/ July 2002. Date: 2002 (1999?). Credits: photography by Anton Corbijn Thanks to Dorene LaLonde for donating magazine

P01050570. Source: Alice/ Blood Money promo picture as published on planet.nl. May, 2002. Date: 2002 (1999?). Credits: photography by Anton Corbijn

P01050575. Source: Alice/ Blood Money promo picture. Date: 2002 (1999?), published June 2009. Credits: photography by Anton Corbijn

P01050580. Source: Alice/ Blood Money promo picture as published in Humo magazine (Belgium), June 4, 2002 nr. 24/3222. Date: 2002 (1999?). Credits: photography by Anton Corbijn

P01050581. Source: Alice/ Blood Money promo picture. published June 2009. Date: 2002 (1999?). Credits: photography by Anton Corbijn

P01050582. Source: Alice/ Blood Money promo picture. Date: 2002 (1999?). Credits: photography by Anton Corbijn

P01050583. Source: Alice/ Blood Money promo picture, as published in Uncut Magazine December 2006. Date: 2002 (1999?). Credits: photography by Anton Corbijn

P01050590. Source: Galore magazine vol. 4 (Germany). October/ November 2004. Date: 2002 (1999?). Credits photography by Anton Corbijn. Thanks to Pascal Fricke for donating scan

P01050591. Source: Alice/ Blood Money promo picture as published in Humo magazine (Belgium), June 4, 2002 nr. 24/3222. Date: 2002 (1999?). Credits: photography by Anton Corbijn

P01050592. Source: Alice/ Blood Money promo picture. Date: 2002 (1999?). Credits: photography by Anton Corbijn

P01050600. Source: Alice/ Blood Money promo picture. Date: 2002 (1999?). Credits: photography by Anton Corbijn

P01050601. Source: Alice/ Blood Money promo picture. Date: 2002 (1999?), published June 2009. Credits: photography by Anton Corbijn

P01050602. Source: Alice/ Blood Money promo picture. Date: 2002 (1999?), published June 2009. Credits: photography by Anton Corbijn

P01050603. Source: Alice/ Blood Money promo picture as published in Les Inrockuptibles (France), May, 2002. Date: 2002 (1999?). Credits: photography by Anton Corbijn. Thanks to Laura Rangel for donating scan

P01050610. Source: Alice/ Blood Money promo picture as published on planet.nl. May, 2002. Date: 2002 (1999?). Credits: photography by Anton Corbijn

P01050611. Source: Alice/ Blood Money promo picture. Date: 2002 (1999?). Credits: photography by Anton Corbijn

P01050620. Source: Alice/ Blood Money promo picture. Date: 2002 (1999?). Credits: photography by Anton Corbijn

P01050630. Source: Alice/ Blood Money promo picture as published in Les Inrockuptibles (France), May, 2002. Date: 2002 ( 1999?). Credits: photography by Anton Corbijn. Thanks to Laura Rangel for donating scan

P01050640. Source: Alice/ Blood Money promo picture as published on planet.nl. May, 2002. Date: 2002 (1999?). Credits: photography by Anton Corbijn

P01050650. Source: Alice/ Blood Money promo picture as published on planet.nl. May, 2002. Date: 2002 (1999?). Credits: photography by Anton

P01050655. Source: Alice/ Blood Money promo picture as published on planet.nl. May, 2002. Date: 2002 (1999?). Credits: photography by Anton Corbijn

P01050656. Source: Alice/ Blood Money promo picture (Germany?). Date: 2002 (1999?). Credits: photography by Anton Corbijn

P01050660. Source: Alice/ Blood Money promo picture as published on planet.nl. May, 2002. Date: 2002 (1999?). Credits: photography by Anton Corbijn

P01050661. Source: Alice/ Blood Money promo picture. Date: 2002 (1999?), published June 2009. Credits: photography by Anton Corbijn

P01050662. Source: Alice/ Blood Money promo picture. Date: 2002 (1999?), published June 2009. Credits: photography by Anton Corbijn

P01050665. Source: Alice/ Blood Money promo picture (Germany?). Date: 2002 (1999?). Credits: photography by Anton Corbijn

P01050670. Source: Rolling Stone magazine (Germany) nr. 5. May, 2002. Also printed in The Wire (USA) August, 2002. Date: 2002 (1999?). Credits: photography by Anton Corbijn. Thanks to Dorene LaLonde for donating magazine

P01050690. Source: The Wire (USA) August, 2002. Date: 2002 (1999?). Credits: photography by Anton Corbijn. Submitted by Linda (lmlgag) as sent to Tom Waits Yahoo groups discussionlist August 28, 2002.

P01050700. Source: The Wire (USA) August, 2002. Date: 2002 (1999?). Credits: photography by Anton Corbijn. Submitted by Linda (lmlgag) as sent to Tom Waits Yahoo groups discussionlist August 28, 2002. Also printed in Lanacion, March 31, 2007

P01050705. Source: Alice/ Blood Money promo picture. Date: 2002 (1999?). Credits: photography by Anton Corbijn

P01050706. Source: Alice/ Blood Money promo picture. Date: 2002 (1999?). Credits: photography by Anton Corbijn

P01050707. Source: Alice/ Blood Money promo picture. Date: 2002 (1999?). Credits: photography by Anton Corbijn

P01050708. Source: Alice/ Blood Money promo picture. Date: 2002 (1999?). Credits: photography by Anton Corbijn

P01050710. Source: GQ magazine (USA) June, 2002. Date: Forestville CA, 2002. Credits: photography Mark Seliger. Thanks to Dorene LaLonde for donating magazine

P01050720. Source: GQ magazine (USA) June, 2002. Date: Forestville CA, 2002. Credits: photography Mark Seliger. Thanks to Dorene LaLonde for donating magazine

P01050730. Source: GQ magazine (USA) June, 2002. Date: Forestville CA, 2002. Credits: photography Mark Seliger. Thanks to Dorene LaLonde for donating magazine

P01050740. Source: GQ magazine (USA) June, 2002. Date: Forestville CA, 2002. Credits: photography Mark Seliger. Thanks to Dorene LaLonde for donating magazine

P01050741. Source: Mark Seliger portfolio. Date: Forestville CA, 2002. published June 2009. Credits: photography Mark Seliger

P01050742. Source: Mark Seliger portfolio. Date: Forestville CA, 2002. published June 2009. Credits: photography Mark Seliger

P01050750. Source: cover for SOMA magazine. July 2002. Date: 2002. Credits: photography by Russ Flatt

P01050760. Source: SOMA magazine. July 2002. Date: 2002. Credits: photography by Russ Flatt

P01050770. Source: Entertainment Weekly (USA) October 4, 2002. Vol. #675/676. Date: Santa Rosa CA. March 22, 2002. Credits: photography by Anton Corbijn. Thanks to Victoria Werner for donating scan. EW: "Usually, it takes a lot to make grizzled troubadour Tom Waits smile. In this case, it took just two little hands. In the middle of the shoot, one of Waits' sons ran up behind Tom and raised his hands--and out came this tender smirk. "This was probably my favorite shot. Tom's expression is very friendly and warm," say Corbijn, who has been photographing Waits, one of his favorite subjects, since 1978. "Tom is, in a sense, a natural in front of the camera, although he dislikes it."

P01050777. Source: Anti promo picture. Date: 2002(?), published 2006. Credits: photography by Anton Corbijn

P01050780. Source: Perou-Photographer official site. Date: Santa Rosa, 2002. Credits: photography by Perou

P01050781. Source: Perou-Photographer official site. Date: Santa Rosa, 2002. Credits: photography by Perou

P01050782. Source: Perou-Photographer official site. Date: Santa Rosa, 2002. Credits: photography by Perou

P01050783. Source: Perou-Photographer official site. Date: Santa Rosa, 2002. Credits: photography by Perou

P01050784. Source: Perou-Photographer official site. Date: Santa Rosa, 2002. Credits: photography by Perou

P01050785. Source: Perou-Photographer official site. Date: Santa Rosa, 2002. Credits: photography by Perou

P01050787. Source: Waits reading Charles Bukowski's "Laughing Heart". Video screenshot from "Bukowski: Born Into This" (2003). Date: summer 2003 or earlier. Credits: movie directed and produced by John Dullaghan

P01050788. Source: Waits reading Charles Bukowski's "Laughing Heart". Video screenshot from "Bukowski: Born Into This" (2003). Date: summer 2003 or earlier. Credits: movie directed and produced by John Dullaghan

P01050790. Source: "The Mojo Interview" Mojo magazine. October, 2004 (backstage w. Keith Richards). Also printed in Rolling Stone magazine (Germany), December 2006. Date: Wiltern Theatre, Los Angeles. November 4, 2002. Credits: photography unknown

P01050791. Source: screen shot from "The Ghost Of Tom Waits". Videoclip as published on rollingstone.com (backstage with The Rolling Stones). Date: Wiltern Theatre, Los Angeles. November 4, 2002. Credits: rollingstone.com

P01050792. Source: screen shot from "The Ghost Of Tom Waits". Videoclip as published on rollingstone.com (backstage with The Rolling Stones). Date: Wiltern Theatre, Los Angeles. November 4, 2002. Credits: rollingstone.com

P01050793. Source: Orphans booklet, 2006. Date: Wiltern Theatre, Los Angeles. November 4, 2002 (backstage with The Rolling Stones). Credits: photography unknown
P01050800. Source: 46th Annual San Francisco International Film Festival - Awards Night. With Peter Coyote. Date: San Francisco. April 23, 2003. Credits: photography by Gina Gayle

P01050801. Source: 46th Annual San Francisco International Film Festival. Backstage with: Dustin Hoffman, Robert Altman and Lily Tomlin. Date: San Francisco. April 23, 2003. Credits: photography by Arun Nevader/ WireImage

P01050802. Source: 46th Annual San Francisco International Film Festival - Awards Ceremony. Date: San Francisco. April 23, 2003. Credits: photography by Arun Nevader/ WireImage

P01050803. Source: 46th Annual San Francisco International Film Festival - Awards Ceremony. Date: San Francisco. April 23, 2003. Credits: photography by Frazer Harrison

P01050804. Source: 46th Annual San Francisco International Film Festival - Awards Ceremony. Date: San Francisco. April 23, 2003. Credits: photography by Frazer Harrison

P01050810. Source: Ricky Richardson at ImageEvent. Date: memorial celebration held for Teddy Edwards at the Hollywood Musician's Union. May 4, 2003. Credits: photography by Ricky Richardson

P01050820. Source: The New York Times. September 23, 2003. Date: Tom Waits at "Healing The Divide". September 21, 2003. At Avery Fisher Hall. Lincoln Center, New York. Credits: photography by Jack Vartoogian. Thanks to Dorene LaLonde for donating article

P01050821. Source: Adam Rountree portfolio/ Getty Images. Date: Tom Waits at "Healing The Divide". September 21, 2003. At Avery Fisher Hall. Lincoln Center, New York. Credits: photography by Adam Rountree

P01050822. Source: "Better Waits Than Never" By Kevin Canfield. Inthesetimes.com. Culture. November 8, 2004. Date: Tom Waits at "Healing The Divide". September 21, 2003. At Avery Fisher Hall. Lincoln Center, New York. Credits: photography by Adam Rountree

P01050830. Source: San Francisco Chronicle. October 23, 2003. Date: October 21, 2003 . With Jason Newsted, Austin Willacy, Norton Buffalo, Bonnie Raitt and Tom Waits at the Russian Hill school cafeteria (Little Kids Rock program). Credits: photography by: David Paul Morris

P01050831. Source: San Francisco Chronicle. October 23, 2003. Date: October 21, 2003. Russian Hill school cafeteria (Little Kids Rock program). Credits: photography by: David Paul Morris

P01050832. Source: Norton Buffalo official site, 2006. Date: October 21, 2003 . With Jason Newsted, Austin Willacy, Norton Buffalo, Bonnie Raitt, Tom Waits and David Wish at the Russian Hill school cafeteria (Little Kids Rock program). Credits: photography by: David Paul Morris

P01050835. Source: San Francisco Film Festival. Date: San Francisco Film Festival opening night. Castro Theatre (showing of "Coffee And Cigarettes"). April 15, 2004. Credits: photography by Frazer Harrison

P01050836. Source: San Francisco Film Festival. With Roxanne Messina-Cabtor and actor RZADate: San Francisco Film Festival opening night Castro Theatre (showing of "Coffee And Cigarettes"). April 15, 2004. Credits: photography by Frazer Harrison

P01050837. Source: San Francisco Film Festival. Date: San Francisco Film Festival opening night. Castro Theatre (showing of "Coffee And Cigarettes"). April 15, 2004. Credits: photography by Frazer Harrison

P01050840. Source: Real Gone studio sessions (Chris Blum video for "Top Of The Hill"). Date: ca. April, 2004. Credits: photography by Chris Blum

P01050841. Source: Real Gone studio sessions (Chris Blum video for "Top Of The Hill"). Date: ca. April, 2004. Credits: photography by Chris Blum

P01050842. Source: Real Gone studio sessions (Chris Blum video for "Top Of The Hill"). Date: ca. April, 2004. Credits: photography by Chris Blum

P01050844. Source: Real Gone studio sessions (Chris Blum video for "Top Of The Hill"). Date: ca. April, 2004. Credits: photography by Chris Blum

P01050845. Source: Real Gone studio sessions (Chris Blum video for "Top Of The Hill"). Date: ca. April, 2004. Credits: photography by Chris Blum

P01050850. Source: Real Gone promo picture as published on tickets.de. August, 2004. Date: ca. 2004. Credits: photography by Anton Corbijn

P01050851. Source: "Songs Of Decay From Waits", interview for Toronto Star (Canada). Copyright Toronto Star Newspapers Limited. Date: ca. 2004. Credits: photography by Anton Corbijn

P01050853. Source: Rockdelux magazine (Spain). Issue October, 2004. Date: ca. 2004. Credits: photography by Anton Corbijn. Thanks to Laura Rangel for donating scan

P01050854. Source: Anton Corbijn portfolio. Date: ca. 2004, published June 2009. Credits: photography by Anton Corbijn

P01050855. Source: Real Gone promo picture. Date: ca. 2004. Credits: unknown

P01050856. Source: Real Gone promo picture. As featured in Anti E-card, October 2004. Date: ca. 2004. Credits: photography by Anton Corbijn

P01050860. Source: Real Gone promo picture as published on Anti.com. August, 2004. Date: ca. 2004. Credits: photography by Anton Corbijn

P01050861. Source: Real Gone promo picture as published in Georgia Straight (Canada). October 7, 2004. Date: ca. 2004. Credits: photography by Anton Corbijn

P01050862. Source: Real Gone promo picture as published in Corriere Della Sera (Italy). October, 2004. Date: ca. 2004. Credits: photography by Anton Corbijn

P01050870. Source: Real Gone promo picture as published on Anti.com. August, 2004. Date: ca. 2004. Credits: photography by Anton Corbijn

P01050875. Source: Telegraph Magazine (UK). detail from cover. October, 2004. Date: ca. 2004. Credits: photography unknown

P01050876. Source: Telegraph Magazine (UK). October, 2004. Date: ca. 2004. Credits: photography by Anton Corbijn

P01050877. Source: Anton Corbijn portfolio. Date: ca. 2004. Credits: photography by Anton Corbijn

P01050880. Source: Real Gone promo picture as published on WarChild.com. August, 2004. Date: ca. 2004. Credits: photography by Anton Corbijn (Danny Clinch?)

P01050885. Source: Aloha magazine (The Netherlands) "Ik Ben Niet Helemaal Krankzinnig". No 7, issue 6. October, 2004. Also printed in Ottawa Xpress (Canada) October 7, 2004. Also printed in Georgia Straight (Canada) October 7, 2004. Also printed on the cover of WOM magazine (Germany) October, 2004. Date: ca. 2004. Credits: photography by Anton Corbijn (Danny Clinch?)

P01050890. Source: Rockdelux magazine (Spain). Issue October, 2004. Date: ca. 2004. Credits: photography by Anton Corbijn (Danny Clinch?). Thanks to Laura Rangel for donating scan

P01050895. Source: "Tom Waits: Dancing In The Dark" interview for Harp magazine (USA). Issue October/ November, 2004. Date: ca. 2004 (2002?). Credits: photography by Danny Clinch

P01050896. Source: "Tom Waits: Dancing In The Dark". Harp magazine (USA). Issue October/ November, 2004. Date: ca. 2004. Credits: photography by Danny Clinch

P01050897. Source: "Tom Waits: Dancing In The Dark". Harp magazine (USA). Issue October/ November, 2004. Date: ca. 2004. Credits: photography by Danny Clinch

P01050898. Source: "Tom Waits: Dancing In The Dark". Harp magazine (USA). Issue October/ November, 2004. Date: ca. 2004. Credits: photography by Danny Clinch

P01050899. Source: "Tom Waits: Dancing In The Dark". Harp magazine (USA). Issue October/ November, 2004. Date: ca. 2004. Credits: photography by Danny Clinch

P01050900. Source: "Tom Waits: Dancing In The Dark". Harp magazine (USA). Issue October/ November, 2004. Date: ca. 2004. Credits: photography by Danny Clinch

P01050901. Source: "Tom Waits: Dancing In The Dark". Harp magazine (USA). Issue October/ November, 2004. Date: ca. 2004. Credits: photography by Danny Clinch

P01050905. Source: Mojo magazine. October, 2004. Date: ca. 2004. Credits: photography by Eva Vermandel

P01050906. Source: Sylvie Simmons official site. Date: Little Amsterdam restaurant, Petaluma CA. September 2004 or earlier. Credits: Sylvie Simmons portfolio. Photography by Eva Vermandel (?)

P01050910. Source: "The Mojo Interview", Mojo magazine. October, 2004. Date: ca. 2004. Credits: photography by Eva Vermandel

P01050920. Source: Mojo magazine. October, 2004. Date: ca. 2004. Credits: photography by Eva Vermandel(?)

P01050931. Source: Eva Vermandel portfolio. Date: ca. 2004. Credits: photography by Eva Vermandel

P01050940. Source: Aloha magazine (The Netherlands) "Ik Ben Niet Helemaal Krankzinnig". No 7, issue 6. October, 2004. Date: ca. 2004. Credits: unknown

P01050950. Source: Aloha magazine (The Netherlands). "Ik Ben Niet Helemaal Krankzinnig". No 7, issue 6. October, 2004 (w. Evert Winkelman). Date: Little Amsterdam restaurant, 2004. Credits: photography by Jean-Paul Heck(?)

P01050960. Source: Los Angeles Times (USA). "A Cluttered Harmony". September 26, 2004. Date: ca. 2004. Credits: photography by Kim Kulish

P01050962. Source: Kim Kulish portfolio. Date: ca. 2004. Credits: photography by Kim Kulish

P01050965. Source: Kim Kulish portfolio. Date: ca. 2004. Credits: photography by Kim Kulish

P01050971. Source: Screenshot from "The Late Show with David Letterman" (US TV show). Date: Ed Sullivan Theater, New York/ USA. September 28, 2004. Credits: CBS TV show/ �CBS Broadcasting Inc. Video file provided by Krup

P01050972. Source: Screenshot from "The Late Show with David Letterman" (US TV show). Date: Ed Sullivan Theater, New York/ USA. September 28, 2004. Credits: CBS TV show/ �CBS Broadcasting Inc. Video file provided by Krup

P01050973. Source: Screenshot from "The Late Show with David Letterman" (US TV show). Date: Ed Sullivan Theater, New York/ USA. September 28, 2004. Credits: CBS TV show/ �CBS Broadcasting Inc. Video file provided by Krup

P01050974. Source: Screenshot from "The Late Show with David Letterman" (US TV show). Date: Ed Sullivan Theater, New York/ USA. September 28, 2004. Credits: CBS TV show/ �CBS Broadcasting Inc. Video file provided by Krup

P01050975. Source: Screenshot from "The Late Show with David Letterman" (US TV show). Date: Ed Sullivan Theater, New York/ USA. September 28, 2004. Credits: CBS TV show/ �CBS Broadcasting Inc. Video file provided by Krup

P01050978. Source: with Bent Clausen and David Coulter (The Black Rider, San Francisco/ USA). Date: San Francisco September/ October, 2004. Credits: as published on Richard Strange official site, 2005.

P01050980. Source: "Barroom Bard's Next Round" interview for San Francisco Chronicle (USA). October 3, 2004. �2004 San Francisco Chronicle. Date: ca. 2004. Credits: photography by Mark Costantini

P01050981. Source: San Francisco Chronicle (USA) archives. Date: ca. 2004. Credits: photography by Mark Costantini

P01050982. Source: "Barroom Bard's Next Round" interview for San Francisco Chronicle (USA). October 3, 2004. �2004 San Francisco Chronicle. Date: ca. 2004. Credits: photography by Mark Costantini

P01050990. Source: "Magnet Interview With Tom Waits". Cover for Magnet magazine (UK). Issue October/ November, 2004. Date: 2004. Credits: photography by Christian Lantry

P01050995. Source: "Magnet Interview With Tom Waits" interview for Magnet magazine (UK). Issue October/ November, 2004. Date: 2004. Credits: photography by Christian Lantry

P01050996. Source: Christian Lantry portfolio. Date: 2004. Credits: photography by Christian Lantry

P01050996. Source: Christian Lantry portfolio. Date: 2004. Credits: photography by Christian Lantry

P01051010. Source: Orpheum Theater, Vancouver/ Canada. As published on straight.com. �2004 Vancouver Free Press. Date: October 15, 2004. Credits: photography by Rebecca Blisset

P01051015. Vancouver (Canada), October 2004. Date: October 15/16, 2004. Credits: Photograph by Steve Bosch/ The Vancouver Sun

P01051020. Source: Paramount Theater. Seattle/ USA. Date: October 18, 2004. Credits: photography by "JD" as posted on MTHead Message Board. October 19, 2004

P01051025. Source: Paramount Theater. Seattle/ USA. Date: October 18, 2004. Credits: photography by "JD" as posted on MTHead Message Board. October 19, 2004

P01051035. Source: Paramount Theater. Seattle/ USA. Date: October 18, 2004. Credits: photography by "JD" as posted on MTHead Message Board. October 19, 2004

P01051060. Source: Theater des Westens. Berlin/ Germany. As published on FAZ.net. � F.A.Z. Electronic Media GmbH 2001 - 2004. Date: November 16, 2004. Credits: copyright: DDP- AP- DPA Germany

P01051061. Source: Theater des Westens. Berlin/ Germany. As published on FAZ.net. � F.A.Z. Electronic Media GmbH 2001 - 2004. Date: November 16, 2004. Credits: copyright: DDP- AP- DPA Germany

P01051062. Source: Theater des Westens. Berlin/ Germany. As published on FAZ.net. � F.A.Z. Electronic Media GmbH 2001 - 2004. Date: November 16, 2004. Credits: copyright: DDP- AP- DPA Germany

P01051063. Source: Theater des Westens. Berlin/ Germany. As published on FAZ.net. � F.A.Z. Electronic Media GmbH 2001 - 2004. Date: November 16, 2004. Credits: copyright: DDP- AP- DPA Germany

P01051065. Source: Theater des Westens. Berlin/ Germany. As published on FAZ.net. � F.A.Z. Electronic Media GmbH 2001 - 2004. Date: November 16, 2004. Credits: copyright: DDP- AP- DPA Germany

P01051066. Source: Theater des Westens. Berlin/ Germany. As published on FAZ.net. � F.A.Z. Electronic Media GmbH 2001 - 2004. Date: November 16, 2004. Credits: copyright: DDP- AP- DPA Germany

P01051067. Source: Theater des Westens. Berlin/ Germany. As published on FAZ.net. � F.A.Z. Electronic Media GmbH 2001 - 2004. Date: November 16, 2004. Credits: copyright: DDP- AP- DPA Germany

P01051068. Source: Theater des Westens. Berlin/ Germany. As published on FAZ.net. � F.A.Z. Electronic Media GmbH 2001 - 2004. Date: November 16, 2004. Credits: copyright: DDP- AP- DPA Germany

P01051070. Source: Theater des Westens. Berlin/ Germany. As published on FAZ.net. � F.A.Z. Electronic Media GmbH 2001 - 2004. Date: November 16, 2004. Credits: copyright: DDP- AP- DPA Germany

P01051071. Source: Theater des Westens. Berlin/ Germany. As published on FAZ.net. � F.A.Z. Electronic Media GmbH 2001 - 2004. Date: November 16, 2004. Credits: copyright: DDP- AP- DPA Germany

P01051072. Source: Theater des Westens. Berlin/ Germany. As published on FAZ.net. � F.A.Z. Electronic Media GmbH 2001 - 2004. Date: November 16, 2004. Credits: copyright: DDP- AP- DPA Germany

P01051073. Source: Theater des Westens. Berlin/ Germany. Date: November 16, 2004. Credits: copyright: AFP, DDP Germany. Photography by Michael Kappeler

P01051074. Source: Theater des Westens. Berlin/ Germany. Date: November 16, 2004. Credits: copyright: AFP, DDP Germany. Photography by Michael Kappeler
P01051075. Source: Theater des Westens. Berlin/ Germany. Date: November 16, 2004. Credits: copyright: AFP, DDP Germany. Photography by Michael Kappeler
P01051080. Source: Koninklijk Theater Carr�. Amsterdam/ The Netherlands. As published on mojo.nl. Date: November 19, 2004. Credits: photo credit/ copyright: Paul Bergen

P01051081. Source: Koninklijk Theater Carr�. Amsterdam/ The Netherlands. As published on mojo.nl. Date: November 19, 2004. Credits: photo credit/ copyright: Paul Bergen

P01051082. Source: Koninklijk Theater Carr�. Amsterdam/ The Netherlands. As published on mojo.nl. Date: November 19, 2004. Credits: photo credit/ copyright: Paul Bergen

P01051083. Source: Koninklijk Theater Carr�. Amsterdam/ The Netherlands. As published on mojo.nl. Date: November 19, 2004. Credits: photo credit/ copyright: Paul Bergen

P01051084. Source: Koninklijk Theater Carr�. Amsterdam/ The Netherlands. As published on mojo.nl. Date: November 19, 2004. Credits: photo credit/ copyright: Paul Bergen

P01051085. Source: Koninklijk Theater Carr�. Amsterdam/ The Netherlands. As published on mojo.nl. Date: November 19, 2004. Credits: photo credit/ copyright: Paul Bergen

P01051086. Source: Koninklijk Theater Carr�. Amsterdam/ The Netherlands. As published on mojo.nl. Date: November 19, 2004. Credits: photo credit/ copyright: Paul Bergen

P01051087. Source: Koninklijk Theater Carr�. Amsterdam/ The Netherlands. As published on mojo.nl. Date: November 19, 2004. Credits: photo credit/ copyright: Paul Bergen

P01051088. Source: Koninklijk Theater Carr�. Amsterdam/ The Netherlands. As published on mojo.nl. Date: November 19, 2004. Credits: photo credit/ copyright: Paul Bergen

P01051089. Source: Koninklijk Theater Carr�. Amsterdam/ The Netherlands. As published on mojo.nl. Date: November 19, 2004. Credits: photo credit/ copyright: Paul Bergen

P01051090. Source: Koninklijk Theater Carr�. Amsterdam/ The Netherlands. As published on mojo.nl. Date: November 19, 2004. Credits: photo credit/ copyright: Paul Bergen

P01051091. Source: Koninklijk Theater Carr�. Amsterdam/ The Netherlands. As published on mojo.nl. Date: November 19, 2004. Credits: photo credit/ copyright: Paul Bergen

P01051092. Source: Koninklijk Theater Carr�. Amsterdam/ The Netherlands. As published on mojo.nl. Date: November 19, 2004. Credits: photo credit/ copyright: Paul Bergen

P01051093. Source: OOR magazine (The Netherlands) nr 25-26. December 11, 2004. Date: Koninklijk Theater Carr�. Amsterdam/ The Netherlands. November 19, 2004. Credits: photography by Peter Pakvis

P01051095. Source: Koninklijk Theater Carr�. Amsterdam/ The Netherlands. As published on the frontpage of Dutch newspaper Het Parool: November 20, 2004. Date: November 19, 2004. Credits: photocredit/ copyright: Robert Vos/ ANP. Thanks to Floris Cooman for donating scan

P01051096. Source: Koninklijk Theater Carr�. Amsterdam/ The Netherlands. As published in Het Parool (The Netherlands), November 20, 2004. Date: November 19, 2004. Credits: photography by Roy Tee

P01051100. Source: Koninklijk Theater Carr�. Amsterdam/ The Netherlands. As published on Frontstage Photography (Andreas Terlaak, The Netherlands). Date: November 20, 2004. Credits: photography by Andreas Terlaak. Kind permission Andreas Terlaak

P01051101. Source: Koninklijk Theater Carr�. Amsterdam/ The Netherlands. As published on Frontstage Photography (Andreas Terlaak, The Netherlands). Date: November 20, 2004. Credits: photography by Andreas Terlaak. Kind permission Andreas Terlaak

P01051102. Source: Koninklijk Theater Carr�. Amsterdam/ The Netherlands. As published on Frontstage Photography (Andreas Terlaak, The Netherlands). Date: November 20, 2004. Credits: photography by Andreas Terlaak. Kind permission Andreas Terlaak

P01051103. Source: Koninklijk Theater Carr�. Amsterdam/ The Netherlands. As published on Frontstage Photography (Andreas Terlaak, The Netherlands). Date: November 20, 2004. Credits: photography by Andreas Terlaak. Kind permission Andreas Terlaak

P01051104. Source: Koninklijk Theater Carr�. Amsterdam/ The Netherlands. As published on Frontstage Photography (Andreas Terlaak, The Netherlands). Date: November 20, 2004. Credits: photography by Andreas Terlaak. Kind permission Andreas Terlaak

P01051105. Source: Koninklijk Theater Carr�. Amsterdam/ The Netherlands. As published on Frontstage Photography (Andreas Terlaak, The Netherlands). Date: November 20, 2004. Credits: photography by Andreas Terlaak. Kind permission Andreas Terlaak

P01051106. Source: Koninklijk Theater Carr�. Amsterdam/ The Netherlands. As published on Frontstage Photography (Andreas Terlaak, The Netherlands). Date: November 20, 2004. Credits: photography by Andreas Terlaak. Kind permission Andreas Terlaak

P01051107. Source: Koninklijk Theater Carr�. Amsterdam/ The Netherlands. As published on Frontstage Photography (Andreas Terlaak, The Netherlands). Date: November 20, 2004. Credits: photography by Andreas Terlaak. Kind permission Andreas Terlaak

P01051108. Source: Koninklijk Theater Carr�. Amsterdam/ The Netherlands. As published on Frontstage Photography (Andreas Terlaak, The Netherlands). Date: November 20, 2004. Credits: photography by Andreas Terlaak. Kind permission Andreas Terlaak

P01051109. Source: Koninklijk Theater Carr�. Amsterdam/ The Netherlands. As published on Frontstage Photography (Andreas Terlaak, The Netherlands). Date: November 20, 2004. Credits: photography by Andreas Terlaak. Kind permission Andreas Terlaak

P01051110. Source: Koninklijk Theater Carr�. Amsterdam/ The Netherlands. As published on Peter's Concert Foto's. Date: November 20, 2004. Credits: photography by "Peter". Kind permission "Peter"

P01051111. Source: Koninklijk Theater Carr�. Amsterdam/ The Netherlands. As published on Peter's Concert Foto's. Date: November 20, 2004. Credits: photography by "Peter". Kind permission "Peter"

P01051112. Source: Koninklijk Theater Carr�. Amsterdam/ The Netherlands. As published on Peter's Concert Foto's. Date: November 20, 2004. Credits: photography by "Peter". Kind permission "Peter"

P01051113. Source: Koninklijk Theater Carr�. Amsterdam/ The Netherlands. As published on Peter's Concert Foto's. Date: November 20, 2004. Credits: photography by "Peter". Kind permission "Peter"

P01051114. Source: Koninklijk Theater Carr�. Amsterdam/ The Netherlands. As published on Peter's Concert Foto's. Date: November 20, 2004. Credits: photography by "Peter". Kind permission "Peter"

P01051115. Source: Koninklijk Theater Carr�. Amsterdam/ The Netherlands. As published on Peter's Concert Foto's. Date: November 20, 2004. Credits: photography by "Peter". Kind permission "Peter"

P01051120. Source: Koninklijk Theater Carr�. Amsterdam/ The Netherlands. Date: November 21, 2004. Credits: thanks to "Peter II" from Holland for donating picture

P01051121. Source: Koninklijk Theater Carr�. Amsterdam/ The Netherlands. Date: November 21, 2004. Credits: thanks to "Peter II" from Holland for donating picture

P01051130. Source: Carling (Hammersmith) Apollo theatre. London/ UK. W. Sullivan Waits on congas. Date: November 23, 2004. Credits: thanks to Helen Rosemier for donating picture

P01051131. Source: Carling (Hammersmith) Apollo theatre. London/ UK. W. Sullivan Waits on congas. Date: November 23, 2004. Credits: thanks to Helen Rosemier for donating picture

P01051140. Source: Rolling Stone magazine (germany), December 2006. Date: Carling (Hammersmith) Apollo theatre. London/ UK. November 23, 2004. Credits: AP photo, photography by Yui Mok

P01051141. Source: The Observer blog. March 16, 2005. � Guardian Newspapers Limited 2005. Date: Carling (Hammersmith) Apollo theatre. London/ UK. November 23, 2004. Credits: AP photo

P01051142. Source: "Off Beat", The Observer Magazine (UK). October 29, 2006. Date: Carling (Hammersmith) Apollo theatre. London/ UK. November 23, 2004. Credits: AP photo

P01051150. Source: Carling (Hammersmith) Apollo theatre. London/ UK. Date: November 23, 2004. Credits: Carey Brandon/ Redferns

P01051151. Source: Carling (Hammersmith) Apollo theatre. London/ UK. Date: November 23, 2004. Credits: Carey Brandon/ Redferns

P01051152. Word magazine (UK), December 2006. Date: Carling (Hammersmith) Apollo theatre. London/ UK, November 23, 2004. Credits: unknown.

P01051160. Source: "Keeping The Torch Lit" Award Ceremony honoring Tom Waits in the Bank of America Theater at the National Hispanic Cultural CenterAlbuquerque (w. Christopher Coppola). Date: July 29, 2005. Credits: The Duke City Shoot Out/ Ears xx1 official site

P01051170. Source: "Keeping The Torch Lit" Award Ceremony honoring Tom Waits in the Bank of America Theater at the National Hispanic Cultural CenterAlbuquerque (w. Christopher Coppola). Date: July 29, 2005. Credits: The Duke City Shoot Out/ Ears xx1 official site

P01051180. Source: "Keeping The Torch Lit" Award Ceremony honoring Tom Waits in the Bank of America Theater at the National Hispanic Cultural CenterAlbuquerque (w. Christopher Coppola). Date: July 29, 2005. Credits: The Duke City Shoot Out/ Ears xx1 official site

P01051190. Source: "Keeping The Torch Lit" Award Ceremony honoring Tom Waits in the Bank of America Theater at the National Hispanic Cultural CenterAlbuquerque (w. Christopher Coppola). Date: July 29, 2005. Credits: The Duke City Shoot Out/ Ears xx1 official site

P01051200. Source: "From The Big Apple to The Big Easy" benefit for Hurricane Katrina victims. Date: September 20, 2005. Radio City Music Hall/ N.Y.C./ USA. Credits: photography by Jon Simon

P01051201. Source: "From The Big Apple to The Big Easy" benefit for Hurricane Katrina victims. Date: September 20, 2005. Radio City Music Hall/ N.Y.C./ USA. Credits: photography by Jon Simon

P01051202. Source: "From The Big Apple to The Big Easy" benefit for Hurricane Katrina victims. Date: September 20, 2005. Radio City Music Hall/ N.Y.C./ USA. Credits: photography by Jon Simon

P01051205. Source: "From The Big Apple to The Big Easy" benefit for Hurricane Katrina victims. Date: September 20, 2005. Radio City Music Hall/ N.Y.C./ USA. Credits: photography by Mike Segar

P01051206. Source: "From The Big Apple to The Big Easy" benefit for Hurricane Katrina victims. Date: September 20, 2005. Radio City Music Hall/ N.Y.C./ USA. Credits: photography by Mike Segar

P01051207. Source: "From The Big Apple to The Big Easy" benefit for Hurricane Katrina victims. Date: September 20, 2005. Radio City Music Hall/ N.Y.C./ USA. Credits: photography by Mike Segar

P01051211. Source: "From The Big Apple to The Big Easy" benefit for Hurricane Katrina victims. Date: September 20, 2005. Radio City Music Hall/ N.Y.C./ USA. Credits: photography by John Helmus

P01051213. Source: "From The Big Apple to The Big Easy" benefit for Hurricane Katrina victims. Date: September 20, 2005. Radio City Music Hall/ N.Y.C./ USA. Credits: photography by John Helmus

P01051214. Source: "From The Big Apple to The Big Easy" benefit for Hurricane Katrina victims. Also printed in Detroit Free Press (USA) August 11, 2006. Date: September 20, 2005. Radio City Music Hall/ N.Y.C./ USA. Credits: photography by Scott Gries

P01051215. Source: "From The Big Apple to The Big Easy" benefit for Hurricane Katrina victims. Printed in Le Monde (France), November 23, 2006. Date: September 20, 2005. Radio City Music Hall/ N.Y.C./ USA. Credits: photography by Scott Gries

P01051216. Source: "From The Big Apple to The Big Easy" benefit for Hurricane Katrina victims. Date: September 20, 2005. Radio City Music Hall/ N.Y.C./ USA. Credits: photography by Scott Gries

P01051217. Source: "From The Big Apple to The Big Easy" benefit for Hurricane Katrina victims. Date: September 20, 2005. Radio City Music Hall/ N.Y.C./ USA. Credits: photography by Scott Gries

P01051218. Source: "From The Big Apple to The Big Easy" benefit for Hurricane Katrina victims. Date: September 20, 2005. Radio City Music Hall/ N.Y.C./ USA. Credits: photography by Scott Gries

P01051219. Source: "From The Big Apple to The Big Easy" benefit for Hurricane Katrina victims. Date: September 20, 2005. Radio City Music Hall/ N.Y.C./ USA. Credits: photography by Scott Gries

P01051220. Source: "From The Big Apple to The Big Easy" benefit for Hurricane Katrina victims. Date: September 20, 2005. Radio City Music Hall/ N.Y.C./ USA. Credits: photography by Scott Gries

P01051221. Source: "From The Big Apple to The Big Easy" benefit for Hurricane Katrina victims. Date: September 20, 2005. Radio City Music Hall/ N.Y.C./ USA. Credits: photography by Scott Gries

P01051225. Source: video screenshot from "La Tigre E La Neve" (Italy). Date: released September, 2005. Credits: (screenshot), movie directed by Roberto Benigni

P01051226. Source: video screenshot from "La Tigre E La Neve" (Italy). Date: released September, 2005. Credits: (screenshot), movie directed by Roberto Benigni

P01051227. Source: video screenshot from "La Tigre E La Neve" (Italy). Date: released September, 2005. Credits: (screenshot), movie directed by Roberto Benigni

P01051230. Source: video screenshot from "Domino". Date: movie released October 2, 2005. Credits: (screenshot), movie directed by Tony Scott

P01051231. Source: video screenshot from "Domino". Date: movie released October 2, 2005. Credits: (screenshot), movie directed by Tony Scott

P01051231. Source: video screenshot from "Domino". Date: movie released October 2, 2005. Credits: (screenshot), movie directed by Tony Scott

P01051233. Source: video screenshot from "Domino". Date: movie released October 2, 2005. Credits: (screenshot), movie directed by Tony Scott

P01051240. Source: Reception after the performance of "Impossible Boulevard - From Homelessness To Hope". With Tim Robbins and Alfre Woodard. Date: Kirk Douglas Theatre, Los Angeles/ USA. October 29, 2005. Credits: photography by Michael Buckner