P86900001. Source: Rolling Stone magazine. January 30, 1986. Also printed in "Rolling Stone - The Photographs" (Simon & Schuster Adult Publishing Group, 1989). Date: January 1986 or earlier. Credits: photography by Matt Mahurin

P86900005. Source: "The Late Show with David Letterman" (US TV show). Date: Ed Sullivan Theater, New York/ USA. February, 1986. Also lists as November/ December, 1985. Credits: video screenshot/ �CBS Broadcasting Inc.

P86900006. Source: "The Late Show with David Letterman" (US TV show). Date: Ed Sullivan Theater, New York/ USA. February, 1986. Also lists as November/ December, 1985. Credits: video screenshot/ �CBS Broadcasting Inc.

P86900007. Source: "The Late Show with David Letterman" (US TV show). Date: Ed Sullivan Theater, New York/ USA. February, 1986. Also lists as November/ December, 1985. Credits: video screenshot/ �CBS Broadcasting Inc.

P86900009. Source: "The Late Show with David Letterman" (US TV show). Date: Ed Sullivan Theater, New York/ USA. February, 1986. Also lists as November/ December, 1985. Credits: video screenshot/ �CBS Broadcasting Inc.

P86900010. Source: still from the movie: "Down by Law". Waits as DJ Zack (w. Ellen Barkin). Date: movie shot early 1986, released 1986. Credits: Unknown. Movie directed by Jim Jarmusch. Photography by Robby M�ller(?)

P86900011. Source: still from the movie: "Down by Law". Waits as DJ Zack (w. Ellen Barkin). Date: movie shot early 1986, released 1986. Credits: Unknown. Movie directed by Jim Jarmusch. Photography by Robby Müller(?)

P86900013. Source: still from the movie: "Down by Law". Waits as DJ Zack. Date: movie shot early 1986, released 1986. Credits: Unknown. Movie directed by Jim Jarmusch. Photography by Robby M�ller(?)

P86900014. Source: still from the movie: "Down by Law". Waits as DJ Zack. Date: movie shot early 1986, released 1986. Credits: Unknown. Movie directed by Jim Jarmusch. Photography by Robby M�ller(?)

P86900018. Source: from the book: "Small Change, A life of Tom Waits". Patrick Humphries, 1989. Also printed in Mojo magazine. October, 2004. Still from the movie: "Down by Law". Waits as DJ Zack. Date: movie shot early 1986, released 1986. Credits: National Film Archive London. Photography by Robby M�ller(?)

P86900021. Source: still from the movie: "Down by Law". Waits as DJ Zack. Date: movie shot early 1986, released 1986. Credits: Unknown. Movie directed by Jim Jarmusch. Photography by Robby M�ller(?)

P86900022. Source: still from the movie: "Down by Law". Waits as DJ Zack. Date: movie shot early 1986, released 1986. Credits: Unknown. Movie directed by Jim Jarmusch. Photography by Robby M�ller(?)

P86900026. Source: still from the movie: "Down by Law". Waits as DJ Zack. Date: movie shot early 1986, released 1986. Credits: Unknown. Movie directed by Jim Jarmusch. Photography by Robby M�ller(?)

P86900027. Source: still from the movie: "Down by Law". Waits as DJ Zack. Date: movie shot early 1986, released 1986. Credits: Unknown. Movie directed by Jim Jarmusch. Photography by Robby M�ller(?)

P86900028. Source: still from the movie: "Down by Law". Waits as DJ Zack. Date: movie shot early 1986, released 1986. Credits: Unknown. Movie directed by Jim Jarmusch. Photography by Robby M�ller(?)

P86900029. Source: still from the movie: "Down by Law". Waits as DJ Zack. Date: movie shot early 1986, released 1986. Credits: Unknown. Movie directed by Jim Jarmusch. Photography by Robby M�ller(?)

P86900031. Source: still from the movie: "Down by Law". Waits as DJ Zack. Date: movie shot early 1986, released 1986. Credits: Unknown. Movie directed by Jim Jarmusch. Photography by Robby M�ller(?)

P86900032. Source: still from the movie: "Down by Law". Waits as DJ Zack. Printed in Rolling Stone magazine (Germany) nr. 5 may 2002. Date: movie shot early 1986, released 1986. Credits: Unknown. Movie directed by Jim Jarmusch. Photography by Robby M�ller(?)

P86900033. Source: still from the movie: "Down by Law" w. John Lurie. Date: movie shot early 1986, released 1986. Credits: Unknown. Movie directed by Jim Jarmusch. Photography by Robby M�ller(?)

P86900034. Source: on the set of "Down by Law". w. Roberto Bengini. Date: movie shot early 1986, released 1986. Credits: printed in Orphans booklet, 2006

P86900040. Source: Down By Law promo picture. Date: unknown. Movie shot early 1986, released 1986. Credits: Island Pictures. Photography by Howard Rosenberg

P86900041. Source: Howard Rosenberg portfolio. Date: unknown. Credits: photography by Howard Rosenberg

P86900042. Source: Down By Law promo picture. Also printed in New Musical Express magazine (UK), January 10, 1987. Also printed on the innersleeve for "Smack My Crack" (Giorno Poetry Systems, 1987). Date: 1986. Movie shot early 1986, released late 1986. Credits: photography by Robby M�ller(?)

P86900046. Source: Cutting Edge Interview (MTV) screenshot. Date: Travelers Caf�. Los Angeles/ USA. Aired February, 1986. Credits: "Cutting Edge" (MTV) screenshot

P86900047. Source: Cutting Edge Interview (MTV) screenshot. Date: Travelers Caf�. Los Angeles/ USA. Aired February, 1986. Credits: "Cutting Edge" (MTV) screenshot

P86900048. Source: Edward Clover archives. Date: Travelers Caf�. Los Angeles/ USA, 1986. Credits:photography by Edward Clover

P86900051. Source: Island video promoting Rain Dogs, featured in: "Egos And Icons: Tom Waits Skid Romeo" (MuchMusic, 1993). Date: filmed Chinatown, San Francisco, early 1986. Aired from April 1986 on. Credits: directed by Chris Blum, 1986

P86900053. Source: Island video promoting Rain Dogs, featured in: "Egos And Icons: Tom Waits Skid Romeo" (MuchMusic, 1993). Date: filmed Chinatown, San Francisco, early 1986. Aired from April 1986 on. Credits: directed by Chris Blum, 1986

P86900054. Source: Island video promoting Rain Dogs, featured in: "Egos And Icons: Tom Waits Skid Romeo" (MuchMusic, 1993). Date: filmed Chinatown, San Francisco, early 1986. Aired from April 1986 on. Credits: directed by Chris Blum, 1986

P86900060. Source: still from the movie: "Candy Mountain", Waits as Al Silk. Date: movie shot early 1986, movie released 1987. Credits: unknown. Movie directed by Robert Frank/ Rudy Wurlitzer

P86900061. Source: still from the movie: "Candy Mountain", Waits as Al Silk. Date: movie shot early 1986, movie released 1987. Credits: unknown. Movie directed by Robert Frank/ Rudy Wurlitzer

P86900062. Source: still from the movie: "Candy Mountain", Waits as Al Silk. Date: movie shot early 1986, movie released 1987. Credits: unknown. Movie directed by Robert Frank/ Rudy Wurlitzer

P86900063. Source: still from the movie: "Candy Mountain", Waits as Al Silk. Date: movie shot early 1986, movie released 1987. Credits: unknown. Movie directed by Robert Frank/ Rudy Wurlitzer

P86900064. Source: promo picture/ still from the movie: "Candy Mountain", Waits as Al Silk. With Kevin O'Connor. Date: movie shot early 1986, movie released 1987. Credits: unknown. Movie directed by Robert Frank/ Rudy Wurlitzer. Thanks to Floris Cooman for donating scan

P86900070. Source: "L'altra America", television concert documentary from the San Remo Festival (Club Tenco), Teatro Ariston. San Remo/ Italy. Date: November 22, 1986. Aired on Italian television by RAI DUE. Credits: video screenshot/ Rai Due

P86900072. Source: "L'altra America", television concert documentary from the San Remo Festival (Club Tenco), Teatro Ariston. San Remo/ Italy. Date: November 22, 1986. Aired on Italian television by RAI DUE. Credits: video screenshot/ Rai Due

P86900073. Source: "L'altra America", television concert documentary from the San Remo Festival (Club Tenco), Teatro Ariston. San Remo/ Italy. Date: November 22, 1986. Aired on Italian television by RAI DUE. Credits: video screenshot/ Rai Due

P86900074. Source: "L'altra America", television concert documentary from the San Remo Festival (Club Tenco), Teatro Ariston. San Remo/ Italy. Date: November 22, 1986. Aired on Italian television by RAI DUE. Credits: video screenshot/ Rai Due

P86900075. Source: "L'altra America", television concert documentary from the San Remo Festival (Club Tenco), Teatro Ariston. San Remo/ Italy. Date: November 22, 1986. Aired on Italian television by RAI DUE. Credits: video screenshot/ Rai Due

P86900078. Source: Island Bone Machine promo pack. Also used for the cover of the album Night On Earth, 1992. Also used for the "Orbitones, Spoon Harps & Bellowphones" presskit (Bart Hopkin, 1999). Also printed in Music & Sound Output (The Magazine For Performers And Producers) Vol. 7, No. 11. October, 1987. Also printed in the New York Times October 14, 1987. Date: October 1987 or earlier. Credits: photography by Brian Graham

P86900090. Source: Pyrrha. Date: Los Angeles, 1986/ 1987. Credits: photography by Matthew Rolston/ Outline Press

P86900091. Source: unknown. Date: Los Angeles, 1986/ 1987. Credits: photography by Matthew Rolston/ Outline Press

P86900095. Source: front cover for Music & Sound Output (The Magazine For Performers And Producers). Vol. 7, No. 11. October, 1987. Date: Los Angeles, 1986/ 1987. Credits: photography by Matthew Rolston/ Outline Press (Tom Waits in the California desert, 1987)

P86900096. Source: Music & Sound Output (The Magazine For Performers And Producers). Vol. 7, No. 11. October, 1987. Date: Los Angeles, 1986/ 1987. Credits: photography by Matthew Rolston/ Outline Press

P86900110. Source: Island promo picture. Printed on the cover of: "Bay Area Monthly" October 31, 1986. Date: 1986 or earlier. Credits: Island Records, photography unknown

P86900130. Source: Ironweed promo picture "Tom Waits portrays Rudy in IRONWEED". Date: movie shot early 1987, released December, 1987. ca. 1987. Credits: Credits: 1987 Taft Entertainment Pictures. Keith Barish Productions. Copyright Palace Pictures

P86900131. Source: Ironweed promo picture. "Helen Archer (Meryl Streep) , Francis Phelan (Jack Nicholson) and Rudy (Tom Waits) visit the Gilded Cage Bar in IRONWEED". Also printed in "Small Change, A life of Tom Waits". Patrick Humphries, 1989. Date: movie shot early 1987, released December, 1987. ca. 1987. copied from the book: Credits: Credits: 1987 Taft Entertainment Pictures. Keith Barish Productions. Copyright Palace Pictures

P86900132. Source: Ironweed promo picture as printed in "Het Grote Tom Waits Interview", HUMO Magazine (Belgium) by Rudy Vandendaele. October 6, 1988. Date: movie shot early 1987, released December, 1987. ca. 1987. Credits: unknown (thanks to Henk Tack for donating article).

P86900133. Source: Ironweed promo picture "Francis Phelan (Jack Nicholson) and Rudy (Tom Waits) sing a hymn at a soupkitchen in IRONWEED". Date: movie shot early 1987, released December, 1987. ca. 1987. Credits: 1987 Taft Entertainment Pictures. Keith Barish Productions

P86900134. Source: Ironweed promo poster. Date: movie shot early 1987, released December, 1987. ca. 1987. Credits: photography by Claudio Edinger

P86900135. Source: Ironweed promo poster. Date: movie shot early 1987, released December, 1987. ca. 1987. Credits: photography by Claudio Edinger

P86900136. Source: Ironweed promo picture as printed in "Wild Years - The Music And Myth Of Tom Waits" Jay S. Jacobs, 2000. Date: movie shot early 1987, released December, 1987. ca. 1987. Credits: photography by Joel Warren

P86900137. Source: Ironweed screenshot. Date: movie shot early 1987, released December 1987. Credits: video screenshot

P86900150. Source: Brian Graham archives. Date: Chicago/ USA1986(?), w. Rondi Reed(?). Credits: photography by Brian Graham

P86900153. Source: Frank's Wild Years rehearsals. Date: Chicago/ USA, early 1986. Credits: photography by Gwendolen Oates

P86900155. Source: "Rolling Stone" magazine, nr 481, 1986. Date: from the theatre play "Frank's Wild Years". Chicago/ USA, June 17- 22, 1986. Credits: unknown

P86900156. Source: unknown. Date: from the theatre play "Frank's Wild Years". Chicago/ USA, June 17- 22, 1986. Credits: unknown

P86900157. Source: "Frank's Wild Years" tourbook, 1987. Date: from the theatre play "Frank's Wild Years". Chicago/ USA, June 17- 22, 1986. Credits: photography by Jean Baptiste Mondino. Thanks to Kevin Molony for donating scan

P86900158. Source: "Musician" magazine. October, 1987. Date: from the theatre play "Frank's Wild Years". Chicago/ USA, June 17- 22, 1986. Credits: photography by Jean Baptiste Mondino

P86900160. Source: Howard Rosenberg portfolio. Date: ca. Febr. 1986 or earlier. Credits: photography by Howard Rosenberg

P86900161. Source: Spin Magazine. September, 1987. Date: ca. Febr. 1986 or earlier. Credits: photography by Howard Rosenberg
P86900162. Source: "Waitsland En Andere Korte Verhalen", HUMO Magazine (Belgium). Published: September 10, 1987. Also printed in the "Tales From The Underground 2" booklet. Also printed in Alta Fedelta magazine (Italy) November 1987. Date: ca. Febr. 1986 or earlier. Credits: photography: by Howard Rosenberg

P86900163. Source: Il Mucchio Selvaggio magazine (Italy). Nr. 97, February 1986 (reverse print). Date: ca. Febr. 1986 or earlier. Credits: photography by Howard Rosenberg
P86900171. Source: "City Limits" magazine, May 12-19, 1988. Also printed in: HUMO Magazine (Belgium), September 10, 1987 and Melody Maker August 22, 1987. Date: August 1987 or earlier. Credits: photography by Steve Tynan(?). Thanks to Kevin Molony for donating scan

P86900180. Source: Tom Waits guest appearance at the Coconut Grove, Hollywood. Filmed September 30, 1987. Released as "Roy Orbison and Friends: A Black and White Night" in 1988. Thanks to Lynne Browning for donating scan.

P86900181. Source: stil from TV-special and video "A Black and White Night - tribute to Roy Orbison". Tom Waits guest appearance at the Coconut Grove, Hollywood. Filmed September 30, 1987. Released as "Roy Orbison and Friends: A Black and White Night" in 1988. Thanks to Lynne Browning for donating scan.

P86900182. Source: stil from TV-special and video "A Black and White Night - tribute to Roy Orbison". Tom Waits guest appearance at the Coconut Grove, Hollywood. Filmed September 30, 1987. Released as "Roy Orbison and Friends: A Black and White Night" in 1988. Thanks to Lynne Browning for donating scan.

P86900190. Source: Italian magazine Il Mucchio Selvaggio nr. 118 (November, 1987). Date: November 1987 or earlier. Credits: photography by Annie Leibovitz(?)

P86900201. Source: "Frank's Wild Years" tourbook, 1987 (detail). Date: 1986/ 1987. Credits: photography by Jean Baptiste Mondino. Thanks to Kevin Molony for donating scan

P86900202. Source: "Frank's Wild Years" tourbook, 1987. Used for "Frank's Wild Years" album cover. Date: 1986/ 1987. Credits: photography by Jean Baptiste Mondino. Thanks to Kevin Molony for donating scan

P86900205. Source: poster promoting Frank's Wild Years, 1987. Date: 1986/ 1987. Credits: photography by Jean Baptiste Mondino

P86900206. Source: detail from the cover for "Frank's Wild Years", 1987. Date: 1986/ 1987. Credits: photography by Jean Baptiste Mondino

P86900207. Source: from the cover for "Frank's Wild Years", 1987. Date: 1986/ 1987. Credits: photography by Jean Baptiste Mondino

P86900210. Source: video screenshot from the music video for: "Blow Wind, Blow", with Val Diamond. Date: 1987. Credits: Island. Video directed by Chris Blum

P86900211. Source: video screenshot from the music video for: "Blow Wind, Blow", with Val Diamond. Date: 1987. Credits: Island. Video directed by Chris Blum

P86900212. Source: video screenshot from the music video for: "Blow Wind, Blow", with Val Diamond. Date: 1987. Credits: Island. Video directed by Chris Blum

P86900213. Source: video screenshot from the music video for: "Blow Wind, Blow", with Val Diamond. Date: 1987. Credits: Island. Video directed by Chris Blum

P86900214. Source: Island "Blow Wind, Blow" promo picture (Franks Wild Years press kit). Date: 1987. Credits: Island. Video directed by Chris Blum. Photography by Jeffery Newbury

P86900215. Source: "Blow Wind, Blow" promo picture as printed in "Time Out" magazine. November 11 - 18, 1987. Date: 1987. Credits: Island. Video directed by Chris Blum. Photography by Jeffery Newbury. Thanks to Kevin Molony for donating scan

P86900216. Source: Jeffery Newbury portfolio. Date: "Frank's Wild Years". Chicago, June 17- 22, 1986. Credits: photography by Jeffery Newbury

P86900217. Source: "Franks Wild Years" promo picture as printed in Rolling Stone magazine October 6, 1988. Date: "Frank's Wild Years". Chicago, June 17- 22, 1986. Credits: photography by Jeffery Newbury

P86900218.Source: "Blow Wind, Blow/ Franks Wild Years" promo picture. Also printed in "Frank's Wild Years" tourbook, 1987. Also printed in "Musician" magazine. October, 1987. .Date: "Frank's Wild Years" Chicago, June 17- 22, 1986. Credits: photography by Jeffery Newbury

P86900219. Source: "Blow Wind, Blow" promo picture. "Frank's Wild Years" tourbook, 1987. Date: 1987. Credits: photography by Jeffery Newbury(?). Thanks to Kevin Molony for donating scan

P86900220. Source: "Time Out" magazine. November 11 - 18, 1987. Also released as Island promo picture (Franks Wild Years press kit). Date: 1987 (same session as "Blow Wind Blow" video and "Limo interview"). Credits: Thanks to Kevin Molony for donating this scan. Photography by Jeffery Newbury

P86900225. Source: "Limo interview ", TV screenshot. The Best of the Cutting Edge, Volume II (1987). Filmed as follow up to "Blow Wind Blow" video (Island, 1987). Date: 1987 (probably same day as "Blow Wind Blow" video). Credits: Island, 1987

P86900226. Source: "Limo interview ", TV screenshot. The Best of the Cutting Edge, Volume II (1987). Filmed as follow up to "Blow Wind Blow" video (Island, 1987). Date: 1987 (probably same day as "Blow Wind Blow" video). Credits: Island, 1987

P86900227. Source: "Limo interview ", TV screenshot. The Best of the Cutting Edge, Volume II (1987). Filmed as follow up to "Blow Wind Blow" video (Island, 1987). Date: 1987 (probably same day as "Blow Wind Blow" video). Credits: Island, 1987

P86900240. Source: from the cover of the book: "Beautiful Maladies", Amsco/ Jalma Music 1997. Still from video promoting "Temptation" (Island, 1987). Date: August 19, 1987. Directed by/ photography by Betzy Bromberg

P86900241. Source: from the cover of the book: "Beautiful Maladies", Amsco/ Jalma Music 1997. Still from video promoting "Temptation" (Island, 1987). Date: August 19, 1987. Directed by/ photography by Betzy Bromberg

P86900242. Source: from the cover of the book: "Beautiful Maladies", Amsco/ Jalma Music 1997. Still from video promoting "Temptation" (Island, 1987). Date: August 19, 1987. Directed by/ photography by Betzy Bromberg

P86900243. Source: from the cover of the book: "Beautiful Maladies", Amsco/ Jalma Music 1997. Still from video promoting "Temptation" (Island, 1987). Date: August 19, 1987. Directed by/ photography by Betzy Bromberg

P86900244. Source: from the cover of the book: "Beautiful Maladies", Amsco/ Jalma Music 1997. Still from video promoting "Temptation" (Island, 1987). Date: August 19, 1987. Directed by/ photography by Betzy Bromberg

P86900245. Source: Video screenshot from the music video promoting "Temptation" (Island, 1987). Date: August 19, 1987. Directed by/ photography by Betzy Bromberg

P86900246. Source: Video screenshot from the music video promoting "Temptation" (Island, 1987). Date: August 19, 1987. Directed by/ photography by Betzy Bromberg

P86900247. Source: Video screenshot from the music video promoting "Temptation" (Island, 1987). Date: August 19, 1987. Directed by/ photography by Betzy Bromberg

P86900248. Source: Video screenshot from the music video promoting "Temptation" (Island, 1987). Date: August 19, 1987. Directed by/ photography by Betzy Bromberg

P86900250. Source: concert at "Eugene O'Neill Theatre", New York 1987. Date: New York, October 16 1987. Credits: unknown

P86900251. Source: The Blue Spotlight (1988). MuchMusic television special on Tom Waits (Canada). Date: Interview from October 1987. Credits: video screenshot/ MuchMusic

P86900252. Source: The Blue Spotlight (1988). MuchMusic television special on Tom Waits (Canada). Date: Interview from October 1987. Credits: video screenshot/ MuchMusic

P86900253. Source: Late Night With David Letterman. NBC television talkshow with David Letterman. New York/ USA. Date: aired October 16, 1987. Credits: video screenshot/ NBC

P86900254. Source: Late Night With David Letterman. NBC television talkshow with David Letterman. New York/ USA. Date: aired October 16, 1987. Credits: video screenshot/ NBC

P86900256. Source: Late Night With David Letterman. NBC television talkshow with David Letterman. New York/ USA. Date: aired October 16, 1987. Credits: video screenshot/ NBC

P86900258. Source: Late Night With David Letterman. NBC television talkshow with David Letterman. New York/ USA. Date: aired October 16, 1987. Credits: video screenshot/ NBC

P86900259. Source: Late Night With David Letterman. NBC television talkshow with David Letterman. New York/ USA. Date: aired October 16, 1987. Credits: video screenshot/ NBC

P86900260. Source: "Popular 1" magazine (Spain). September, 1999. Date: October 21, 1987. Warner Theatre. Washington, USA. Credits: photography by Martin J.L. Thanks to Laura Rangel for donating scan

P86900262. Source: "Popular 1" magazine (Spain). September, 1999. Date: October 21, 1987. Warner Theatre. Washington, USA. Credits: photography by Martin J.L. Thanks to Laura Rangel for donating scan

P86900263. Source: "Popular 1" magazine (Spain). September, 1999. Date: October 21, 1987. Warner Theatre. Washington, USA. Credits: photography by Martin J.L. Thanks to Laura Rangel for donating scan

P86900270. Source: People Magazine (?). Date: with Nicolas Cage and Ami Dolenz(front) at the L.A. premiere of "And God Created Woman", 1987. Credits: photography by Lisa O'Connor/ Celebrity Photo. Thanks to Dorene LaLonde for donating scan

P86900280. Source: "Reservoir Dog" unidentified article by Ann Scanlon. Ca. 1987. Date: 1987. Credits: photography by Lawrence Watson. Thanks to Dorene LaLonde for donating scan

P86900290. Source: Rolling Stone magazine (Germany), December 2006. Also printed in New Musical Express magazine. November 14, 1987. Date: 1987. Credits: photography by Lawrence Watson

P86900300. Source: from the book: "Small Change, A life of Tom Waits". Patrick Humphries, 1989. Date: ca. 1987(?). Credits: photography by Peter Anderson

P86900305. Source: unknown. Date: ca. 1987 (Big Time era). Credits: unknown

P86900311. Source: Still from the movie: "Big Time". Date: filmed in November 5-9, 1987 at the Warfield Theatre in San Francisco and the Wiltern Theatre in Los Angeles. Released 1988. Credits: Movie directed by Chris Blum. Director of photography: Daniel Hainey. A vivid production for Island Visual Arts

P86900312. Source: Still from the movie: "Big Time". Date: filmed in November 5-9, 1987 at the Warfield Theatre in San Francisco and the Wiltern Theatre in Los Angeles. Released 1988. Credits: Movie directed by Chris Blum. Director of photography: Daniel Hainey. A vivid production for Island Visual Arts

P86900314. Source: Still from the movie: "Big Time ". Date: filmed in November 5-9, 1987 at the Warfield Theatre in San Francisco and the Wiltern Theatre in Los Angeles. Released 1988. Credits: Movie directed by Chris Blum. Director of photography: Daniel Hainey. A vivid production for Island Visual Arts

P86900315. Source: Still from the movie: "Big Time ". Date: filmed in November 5-9, 1987 at the Warfield Theatre in San Francisco and the Wiltern Theatre in Los Angeles. Released 1988. Credits: Movie directed by Chris Blum. Director of photography: Daniel Hainey. A vivid production for Island Visual Arts

P86900317. Source: Still from the movie: "Big Time ". Date: filmed in November 5-9, 1987 at the Warfield Theatre in San Francisco and the Wiltern Theatre in Los Angeles. Released 1988. Credits: Movie directed by Chris Blum. Director of photography: Daniel Hainey. A vivid production for Island Visual Arts

P86900318. Source: Still from the movie: "Big Time ". Date: filmed in November 5-9, 1987 at the Warfield Theatre in San Francisco and the Wiltern Theatre in Los Angeles. Released 1988. Credits: Movie directed by Chris Blum. Director of photography: Daniel Hainey. A vivid production for Island Visual Arts

P86900319. Source: Still from the movie: "Big Time ". Date: filmed in November 5-9, 1987 at the Warfield Theatre in San Francisco and the Wiltern Theatre in Los Angeles. Released 1988. Credits: Movie directed by Chris Blum. Director of photography: Daniel Hainey. A vivid production for Island Visual Arts

P86900321. Source: Still from the movie: "Big Time ". Date: filmed in November 5-9, 1987 at the Warfield Theatre in San Francisco and the Wiltern Theatre in Los Angeles. Released 1988. Credits: Movie directed by Chris Blum. Director of photography: Daniel Hainey. A vivid production for Island Visual Arts

P86900322. Source: Still from the movie: "Big Time ". Date: filmed in November 5-9, 1987 at the Warfield Theatre in San Francisco and the Wiltern Theatre in Los Angeles. Released 1988. Credits: Movie directed by Chris Blum. Director of photography: Daniel Hainey. A vivid production for Island Visual Arts

P86900323. Source: Still from the movie: "Big Time ". Date: filmed in November 5-9, 1987 at the Warfield Theatre in San Francisco and the Wiltern Theatre in Los Angeles. Released 1988. Credits: Movie directed by Chris Blum. Director of photography: Daniel Hainey. A vivid production for Island Visual Arts
P86900325. Source: Still from the movie: "Big Time ". Date: filmed in November 5-9, 1987 at the Warfield Theatre in San Francisco and the Wiltern Theatre in Los Angeles. Released 1988. Credits: Movie directed by Chris Blum. Director of photography: Daniel Hainey. A vivid production for Island Visual Arts

P86900328. Source: Still from the movie: "Big Time ". Date: filmed in November 5-9, 1987 at the Warfield Theatre in San Francisco and the Wiltern Theatre in Los Angeles. Released 1988. Credits: Movie directed by Chris Blum. Director of photography: Daniel Hainey. A vivid production for Island Visual Arts

P86900330. Source: Still from the movie: "Big Time ". Date: filmed in November 5-9, 1987 at the Warfield Theatre in San Francisco and the Wiltern Theatre in Los Angeles. Released 1988. Credits: Movie directed by Chris Blum. Director of photography: Daniel Hainey. A vivid production for Island Visual Arts

P86900331. Source: Still from the movie: "Big Time ". Date: filmed in November 5-9, 1987 at the Warfield Theatre in San Francisco and the Wiltern Theatre in Los Angeles. Released 1988. Credits: Movie directed by Chris Blum. Director of photography: Daniel Hainey. A vivid production for Island Visual Arts

P86900332. Source: Still from the movie: "Big Time ". Date: filmed in November 5-9, 1987 at the Warfield Theatre in San Francisco and the Wiltern Theatre in Los Angeles. Released 1988. Credits: Movie directed by Chris Blum. Director of photography: Daniel Hainey. A vivid production for Island Visual Arts

P86900334. Source: Still from the movie: "Big Time ". Date: filmed in November 5-9, 1987 at the Warfield Theatre in San Francisco and the Wiltern Theatre in Los Angeles. Released 1988. Credits: Movie directed by Chris Blum. Director of photography: Daniel Hainey. A vivid production for Island Visual Arts

P86900335. Source: Still from the movie: "Big Time ". Date: filmed in November 5-9, 1987 at the Warfield Theatre in San Francisco and the Wiltern Theatre in Los Angeles. Released 1988. Credits: Movie directed by Chris Blum. Director of photography: Daniel Hainey. A vivid production for Island Visual Arts

P86900338. Source: Still from the movie: "Big Time ". Date: filmed in November 5-9, 1987 at the Warfield Theatre in San Francisco and the Wiltern Theatre in Los Angeles. Released 1988. Credits: Movie directed by Chris Blum. Director of photography: Daniel Hainey. A vivid production for Island Visual Arts

P86900339. Source: Still from the movie: "Big Time ". Date: filmed in November 5-9, 1987 at the Warfield Theatre in San Francisco and the Wiltern Theatre in Los Angeles. Released 1988. Credits: Movie directed by Chris Blum. Director of photography: Daniel Hainey. A vivid production for Island Visual Arts

P86900340. Source: Still from the movie: "Big Time ". Date: filmed in November 5-9, 1987 at the Warfield Theatre in San Francisco and the Wiltern Theatre in Los Angeles. Released 1988. Credits: Movie directed by Chris Blum. Director of photography: Daniel Hainey. A vivid production for Island Visual Arts
P86900341. Source: Still from the movie: "Big Time ". Date: filmed in November 5-9, 1987 at the Warfield Theatre in San Francisco and the Wiltern Theatre in Los Angeles. Released 1988. Credits: Movie directed by Chris Blum. Director of photography: Daniel Hainey. A vivid production for Island Visual Arts

P86900342. Source: Still from the movie: "Big Time ". Date: filmed in November 5-9, 1987 at the Warfield Theatre in San Francisco and the Wiltern Theatre in Los Angeles. Released 1988. Credits: Movie directed by Chris Blum. Director of photography: Daniel Hainey. A vivid production for Island Visual Arts

P86900344. Source: Still from the movie: "Big Time ". Date: filmed in November 5-9, 1987 at the Warfield Theatre in San Francisco and the Wiltern Theatre in Los Angeles. Released 1988. Credits: Movie directed by Chris Blum. Director of photography: Daniel Hainey. A vivid production for Island Visual Arts

P86900347. Source: Still from the movie: "Big Time ". Date: filmed in November 5-9, 1987 at the Warfield Theatre in San Francisco and the Wiltern Theatre in Los Angeles. Released 1988. Credits: Movie directed by Chris Blum. Director of photography: Daniel Hainey. A vivid production for Island Visual Arts

P86900349. Source: Still from the movie: "Big Time ". Date: filmed in November 5-9, 1987 at the Warfield Theatre in San Francisco and the Wiltern Theatre in Los Angeles. Released 1988. Credits: Movie directed by Chris Blum. Director of photography: Daniel Hainey. A vivid production for Island Visual Arts

P86900350. Source: Still from the movie: "Big Time ". Date: filmed in November 5-9, 1987 at the Warfield Theatre in San Francisco and the Wiltern Theatre in Los Angeles. Released 1988. Credits: Movie directed by Chris Blum. Director of photography: Daniel Hainey. A vivid production for Island Visual Arts

P86900352. Source: Still from the movie: "Big Time ". Date: filmed in November 5-9, 1987 at the Warfield Theatre in San Francisco and the Wiltern Theatre in Los Angeles. Released 1988. Credits: Movie directed by Chris Blum. Director of photography: Daniel Hainey. A vivid production for Island Visual Arts

P86900353. Source: Still from the movie: "Big Time ". Date: filmed in November 5-9, 1987 at the Warfield Theatre in San Francisco and the Wiltern Theatre in Los Angeles. Released 1988. Credits: Movie directed by Chris Blum. Director of photography: Daniel Hainey. A vivid production for Island Visual Arts

P86900354. Source: Still from the movie: "Big Time ". Date: filmed in November 5-9, 1987 at the Warfield Theatre in San Francisco and the Wiltern Theatre in Los Angeles. Released 1988. Credits: Movie directed by Chris Blum. Director of photography: Daniel Hainey. A vivid production for Island Visual Arts

P86900356. Source: Still from the movie: "Big Time ". Date: filmed in November 5-9, 1987 at the Warfield Theatre in San Francisco and the Wiltern Theatre in Los Angeles. Released 1988. Credits: Movie directed by Chris Blum. Director of photography: Daniel Hainey. A vivid production for Island Visual Arts

P86900357. Source: Still from the movie: "Big Time ". Date: filmed in November 5-9, 1987 at the Warfield Theatre in San Francisco and the Wiltern Theatre in Los Angeles. Released 1988. Credits: Movie directed by Chris Blum. Director of photography: Daniel Hainey. A vivid production for Island Visual Arts

P86900358. Source: Still from the movie: "Big Time ". Date: filmed in November 5-9, 1987 at the Warfield Theatre in San Francisco and the Wiltern Theatre in Los Angeles. Released 1988. Credits: Movie directed by Chris Blum. Director of photography: Daniel Hainey. A vivid production for Island Visual Arts

P86900361. Source: Still from the movie: "Big Time ". Date: filmed in November 5-9, 1987 at the Warfield Theatre in San Francisco and the Wiltern Theatre in Los Angeles. Released 1988. Credits: Movie directed by Chris Blum. Director of photography: Daniel Hainey. A vivid production for Island Visual Arts

P86900362. Source: Still from the movie: "Big Time ". Date: filmed in November 5-9, 1987 at the Warfield Theatre in San Francisco and the Wiltern Theatre in Los Angeles. Released 1988. Credits: Movie directed by Chris Blum. Director of photography: Daniel Hainey. A vivid production for Island Visual Arts

P86900363. Source: Still from the movie: "Big Time ". Date: filmed in November 5-9, 1987 at the Warfield Theatre in San Francisco and the Wiltern Theatre in Los Angeles. Released 1988. Credits: Movie directed by Chris Blum. Director of photography: Daniel Hainey. A vivid production for Island Visual Arts

P86900364. Source: Still from the movie: "Big Time ". Date: filmed in November 5-9, 1987 at the Warfield Theatre in San Francisco and the Wiltern Theatre in Los Angeles. Released 1988. Credits: Movie directed by Chris Blum. Director of photography: Daniel Hainey. A vivid production for Island Visual Arts

P86900367. Source: Still from the movie: "Big Time ". Date: filmed in November 5-9, 1987 at the Warfield Theatre in San Francisco and the Wiltern Theatre in Los Angeles. Released 1988. Credits: Movie directed by Chris Blum. Director of photography: Daniel Hainey. A vivid production for Island Visual Arts

P86900369. Source: Still from the movie: "Big Time ". Date: filmed in November 5-9, 1987 at the Warfield Theatre in San Francisco and the Wiltern Theatre in Los Angeles. Released 1988. Credits: Movie directed by Chris Blum. Director of photography: Daniel Hainey. A vivid production for Island Visual Arts

P86900371. Source: Still from the movie: "Big Time ". Date: filmed in November 5-9, 1987 at the Warfield Theatre in San Francisco and the Wiltern Theatre in Los Angeles. Released 1988. Credits: Movie directed by Chris Blum. Director of photography: Daniel Hainey. A vivid production for Island Visual Arts
P86900372. Source: Still from the movie: "Big Time ". As printed on the back cover of the Fries Home video. Date: filmed in November 1987 at the Warfield Theatre in San Francisco and the Wiltern Theatre in Los Angeles. Released 1988. Credits: Movie directed by Chris Blum. Director of photography: Daniel Hainey. A vivid production for Island Visual Arts

P86900373. Source: Still from the movie: "Big Time ". As printed on the back cover of the Fries Home video. Date: filmed in November 1987 at the Warfield Theatre in San Francisco and the Wiltern Theatre in Los Angeles. Released 1988. Credits: Movie directed by Chris Blum. Director of photography: Daniel Hainey. A vivid production for Island Visual Arts

P86900375. Source: Still from the movie: "Big Time". Date: filmed in November 1987 at the Warfield Theatre in San Francisco and the Wiltern Theatre in Los Angeles. Released 1988. Credits: Movie directed by Chris Blum. Director of photography: Daniel Hainey. A vivid production for Island Visual Arts. Photography unknown

P86900376. Source: Still from the movie: "Big Time". Date: filmed in November 1987 at the Warfield Theatre in San Francisco and the Wiltern Theatre in Los Angeles. Released 1988. Credits: Movie directed by Chris Blum. Director of photography: Daniel Hainey. A vivid production for Island Visual Arts. Photography unknown

P86900380. Source: Big Time band and crew as printed in the Orphans booklet, 2006. With: Greg Cohen and Stuart Ross (top left), Ralph Carney, Michael Blair and Marc Ribot (middle row) and Willy Schwarz (front left). Date: November 1987. Credits: photography unknown

P86900381. Source: Big Time band and crew as printed in “Lowside Of The Road: A Life Of Tom Waits" by Barney Hoskyns. Faber/ Broadway, 2009. With: Greg Cohen and Stuart Ross (top left), Ralph Carney, Michael Blair and Marc Ribot (middle row) and Willy Schwarz (front left). Date: November 1987. Credits: courtesy of Ralph Carney

P86900382. Source: Island Promo picture for the movie: "Big Time", 1988. Date: filmed in November 1987 at the Warfield Theatre in San Francisco and the Wiltern Theatre in Los Angeles. Released 1988. Credits: Movie directed by Chris Blum. Director of photography: Daniel Hainey. A vivid production for Island Visual Arts

P86900384. Source: promo picture from the "Big Time press kit" , 1988. Date: filmed in November 1987 at the Warfield Theatre in San Francisco and the Wiltern Theatre in Los Angeles. Released 1988. Credits: photography Daniel Hainey

P86900386. Source: Big Time promo picture for Island Visual Arts (IVA). Still from Big Time movie. Date: filmed in November 1987 at the Warfield Theatre in San Francisco and the Wiltern Theatre in Los Angeles. Released 1988. Credits: photography Daniel Hainey

P86900387. Source: Big Time promo picture for Island Visual Arts (IVA). Still from Big Time movie (reverse print). Date: filmed in November 1987 at the Warfield Theatre in San Francisco and the Wiltern Theatre in Los Angeles. Released 1988. Credits: photography Daniel Hainey, thanks to Paul Thomson for donating scan

P86900388. Source: German lobby card for Big Time tour, 1989. Still from Big Time movie. Also printed in Mojo magazine, October, 2004 "The Mojo Interview". Date: filmed in November 1987 at the Warfield Theatre in San Francisco and the Wiltern Theatre in Los Angeles. Released 1988. Credits: photography Daniel Hainey

P86900391. Source: unknown (slightly edited). Date: Hammersmith Odeon. London/ UK. November, 1987. Credits: unknown

P86900392. Source: unknown (slightly edited). Date: Hammersmith Odeon. London/ UK. November, 1987. Credits: unknown

P86900393. Source: unknown (slightly edited). Date: Hammersmith Odeon. London/ UK. November, 1987. Credits: unknown

P86900394. Source: unknown (slightly edited). Date: Hammersmith Odeon. London/ UK. November, 1987. Credits: unknown

P86900395. Source: unknown. Date: Hammersmith Odeon. London/ UK. November, 1987. Credits: unknown

P86900396. Source: unknown. Date: Hammersmith Odeon. London/ UK. November, 1987. Credits: unknown

P86900397. Source: "Wild Years - The Music And Myth Of Tom Waits", ECW Press, 2000. Jay S. Jacobs. Date: Hammersmith Odeon. London/ UK. November, 1987. Credits: Globe Photos

P86900401. Source: Island Records promo picture. "Big Time" press kit, 1988. Date: ca. 1988. Credits: photography by Suzanne Tenner

P86900405. Source: Island Visual Arts promo picture. "Big Time" press kit, 1988. Date: ca. 1988. Credits: photography by Suzanne Tenner

P86900410. Source: Island Visual Arts promo picture (detail). "Big Time" press kit, 1988. Date: ca. 1988. Credits: photography by Lynn Goldsmith

P86900415. Source: screenshot from "Blue Spotlight" interview. Date: October, 1987. Credits: unknown

P86900420. Source: Filmkr�nikan TV programme (Sweden), by Gunnar Rehlin. Date: November 1987 (aired 1988?). Credits: video screenshot. Filmkr�nikan/ SVT

P86900421. Source: Filmkr�nikan TV programme (Sweden), by Gunnar Rehlin. Date: November 1987 (aired 1988?). Credits: video screenshot. Filmkr�nikan/ SVT

P86900422. Source: Filmkr�nikan TV programme (Sweden), by Gunnar Rehlin. Date: November 1987 (aired 1988?). Credits: video screenshot. Filmkr�nikan/ SVT

P86900425. Source: commercial poster printed by WCI posters (UK), 1997. Date: ca. 1987/ 1988. Credits: unknown

P86900440. Source: Contrast Magazine, Winter 1988. Date: ca. 1987/ 1988. Credits: photography by Dewey Nicks

P86900445. Source: "Tom Waits: Tutti I Testi Con Traduzione A Fronte" (book). Publisher: Giunti Gruppo Edoitoriale - Firenze. � October, 1996. By Michele Lauro . Date: ca. 1987/ 1988. Credits: photography by Dewey Nicks (reverse print)

P86900450. Source: unknown. Date: ca. 1987/ 1985. Credits: unknown

P86900460. Source: "The Late Show with David Letterman" (US TV show). Date: Ed Sullivan Theater, New York/ USA. October 5, 1988. Credits: video screenshot/ � CBS Broadcasting Inc.

P86900461. Source: "The Late Show with David Letterman" (US TV show). Date: Ed Sullivan Theater, New York/ USA. October 5, 1988. Credits: video screenshot/ � CBS Broadcasting Inc.

P86900462. Source: "The Late Show with David Letterman" (US TV show). Date: Ed Sullivan Theater, New York/ USA. October 5, 1988. Credits: video screenshot/ � CBS Broadcasting Inc.

P86900470. Source: OOR magazine (The Netherlands) nr. 21. October 22, 1988. Date: London/ UK September, 1988. Credits: photography by Anton Corbijn. Thanks to Gert-Jan Klanderman for donating scan

P86900471. Source: OOR magazine (The Netherlands) nr. 21. October 22, 1988. Date: London/ UK September, 1988. Credits: photography by Anton Corbijn. Thanks to Gert-Jan Klanderman for donating scan

P86900472. Source: OOR magazine (The Netherlands) nr. 21. October 22, 1988. Date: London/ UK September, 1988. Credits: photography by Anton Corbijn (Patrick Quigley?). Thanks to Gert-Jan Klanderman for donating scan

P86900473. Source: OOR magazine (The Netherlands) nr. 21. October 22, 1988. Date: London/ UK September, 1988. Credits: photography by Anton Corbijn (Patrick Quigley?). Thanks to Gert-Jan Klanderman for donating scan

P86900475. Source: used for the back cover of the book: "Anthology" Amsco, 1988. Date: 1988 or earlier. Credits: photography by Patrick Quigley/ Retna Ltd.

P86900477. Source: Derek Ridgers portfolio, 2006. Date: London/ UK. September 1988(?). Credits: photography by Derek Ridgers

P86900478. Source: Derek Ridgers portfolio, 2006. Date: London/ UK. September 1988(?). Credits: photography by Derek Ridgers

P86900480 Source: Wiltern Theatre show. Los Angeles. Date: December 31, 1988. Credits: Thanks to Dorene LaLonde for donating picture

P86900481. Source: Wiltern Theatre show. Los Angeles. Date: December 31, 1988. Credits: Thanks to Dorene LaLonde for donating picture
P86900490. Source: Avenue promo poster for the movie: "Cold Feet", 1989. With Keith Carradine and Sally Kirkland. Date: movie shot in Montana, 1988. Credits: unknown. Movie directed by Robert Dornhelm

P86900495. Source: Premiere magazine. March, 1989. Date: shot on location in Montana on the set for "Cold Feet", 1988. Credits: Stephen Vaughan. Thanks to Dorene LaLonde for donating picture
P86900496. Source: still/ promo picture from the movie: "Cold Feet", 1989. Date: shot on location in Montana on the set for "Cold Feet", 1988. Credits: unknown. Movie directed by Robert Dornhelm
P86900497. Source: Premiere magazine. March, 1989. Date: shot on location in Montana on the set for "Cold Feet", 1988. Credits: Stephen Vaughan. Thanks to Dorene LaLonde for donating picture

P86900498. Source: Premiere magazine. March, 1989. Date: shot on location in Montana on the set for "Cold Feet", 1988. Credits: Stephen Vaughan. Thanks to Dorene LaLonde for donating picture

P86900499. Source: "Cold Feet" promo picture, w. Sally Kirkland. Date: shot on location in Montana, 1988. Credits: Kobal as printed in “Lowside Of The Road: A Life Of Tom Waits" by Barney Hoskyns. Faber/ Broadway, 2009

P86900500. Source: "Cold Feet" promo picture, w. Sally Kirkland. Date: shot on location in Montana, 1988. Credits: unknown as printed in DU Magazine - Die Zeitschrift Der Kultur (Switzerland) Nr. 9, September, 1997.

P86900503. Source: "Cold Feet" promo. Date: ca. 1988/ 1989. Credits: Avenue Entertainment(?)

P86900505. Source: "Cold Feet" promo. Date: ca. 1988/ 1989. Credits: Avenue Entertainment(?)

P86900515. Source: Moscow magazine: "Hi-fi & Music ", April 1997. Also used for the cover of "Paris At Midnight". Date: 1988. Cold Feet promo (?) Credits: Thanks to Tanja Petrova for donating scan. Photo credit: Tom Sheehan/ London Features/ International

P86900516. Source: "Wild Years - The Music And Myth Of Tom Waits", ECW Press, 2000. Jay. S. Jacobs . Date: 1988. Cold Feet promo (?) Credits: photo credit: Tom Sheehan/ London Features International

P86900517. Source: Moscow magazine: "Hi-fi & Music", April 1997. Date: 1988. Cold Feet promo (?) Credits: Thanks to Tanja Petrova for donating scan. Photo credit: Tom Sheehan

P86900518. Source: Island promo picture (?). Date: 1988. Cold Feet promo (?) Credits: photo credit: Tom Sheehan

P86900519. Source: Moscow magazine: "Hi-fi & Music", April 1997. Date: 1988. Cold Feet promo (?) Credits: Thanks to Tanja Petrova for donating scan. Photo credit: Tom Sheehan

P86900520. Source: NME interview LP, picture-disc 1989(?) (Baktabak Records). Date: Chinatown New York, 1988. Credits: photography by Tom Sheehan

P86900525. Source: article titled: 'Troubadour d'amour". Date: ca. 1988. Cold Feet promo (?) Credits: photo credit: Tom Sheehan

P86900530. Source: "Wild Years - The Music And Myth Of Tom Waits", ECW Press, 2000. Jay. S. Jacobs . "Cold Feet" promo (?). Date: 1988. Credits: photography by Sandra Johnson

P86900535. Source: "Cold Feet" promo (?). Date: 1988. Credits: photography by Sandra Johnson

P86900536. Source: "Cold Feet" promo (?). Date: 1988. Credits: photography by Sandra Johnson

P86900540. Source: "Acting Strange" Blitz magazine (UK), November, 1988. Date: 1988. Credits: unknown

P86900545. Source: unknown (same picture as Blitz magazine November, 1988). Date: 1988. Credits: unknown

P86900550. Source: "City Limits" magazine, May 12-19, 1988. Date: 1988 or earlier. Credits: photography by Tony Barrat/ A.J. Barrat. Thanks to Kevin Molony for donating scan

P86900550. Source: cover for the book: "Anthology". Amsco, 1988. Date: 1988 or earlier. Credits: photography by A.J. Barrat/ Retna Ltd.

P86900560. Source: from photobook "Sylvia Plachy's Unguided Tour", 1990. Date: book released 1990. Credits: unknown

P86900565. Source: from photobook "Sylvia Plachy's Unguided Tour", 1990. Date: book released 1990. Credits: unknown

P86900580. Source: the cover of: "Graffiti" magazine, 1988. Date: issued March/ April 1988. Credits: photography by Jeffery Newbury

P86900581. Source: Jeffery Newbury portfolio. Date: 1988 or earlier. Credits: photography by Jeffery Newbury

P86900585. Source: poster promoting "Demon Wine". Date: February, 1989. Credits: photography unknown

P86900600. Source: the cover of: Option magazine # 27. July/ August, 1989. Date:The Red Eight restaurant/ Los Angeles. February, 1989 (w. Elvis Costello). Credits: photography by Dennis Keeley

P86900601. Source: Option Magazine # 27. July, 1989. Date: The Red Eight restaurant/ Los Angeles. February, 1989 (w. Elvis Costello). Credits: photography by Dennis Keeley

P86900602. Source: Option Magazine # 27. July, 1989. Date: The Red Eight restaurant/ Los Angeles. February, 1989. Credits: photography by Dennis Keeley

P86900603. Source: Option Magazine # 27. July, 1989. Date: The Red Eight restaurant/ Los Angeles. February, 1989 (w. Elvis Costello). Credits: photography by Dennis Keeley

P86900610. Source: screenshot from "Bearskin: An Urban Fairytale" (1989). Date: movie released 1989. Credits: Movie directed by Ann Guedes. Thanks to Lynne Browning for donating picture

P86900613. Source: screenshot from "Bearskin: An Urban Fairytale" (1989). Date: movie released 1989. Credits: Movie directed by Ann Guedes. Thanks to Lynne Browning for donating picture

P86900614. Source: screenshot from "Bearskin: An Urban Fairytale" (1989). Date: movie released 1989. Credits: Movie directed by Ann Guedes. Thanks to Lynne Browning for donating picture

P86900116. Source: screenshot from "Bearskin: An Urban Fairytale" (1989). Date: movie released 1989. Credits: Movie directed by Ann Guedes. Thanks to Lynne Browning for donating picture

P86900617. Source: screenshot from "Bearskin: An Urban Fairytale" (1989). Date: movie released 1989. Credits: Movie directed by Ann Guedes. Thanks to Lynne Browning for donating picture

P86900618. Source: screenshot from "Bearskin: An Urban Fairytale" (1989). Date: movie released 1989. Credits: Movie directed by Ann Guedes

P86900619. Source: screenshot from "Bearskin: An Urban Fairytale" (1989). Date: movie released 1989. Credits: Movie directed by Ann Guedes

P86900620. Source: promo picture for "Bearskin: An Urban Fairytale" (1989). Date: movie released 1989. Credits: Movie directed by Ann Guedes. Photography by Michael Coulter. Thanks to Floris Cooman for donating scan

P86900621. Source: promo poster for "Bearskin: An Urban Fairytale" (1989). Date: movie released 1989. Credits: Movie directed by Ann Guedes. Photo credit unknown

P86900622. Source: promo picture for "Bearskin: An Urban Fairytale" (1989), as printed in German lobbycard. Date: movie released 1989. Credits: Movie directed by Ann Guedes. Photo credit unknown

P86900630. Source: Ostkreuz: Agentur der Fotografen (Germany). Tom Waits in Hamburg preparing "Black Rider" rehearsals with Robert Wilson. Date: May/ June, 1989. Credits: photography by Jens R�tzsch

P86900640. Source: cover for "Songwriter" magazine. October, 1990. Date: 1990 or earlier (1980?). Credits: unknown

P86900650. Source: stills from video for: "It's All Right With Me". Date: video released 1990. Credits: video directed by Jim Jarmusch

P86900655. Source: still from video for: "It's All Right With Me". Date: video released 1990. Credits: video directed by Jim Jarmusch

P86900660. Source: still from the movie: "The Two Jakes", 1990. Waits (L) as plainclothes policeman. Date: movie released 1990. Credits: unknown. Movie directed by Jack Nicholson

P86900670. Source: Black Rider rehearsals, copied from: Tom Waits Miscellania. Kind permission Gary Tausch. Date: 1990. Credits: photography by: Herman J. and Clarchen Baus

P86900675. Source: Studio recordings for The Black Rider (play), done with Greg Cohen a.o., 1989. Date: Music Factory in Hamburg/ Germany, 1989. Credits: video screenshot from German WDR television documentary (The Black Rider - Der Schwarze Reite, 1990/ Theo Janssen and Ralph Quinke)

P86900676. Source: Studio recordings for The Black Rider (play), done with Greg Cohen a.o., 1989. Date: Music Factory in Hamburg/ Germany, 1989. Credits: video screenshot from German WDR television documentary (The Black Rider - Der Schwarze Reite, 1990/ Theo Janssen and Ralph Quinke)

P86900677. Source: Studio recordings for The Black Rider (play), done with Greg Cohen a.o., 1989. Date: Music Factory in Hamburg/ Germany, 1989. Credits: video screenshot from German WDR television documentary (The Black Rider - Der Schwarze Reite, 1990/ Theo Janssen and Ralph Quinke)

P86900680. Source: booklet for the album "The Black Rider", 1993. Date: Thalia version (Hamburg/ Germany) staged March 30, 1990. Credits: photography by: Paul Schirnhofer, Ralf Brinkhoff, Herman J. and Clarchen Baus

P86900681. Source: booklet for the album "The Black Rider", 1993. Date: Thalia version (Hamburg/ Germany) staged March 30, 1990. Credits: photography by: Paul Schirnhofer, Ralf Brinkhoff, Herman J. and Clarchen Baus

P86900682. Source: booklet for the album "The Black Rider", 1993. Date: Thalia version (Hamburg/ Germany) staged March 30, 1990. Credits: photography by: Paul Schirnhofer, Ralf Brinkhoff, Herman J. and Clarchen Baus

P86900683. With: Greg Cohen. Source: booklet for the album "The Black Rider", 1993. Date: Thalia version (Hamburg/ Germany) staged March 30, 1990. Credits: photography by: Paul Schirnhofer, Ralf Brinkhoff, Herman J. and Clarchen Baus

P86900684. With: Greg Cohen. Source: booklet for the album "The Black Rider", 1993. Date: Thalia version (Hamburg/ Germany) staged March 30, 1990. Credits: photography by: Paul Schirnhofer, Ralf Brinkhoff, Herman J. and Clarchen Baus

P86900686. With: Greg Cohen. Source: Ralf Brinkhoff archives. Date: Thalia theatre (Hamburg/ Germany), 1990. Credits: photography by Ralf Brinkhoff.

P86900690. Source: booklet for the album "The Black Rider", 1993. Date: Thalia version (Hamburg/ Germany) staged March 30, 1990. Credits: photography by: Paul Schirnhofer, Ralf Brinkhoff, Herman J. and Clarchen Baus

P86900691. Source: booklet for the album "The Black Rider", 1993. Date: Thalia version (Hamburg/ Germany) staged March 30, 1990. Credits: photography by: Paul Schirnhofer, Ralf Brinkhoff, Herman J. and Clarchen Baus

P86900692. Source: booklet for the album "The Black Rider", 1993. Date: Black Rider press conference? Thalia version (Hamburg/ Germany) staged March 30, 1990. Credits: photography by: Paul Schirnhofer, Ralf Brinkhoff, Herman J. and Clarchen Baus

P86900693. Waits, Burroughs, Wilson. Source: booklet for the album "The Black Rider", 1993. Also printed in Rolling Stone magazine (Germany), December 2006. Date: Black Rider press conference. Thalia version (Hamburg/ Germany) staged March 30, 1990. Credits: photography by: Paul Schirnhofer, Ralf Brinkhoff, Herman J. and Clarchen Baus

P86900694. (w. William Burroughs) "The Mojo Interview", Mojo magazine. October, 2004. Date: Black Rider press conference. Thalia version (Hamburg/ Germany) staged March 30, 1990. Credits: photography by: Paul Schirnhofer, Ralf Brinkhoff, Herman J. and Clarchen Baus

P86900695. With: Robert Wilson. Source: San Francisco's American Conservatory Theater website (July, 2004). Date: Black Rider press conference? Thalia version (Hamburg/ Germany) staged March 30, 1990. Credits: production photographer � Brinkhoff/ M�genburg, Hamburg.

P86900695. With: Robert Wilson. Source: booklet for the album "The Black Rider", 1993. Date: Black Rider press conference? Thalia version (Hamburg/ Germany) staged March 30, 1990. Credits: photography by: Paul Schirnhofer, Ralf Brinkhoff, Herman J. and Clarchen Baus

P86900696. With: Robert Wilson. Source: booklet for the album "The Black Rider", 1993. Date: Black Rider press conference? Thalia version (Hamburg/ Germany) staged March 30, 1990. Credits: photography by: Paul Schirnhofer, Ralf Brinkhoff, Herman J. and Clarchen Baus

P86900697. Source: Black Rider press conference. Thalia theatre. Date: Thalia theatre in Hamburg/ Germany, March 1990. Credits: video screenshot from German WDR television documentary (The Black Rider - Der Schwarze Reite, 1990/ Theo Janssen and Ralph Quinke)

P86900698. Source: Waits on stage singing "The Black Rider", after the premiere at the Thalia theatre. Date: Thalia theatre (Hamburg/ Germany) staged March 30, 1990. Credits: video screenshot from German WDR television documentary (The Black Rider - Der Schwarze Reite, 1990/ Theo Janssen and Ralph Quinke)

P86900700. Source: booklet for the album "The Black Rider", 1993. Date: Thalia version (Hamburg/ Germany) staged March 30, 1990. Credits: photography by: Paul Schirnhofer, Ralf Brinkhoff, Herman J. and Clarchen Baus

P86900710. Source: unknown. W.: Robert Wilson and William Burroughs. Date: Thalia version The Black Rider (Hamburg/ Germany) staged March 30, 1990. Credits: photography by: Ralf Brinkhoff

P86900720. With: Robert Wilson and William Burroughs. Source: booklet for the album "The Black Rider", 1993. Date: Thalia version (Hamburg/ Germany) staged March 30, 1990. Credits: photography by: Ralf Brinkhoff

P86900730. Source: booklet for the album "The Black Rider", 1993. Date: Thalia version (Hamburg/ Germany) staged March 30, 1990. W. Berd Kunath. Credits: photography by: Ralf Brinkhoff

P86900740. Source: Brinkhoff/ M�genburg Fotografie. Date: Thalia version (Hamburg/ Germany) staged March 30, 1990. W. Berd Kunath. Credits: photography by Ralf Brinkhoff

P86900750. With: Gerd Bessler. Source: booklet for the album "The Black Rider", 1993. Date: Thalia version (Hamburg/ Germany) staged March 30, 1990. Credits: photography by: Paul Schirnhofer, Ralf Brinkhoff, Herman J. and Clarchen Baus

P86900760. With: William Burroughs. Source: booklet for the album "The Black Rider", 1993. Date: Thalia version (Hamburg/ Germany) staged March 30, 1990. Credits: photography by: Paul Schirnhofer, Ralf Brinkhoff, Herman J. and Clarchen Baus

P86900770. With: William Burroughs. Source: booklet for the album "The Black Rider", 1993. Date: Thalia version (Hamburg/ Germany) staged March 30, 1990. Credits: photography by: Paul Schirnhofer, Ralf Brinkhoff, Herman J. and Clarchen Baus

P86900780. With: William Burroughs. Source: booklet for the album "The Black Rider", 1993. Date: Thalia version (Hamburg/ Germany) staged March 30, 1990. Credits: photography by: Paul Schirnhofer, Ralf Brinkhoff, Herman J. and Clarchen Baus

P86900790. Source: Island promo poster. Also printed in the booklet for the album "The Black Rider", 1993. Date: Thalia version (Hamburg/ Germany) staged March 30, 1990. Credits: photography by: Paul Schirnhofer, Ralf Brinkhoff, Herman J. and Clarchen Baus

P86900800. Source: Rolling Stone magazine (Germany) nr. 5 May, 2002. Date: ca. 1990. Credits: photography by: Herman J. and Clarchen Baus

P86900810. Source: still from the movie "Queens Logic", Waits as Monte. Date: movie released 1991 (filmed in 1990). Credits: unknown. Movie directed by Steve Rash

P86900811. Source: still from the movie "Queens Logic", Waits as Monte. Date: movie released 1991 (filmed in 1990). Credits: unknown. Movie directed by Steve Rash

P86900812. Source: still from the movie "Queens Logic", Waits as Monte. Date: movie released 1991 (filmed in 1990). Credits: unknown. Movie directed by Steve Rash

P86900813. Source: still from the movie "Queens Logic", Waits as Monte. Date: movie released 1991 (filmed in 1990). Credits: unknown. Movie directed by Steve Rash

P86900814. Source: promo picture for the movie "Queens Logic", Waits as Monte. Date: movie released 1991 (filmed in 1990). Credits: unknown. Movie directed by Steve Rash

P86900920. Source: promotional picture for the movie "At play in the fields of the Lord". Date: movie released 1991 (filmed late 1990). Credits: photography by Phil Bray. Thanks to Floris Cooman for donating scan

P86900921. Source: screenshot from "At play in the fields of the Lord". Date: movie released 1991 (filmed late 1990). Credits: unknown

P86900922. Source: screenshot from "At play in the fields of the Lord". Date: movie released 1991 (filmed late 1990). Credits: unknown