P76800050. Source: University of Washington Daily Newspaper (USA) February 1976. Date :early 1976. Credits: photography by Dave Gregor

P76800070. Source: magazine front cover for Muziekkrant OOR (The Netherlands) nr. 3, p. 42-43, February 11, 1976. Date: 1974/ 1975(?), published: February 11, 1976. Credits: unknown (Barry Schultz?)

P76800080. Source: Muziekkrant OOR (The Netherlands) nr. 3, p. 42-43, February 11, 1976. Date: Duke's Restaurant. Los Angeles, early 1976, published: February 11, 1976. Credits: photography by Constant Meijers (Barry Schultz?)

P76800090. Source: Muziekkrant OOR (The Netherlands) nr. 3, p. 42-43, February 11, 1976. Date: Duke's Restaurant. Los Angeles, early 1976, published: February 11, 1976. Credits: photography by Constant Meijers (Barry Schultz?)

P76800100. Source: Muziekkrant OOR (The Netherlands) nr. 3, p. 42-43, February 11, 1976. Date: Duke's Restaurant. Los Angeles, early 1976, published: February 11, 1976. Credits: photography by Constant Meijers (Barry Schultz?)

P76800110. Source: Muziekkrant OOR (The Netherlands) nr. 3, p. 42-43, February 11, 1976. Date: Los Angeles, early 1976, published: February 11, 1976. Credits: photography by Constant Meijers (Barry Schultz?)

P76800120. Source: Jazz & Blues Photography by Herb Nolan. Date: Victoria restaurant, Chicago. Early 1976. Credits: photography by Herb Nolan. Kind permission Herb Nolan

P76800130. Source: Jazz & Blues Photography by Herb Nolan. Date: Victoria restaurant, Chicago. Early 1976. Credits: photography by Herb Nolan. Kind permission Herb Nolan

P76800140. Source: Jazz & Blues Photography by Herb Nolan. Date: Victoria restaurant, Chicago. Early 1976. Credits: photography by Herb Nolan. Kind permission Herb Nolan

P76800160. Source: unknown. San Francisco, 1978. Date: 1976/ 1978. Credits: unknown

P76800165. Source: "Wild Years - The Music And Myth Of Tom Waits", ECW Press, 2000. Jay S. Jacobs. Date: ca. 1976. Credits: photography by Phil Ceccola

P76800170. Source: CD booklet for "Tom Waits - Used Songs", 2001. Date: ca. 1975/ 1976. Credits: photography Andrew Putler/ Retna

P76800190. Source: unknown. Date: ca. 1975/ 1976. Credits: photography by Andrew Putler/ Redferns

P76800195. Source: unknown. Date: ca. 1975/ 1976. Credits: photography by Andrew Putler/ Redferns

P76800200. Source: unknown. Date: ca. 1975/ 1976. Credits: photography Gems/ Redferns

P76800205. Source: The Hartford Advocate. March 31, 1976 "Tom Waits: A Rumor In His Own Time". Date: Shaboo Inn. Willimantic/ USA. March 18, 1976. Credits: Michael Marsland Photos. Thanks to Ken Langford for donating scan

P76800206. Source: The Hartford Advocate. March 31, 1976 "Tom Waits: A Rumor In His Own Time". Date: Shaboo Inn. Willimantic/ USA. March 18, 1976. Credits: Michael Marsland Photos. Thanks to Ken Langford for donating scan

P76800207. Source: The Hartford Advocate. March 31, 1976 "Tom Waits: A Rumor In His Own Time". Date: Shaboo Inn. Willimantic/ USA. March 18, 1976. Credits: Michael Marsland Photos. Thanks to Ken Langford for donating scan
P76800210. Source: ZigZag magazine, 1976. Date: Ronnie Scott's Club, Soho/ London. May 31 - Jun. 12, 1976. Credits: photography by Chalkie Davies. Thanks to Kevin Molony for donating scan

P76800211. Source: "Wild Years - The Music And Myth Of Tom Waits", Jay S. Jacobs. ECW Press, 2000. Also printed in "Tom Waits - The Music Makers", Unanimous Ltd, 2000. Cath Carroll. Date: Ronnie Scott's Club, Soho/ London. May 31 - Jun. 12, 1976. Credits: photography Platt Collection/ Archive Photos

P76800212. Source: Chalkie Davies archives. Date: Ronnie Scott's Club, Soho/ London. May 31 - Jun. 12, 1976. Credits: photography by Chalkie Davies

P76800213. Source: MOJO magazine 1999. Also printed in Word Magazine December 2006. Date: Portobello Road, London (UK) May 31 - Jun. 12, 1976. Credits: photography by Michael Putland/ Retna

P76800214. Source: Michael Putland portfolio. Date: Portobello Road, London (UK) May 31 - Jun. 12, 1976. Credits: photography by Michael Putland

P76800215. Source: Rolling Stone magazine (Germany), December 2006. Date: Portobello Road, London (UK) May 31 - Jun. 12, 1976. Credits: photography by Michael Putland/ Retna

P76800216. Source: Sounds magazine. August 4, 1979. Also printed in Rolling Stone magazine (Germany) nr. 5, May, 2002. Date: Portobello Road, London (UK) May 31 - Jun. 12, 1976. Credits: photography by Michael Putland/ Retna. Thanks to Kevin Molony for donating scan

P76800217. Source: Circus magazine. December 22, 1977. Date: Portobello Road, London (UK) May 31 - Jun. 12, 1976. Credits: photography by Michael Putland/ Retna. Thanks to Dorene LaLonde for donating magazine

P76800218. Source: w. writer Jay Landesman, Fran Landesman official site. Date: unknown. Probably London May 31 - Jun. 12, '76. Graham Dean (2009): "There were constant coming and goings of people [Landesman house in Islington] who were famous or about to become famous . The list is too long to relate but I remember meeting Tom Waits on his first visit to London . He arrived with his manager and wanted to speak to Fran about Kerouac who Jay and Fran knew . Cosmo and I didn't know what to make of him as he was our age but acted like an old hobo - odd" (Source: Graham Dean official site, journal October 5, 2008). Credits: photography unknown.

P76800220. Source: "Sange Efter Lukketid", DR2 (Denmark) television live music show. Directed by Ole Koefoed, produced by Edmondt Jensen. Date: Copenhagen/ Denmark. June, 1976. Credits: TV screenshot

P76800221. Source: "Sange Efter Lukketid", DR2 (Denmark) television live music show. Directed by Ole Koefoed, produced by Edmondt Jensen. Date: Copenhagen/ Denmark. June, 1976. Credits: TV screenshot

P76800222. Source: "Sange Efter Lukketid", DR2 (Denmark) television live music show. Directed by Ole Koefoed, produced by Edmondt Jensen. Date: Copenhagen/ Denmark. June, 1976. Credits: TV screenshot

P76800223. Source: "Sange Efter Lukketid", DR2 (Denmark) television live music show. Directed by Ole Koefoed, produced by Edmondt Jensen. Date: Copenhagen/ Denmark. June, 1976. Credits: TV screenshot

P76800224. Source: "Sange Efter Lukketid", DR2 (Denmark) television live music show. Directed by Ole Koefoed, produced by Edmondt Jensen. Date: Copenhagen/ Denmark. June, 1976. Credits: TV screenshot

P76800230. Source: CD booklet for "Tom Waits - Used Songs", 2001. Date: ca. May 1976 (The Netherlands). Credits: photography by Gijsbert Hanekroot/ Retna

P76800231. Source: CD booklet for "Tom Waits - Used Songs", 2001. Date: ca. May 1976 (The Netherlands). Credits: photography by Gijsbert Hanekroot/ Retna

P76800240. Source: Dutch "OOR" magazine. July 10, 1999. Date: ca. May 1976 (The Netherlands). Credits: photography by Paul Eyzinga

P76800250. Source: Rolling Stone magazine. April 1, 1982. Date: ca. 1976. Credits: photography unknown

P76800260. Source: from the cover for the album "Small Change". Date: album released September, 1976. Credits: photography by Bruce Weber

P76800270. Source: detail from the cover for the album "Small Change". Date: album released September, 1976. Credits: photography by Joel Brodsky

P76800271. Source: "The Mojo Interview". Mojo magazine. October, 2004 (Small Change album photo sessions). Also printed in Rolling Stone magazine (Germany), December 2006. Date: album released September, 1976. Credits: photography by Joel Brodsky

P76800272. Source: Small Change album photo sessions. Date: album released September, 1976. Credits: photography by Joel Brodsky

P76800273. Source: Small Change album photo sessions. Date: album released September, 1976. Credits: photography by Joel Brodsky

P76800274. Source: Small Change album photo sessions. Date: album released September, 1976. Credits: photography by Joel Brodsky

P49750280. Source: "Wild Years - The Music And Myth Of Tom Waits", ECW Press, 2000. Jay S. Jacobs (detail printed in booklet for "Tom Waits - Used Songs", 2001). Date: Dallas, October 24-25, 1976. Credits: photography by Philip Gould

P49750290. Source: unknown. Also printed in Dallas Times Herald October 27, 1976. Date: Dallas, October 24-25, 1976. Credits: photography by Philip Gould

P76800305. Source: The Dallas Morning News. October 27, 1976 "Waits In A Class By Himself". Date: Faces Club. Dallas/ USA. October 24-25, 1976. Credits: photography by Eli Grothe. Thanks to Ken Langford for donating scan

P76800308. Source: The Hartford Advocate. November 17, 1976 "Looking For The Heart Of Tom Waits". Date: Shaboo Inn. Willimantic/ USA. November 9, 1976. Credits: Alan Decker Photo. Thanks to Ken Langford for donating scan

P76800310. Source: unknown. Date: Tower Theatre, Philadelpia. November 11, 1976. Credits: photography by Steve Landis

P76800320. Source: The Mike Douglas Show. CBS television talkshow with Mike Douglas. Philadelphia/ USA. Date: aired November 17/ 19, 1976. Rebroadcast by VH1/ USA in 1997. Credits: video screenshot

P76800321. Source: The Mike Douglas Show. CBS television talkshow with Mike Douglas. Philadelphia/ USA. Date: aired November 17/ 19, 1976. Rebroadcast by VH1/ USA in 1997. Credits: video screenshot

P76800322. Source: The Mike Douglas Show. CBS television talkshow with Mike Douglas. Philadelphia/ USA. Date: aired November 17/ 19, 1976. Rebroadcast by VH1/ USA in 1997. Credits: video screenshot

P76800323. Source: The Mike Douglas Show. CBS television talkshow with Mike Douglas. Philadelphia/ USA. Date: aired November 17/ 19, 1976. Rebroadcast by VH1/ USA in 1997. Credits: video screenshot

P76800324. Source: The Mike Douglas Show. CBS television talkshow with Mike Douglas. Philadelphia/ USA. Date: aired November 17/ 19, 1976. Rebroadcast by VH1/ USA in 1997. Credits: video screenshot

P76800325. Source: The Mike Douglas Show. CBS television talkshow with Mike Douglas. Philadelphia/ USA. Date: aired November 17/ 19, 1976. Rebroadcast by VH1/ USA in 1997. Credits: video screenshot

P76800326. Source: The Mike Douglas Show. CBS television talkshow with Mike Douglas. Philadelphia/ USA. Date: aired November 17/ 19, 1976. Rebroadcast by VH1/ USA in 1997. Credits: video screenshot

P76800330. Source: w. the Nocturnal Emissions (1976 tour band): Fitz Jenkins, Frank Vicari and Chip White as printed in “Lowside Of The Road: A Life Of Tom Waits" by Barney Hoskyns (Faber/ Broadway, 2009). Date: late 1976 (backstage at Mike Douglas?). Credits: courtesy of Chip White

P76800340. Source: w. Paul Body, Robert Marchese and Chuck E. Weiss in front of the LA Troubadour as printed in “Lowside Of The Road: A Life Of Tom Waits" by Barney Hoskyns (Faber/ Broadway, 2009). Date: ca. late 1976. Credits: courtesy of Robert Marchese

P76800360. Source: CD booklet for "Tom Waits - Used Songs", 2001. Date: ca. 1976. Credits: photography Ron Parnell/ Starfile

P76800380. Source: unknown. Date: ca. 1976. Credits: unknown

P76800390. Source: CD booklet for "Tom Waits - Used Songs", 2001. Date: Sanders Theatre, Cambridge USA. November 10, 1976. Credits: Ron Pownall/ Starfile

P76800400. Source: Country Rambler magazine. December 30, 1976. Date: Chicago, 1976. Credits: photography by Mitchell Rose. Thanks to Kevin Molony for donating scan

P76800410. Source: Country Rambler magazine. December 30, 1976. Date: Chicago, 1976. Credits: photography by Mitchell Rose. Thanks to Kevin Molony for donating scan. This picture was later used for the Small Change life size promotional standup (1976)

P76800411. Source: Asylum life size promotional standee (Small Change, late 1976). Date: Chicago, 1976. Credits: photography by Mitchell Rose

P76800412. Source: Country Rambler magazine (back cover). December 30, 1976. Date: Chicago, 1976. Credits: photography by Mitchell Rose. Thanks to Kevin Molony for donating scan

P76800413. Source: "Country Rambler" magazine session. Date: Chicago, 1976. Credits: photography by Mitchell Rose

P76800420. Source: Rolling Stone magazine, January 27, 1977. Issue 231. Date: 1976 or earlier. Credits: photography by Mitchell Rose

P76800421. Source: Mitchell Rose archives. Date: Tropicana Motel Los Angeles, 1976 or earlier. Credits: photography by Mitchell Rose

P76800430. Source: Rolling Stone magazine, January 27, 1977. Issue 231 (also printed in: Hit Parader magazine, 1978. Trax Magazine March, 1981). Date: Tropicana Motel Los Angeles, 1976 or earlier. Credits: photography by Mitchell Rose

P76800431. Source: Mitchell Rose archives. Date: Tropicana Motel Los Angeles, 1976 or earlier. Credits: photography by Mitchell Rose

P76800432. Source: "Creem" magazine. March, 1978. Date: Tropicana Motel, Los Angeles, 1976 or earlier. Credits: photography by Neil Zlowzower. Thanks to Kevin Molony for donating scan

P76800440. Source: "Country Rambler" magazine. December 30, 1976. Date: Chicago, 1976. Credits: photography by Mitchell Rose. Thanks to Kevin Molony for donating scan

P76800445. Source: Texas Opry House/ USA. Date: late 1976. Credits: photography by Ralph Fales (picture slightly altered). Ralph Fales: "Tom stared out from the room with the beer cooler backstage, after a hypnotic set of piano poetry and alcohol induced love songs. Accompanied by only a saxophone and later, a stripper, Tom left a lasting impression on the country rock crowd..." (Source: www.rockarchive.com)

P76800447. Source: The Houston Post. December 12, 1976 "For Waits City Life Is Small Change". Date: October 29-30, 1976 or earlier. Credits: photography unknown. Thanks to Ken Langford for donating scan

P76800450. Source:"Tom Waits for no one?", Northeastern Ohio Scene. Volume 7, no. 51. Jim Gerard. December 23 - 29, 1976. Date: Agora Ballroom. Cleveland/ USA. December 13, 1976. Credits: photography by Bob Ferrell. Thanks to Dorene LaLonde for donating magazine

P76800460. Source:"Tom Waits for no one?", Northeastern Ohio Scene. Volume 7, no. 51. Jim Gerard. December 23 - 29, 1976. Date: Agora Ballroom. Cleveland/ USA. December 13, 1976. Credits: photography by Bob Ferrell

P76800470. Source:"Tom Waits for no one?", Northeastern Ohio Scene. Volume 7, no. 51. Jim Gerard. December 23 - 29, 1976. Date: Agora Ballroom. Cleveland/ USA. December 13, 1976 "Waits and Bunny O'Hare". Credits: photography by Bob Ferrell

P76800520. Source: Tom's Cabin Productions, 1977. Date: Japan. January, 1977. Credits: Tom's Cabin Productions

P76800530. Source: Ken's Photographs Gallery. Date: Seibu Koudou (Kyoto University, Western Auditorium). Kyoto, Japan. January 16, 1977. Credits: Ken Tsukamoto. 2000 Hello Good-Bye Studio

P76800531. Source: Ken's Photographs Gallery. Date: Seibu Koudou (Kyoto University, Western Auditorium). Kyoto, Japan. January 16, 1977. Credits: Ken Tsukamoto. 2000 Hello Good-Bye Studio

P76800532. Source: Ken's Photographs Gallery. Date: Seibu Koudou (Kyoto University, Western Auditorium). Kyoto, Japan. January 16, 1977. Credits: Ken Tsukamoto. 2000 Hello Good-Bye Studio

P76800534. Source: Ken's Photographs Gallery. Date: Seibu Koudou (Kyoto University, Western Auditorium). Kyoto, Japan. January 16, 1977. Credits: Ken Tsukamoto. 2000 Hello Good-Bye Studio

P76800535. Source: Ken's Photographs Gallery. Date: Seibu Koudou (Kyoto University, Western Auditorium). Kyoto, Japan. January 16, 1977. Credits: Ken Tsukamoto. 2000 Hello Good-Bye Studio

P76800540. Source: Saturday Night Live. NBC television comedy show. Studio 8-H: New York/ USA. Date: aired April 09, 1977. Rebroadcast by MTV/ USA. Credits: video screenshots/ NBC/ MTV

P76800541. Source: Saturday Night Live. NBC television comedy show. Studio 8-H: New York/ USA. Date: aired April 09, 1977. Rebroadcast by MTV/ USA. Credits: video screenshots/ NBC/ MTV

P76800542. Source: Saturday Night Live. NBC television comedy show. Studio 8-H: New York/ USA. Date: aired April 09, 1977. Rebroadcast by MTV/ USA. Credits: video screenshots/ NBC/ MTV

P76800550. Source: Rockpalast TV show. WDR/ Germany. Date: WDR Studio's. Cologne/ Germany. April 18, 1977. Credits: video screenshot/ WDR

P76800551. Source: Rockpalast TV show. WDR/ Germany. Date: WDR Studio's. Cologne/ Germany. April 18, 1977. Credits: video screenshot/ WDR

P76800552. Source: Rockpalast TV show. WDR/ Germany. Date: WDR Studio's. Cologne/ Germany. April 18, 1977. Credits: video screenshot/ WDR

P76800553. Source: Rockpalast TV show. WDR/ Germany. Date: WDR Studio's. Cologne/ Germany. April 18, 1977. Credits: video screenshot/ WDR

P76800556. Source: Rolling Stone magazine (Germany), December 2006. Date: Rockpalast TV show. WDR Studio's. Cologne/ Germany. April 18, 1977. Credits: photography by Manfred Becker

P76800558. Source: Soundi magazine no. 6 (Finland), 1977. Date: Tavastia Klubi. Helsinki (Finland). April 20, 1977. Credits: photography: unknown. Thanks to Risto Etel�aho for donating scan

P76800559. Source: Soundi magazine no. 6 (Finland), 1977. Date: Tavastia Klubi. Helsinki (Finland). April 20, 1977. Credits: photography: unknown. Thanks to Risto Etel�aho for donating scan

P76800581. Source: Muziekkrant OOR magazine (The Netherlands) nr. 10. May 18, 1977. Date: April 29, 1977 Amsterdam/ The Netherlands. Credits: photography by Barry Schultz. Thanks to Gert-Jan Klanderman for donating scan

P76800582. Source: Muziekkrant OOR magazine (The Netherlands) nr. 10. May 18, 1977. Date: April 29, 1977 Amsterdam/ The Netherlands. Credits: photography by Barry Schultz. Thanks to Gert-Jan Klanderman for donating scan

P76800285. Source: OOR magazine (The Netherlands). July 10, 1999. Date: April 29, 1977 Amsterdam/ The Netherlands (?) Credits: photography by Barry Schultz

P76800590. Source: from the front cover of the album: "The Early Years 1", 1991. Date: Amsterdam/ The Netherlands, 29 April 1977. Credits: Clouds Studios/ Amsterdam

P76800591. Source: from the back cover of the album: "The Early Years 1", 1991. Date: Amsterdam/ The Netherlands, 29 April 1977
Credits: Clouds Studios/ Amsterdam

P76800592. Source: from the booklet of the album "The Early Years 2", 1992. Date: Amsterdam/ The Netherlands, 29 April 1977. Credits: Clouds Studios/ Amsterdam

P76800594. Source: from the booklet of the album "The Early Years 2", 1992. Date: Amsterdam/ The Netherlands, 29 April 1977. Credits: Clouds Studios/ Amsterdam

P76800595. Source: Source: from the book: "Small Change, A life of Tom Waits". Patrick Humphries, 1989. Also printed in "Wild Years - The Music And Myth Of Tom Waits", ECW Press, 2000. Jay S. Jacobs. Detail also printed in Melody Maker May 1977. Also printed in Juke Magazine October 10, 1992. Date: May 1977 or earlier. Credits: George DuBose/ London Features International (LFI)

P76800600. Source: The Guardian music blog, 2007. Date: London/ UK, May 1977. Credits: photography by Earmonn McCabe

P76800601. Source: The Old Grey Whistle Test. BBC television show ("Small Change"). Date: London/ UK, May 1977. Credits: video screenshot/ BBC UK

P76800603. Source: The Old Grey Whistle Test. BBC television show ("Small Change"). Date: London/ UK, May 1977. Credits: video screenshot/ BBC UK

P76800604. Source: The Old Grey Whistle Test. BBC television show ("Tom Traubert's Blues"). Date: London/ UK, May 1977. Credits: video screenshot/ BBC UK

P76800605. Source: The Old Grey Whistle Test. BBC television show ("Tom Traubert's Blues"). Date: London/ UK, May 1977. Credits: video screenshot/ BBC UK

P76800606. Source: The Old Grey Whistle Test. BBC television show ("Tom Traubert's Blues"). Date: London/ UK, May 1977. Credits: video screenshot/ BBC UK

P76800610. Source: Fernwood2Night TV show (w. Martin Mull and Fred Willard). Date: show aired August 1, 1977. Credits: video screenshot/ TAT Communication & Co.

P76800611. Source: Fernwood2Night TV show (w. Martin Mull and Fred Willard). Date: show aired August 1, 1977. Credits: video screenshot/ TAT Communication & Co.

P76800612. Source: Fernwood2Night TV show (w. Martin Mull and Fred Willard). Date: show aired August 1, 1977. Credits: video screenshot/ TAT Communication & Co.

P76800613. Source: Fernwood2Night TV show (w. Martin Mull and Fred Willard). Date: show aired August 1, 1977. Credits: video screenshot/ TAT Communication & Co.

P76800614. Source: Fernwood2Night TV show (w. Martin Mull and Fred Willard). Date: show aired August 1, 1977. Credits: video screenshot/ TAT Communication & Co.

P76800750. Source: The Dallas Morning News (USA). November 13, 1977. Date: November 1977 or earlier. Credits: photograpy unknown. Thanks to Ken Langford for donating scan

P76800660. Source: Cynthia MacAdams portfolio. Date: ca. 1977. Credits: photography by Cynthia MacAdams

P76800661. Source: Cynthia MacAdams portfolio. Also printed in Rolling Stone magazine (Germany), December 2006. Date: ca. 1977. Credits: photography by Cynthia MacAdams

P76800670. Source: from the cover of the album: "Foreign Affairs". Date: 1977. Credits: photography by George Hurrell

P76800680. Source: Elektra promo picture. Also used for the cover of the album: "Foreign Affairs", 1977. Date: 1977. Credits: photography by George Hurrell

P76800690. Source: detail from the cover of the album: "Foreign Affairs". Date: 1977. Credits: photography by George Hurrell

P76800695. Source: Glen Christensen archives, 2005. Date: Foreign Affairs session, 1977. Credits: photography by George Hurrell(?)

P76800696. Source: Glen Christensen archives, 2005. Date: Foreign Affairs session, 1977. Credits: photography by George Hurrell(?)

P76800697. Source: Glen Christensen archives, 2005. Date: Foreign Affairs session, 1977. Credits: photography by George Hurrell(?)

P76800698. Source: Glen Christensen archives, 2005. Date: Foreign Affairs session, 1977. Credits: photography by George Hurrell(?)

P76800699. Source: Glen Christensen archives, 2005. Date: Foreign Affairs session, 1977. Credits: photography by George Hurrell(?)

P76800700. Source: Glen Christensen archives, 2005. Date: Foreign Affairs session, 1977. Credits: photography by George Hurrell(?)

P76800710. Source: Elektra/ Asylum "Foreign Affairs" presskit. Also printed in: Modern Hi-Fi and Musics, "Sound Trax" magazine October, 1978. Also printed in: Trax magazine. March, 1981. Date: 1977 or earlier. Credits: Glen Leferman

P76800715. Source: The Troubadour. Los Angeles/ USA. Date: September 17, 1977. Credits: photography by Al Satterwhite

P76800716. Source: Royal Oak Theatre, Detroit/ USA. Date: October 27, 1977. Credits: photography by Hugh Candy

P76800718. Source: Royal Oak Theatre, Detroit/ USA. Date: October 27, 1977. Credits: photography by Hugh Candy

P76800719. Source: The Minnesota Daily. November, 1977. Date: State Theatre. Minneapolis/ USA. October 29, 1977. Credits: photography by Dan Seifert. Thanks to Ken Langford for donating scan

P76800720. Source: "TIME" magazine. November 28, 1977. Date: late 1977. Credits: photography by Gilbert Ortiz. Thanks to Kevin Molony for donating scan

P76800721. Source: "TIME" magazine. November 28, 1977. Date: late 1977. Credits: photography by Gilbert Ortiz. Thanks to Kevin Molony for donating scan

P76800730. Source: Gilbert Ortiz archives. Date: late 1977. Credits: photography by Gilbert Ortiz. Kind permission Gilbert Ortiz

P76800750. Source: from the book: "Anthology", AMSCO. Also printed on the back cover of "Wild Years - The Music And Myth Of Tom Waits", ECW Press, 2000. Jay S. Jacobs. Date: 1977. Credits: photography by Ebet Roberts, Santo Basone/ Retna Ltd. and Elaine Bryant/ Retna Ltd.

P76800760. Source: "Wild Years - The Music And Myth Of Tom Waits", ECW Press, 2000. Jay S. Jacobs. Date: 1977. Credits: photography by Ebet Roberts/ Redferns

P76800770. Source: "Tom Waits - The Music Makers", Unanimous Ltd, 2000. Cath Carroll. Date: 1977. Credits: photography by Ebet Roberts/ Redferns

P76800780. Source: Il Mucchio Selvaggio magazine (Italy). Nr. 53. June, 1982 (Ebet Roberts special). Date: 1977. Credits: photography by Ebet Roberts

P76800785. Source: onstage w. stripper at the Theatre Del Mar. Santa Cruz/ USA. As printed in “Lowside Of The Road: A Life Of Tom Waits" by Barney Hoskyns. Faber/ Broadway, 2009. Date: December 1, 1977. Credits: photography by Greg Arrufat

P76800790. Source: "Wild Years - The Music And Myth Of Tom Waits", ECW Press, 2000. Jay S. Jacobs. Also printed in "Circus Weekly" Magazine. January 23, 1979. Date: ca. 1978. Credits: photography by Ebet Roberts/ Redferns

P76800800. Source: "Wild Years - The Music And Myth Of Tom Waits", ECW Press, 2000. Jay S. Jacobs. Date: ca. 1978. Credits: photography by Ebet Roberts/ Redferns

P76800810. Source: from the book "Written In My Soul" by Bill Flanagan, 1986. Date: 1978/ 1979. Credits: photography by Ebet Roberts

P76800820. Source: Peplin Photographic / Larry A. Peplin. Date: ca. late 1977 (Ann Arbor/ Michigan?). Credits: photography by Larry A. Peplin

P76800825. Source: Peplin Photographic / Larry A. Peplin. Date: ca. late 1977 (Ann Arbor/ Michigan?). Credits: photography by Larry A. Peplin

P76800840. Source: Hitparader magazine, 1978. Date: early 1978. Credits: Photo credit Retna. Thanks to Kevin Molony for donating scan

P76800850. Source: 90 Minutes Live CBC interview (w. Flo and Eddie). Date: Tropicana/ LA, April 6, 1978. Credits: video screenshot, CBC

P76800851. Source: 90 Minutes Live CBC interview (w. Flo and Eddie). Date: Tropicana/ LA, April 6, 1978. Credits: video screenshot, CBC

P76800852. Source: 90 Minutes Live CBC interview (w. Flo and Eddie). Date: Tropicana/ LA, April 6, 1978. Credits: video screenshot, CBC

P76800853. Source: 90 Minutes Live CBC interview (w. Flo and Eddie). Date: Tropicana/ LA, April 6, 1978. Credits: video screenshot, CBC

P76800856. Source: 90 Minutes Live CBC interview (w. Flo and Eddie). Also featured in: "Egos And Icons: Tom Waits Skid Romeo" MuchMusic, 1993. Date: Tropicana/ LA, April 6, 1978. Credits: video screenshot, CBC

P76800860. Source: America2Night TV show (w. Martin Mull and Fred Willard). Date: May 25, 1978. Credits: video screenshot/ TAT Communication & Co.

P76800861. Source: America2Night TV show (w. Martin Mull and Fred Willard). Date: May 25, 1978. Credits: video screenshot/ TAT Communication & Co.

P76800862. Source: America2Night TV show (w. Martin Mull and Fred Willard). Date: May 25, 1978. Credits: video screenshot/ TAT Communication & Co.

P76800863. Source: America2Night TV show (w. Martin Mull and Fred Willard). Date: May 25, 1978. Credits: video screenshot/ TAT Communication & Co.

P76800870. Source: "Sleazy Rider - A man who works at being a derelict". RELIX magazine by Clark Peterson. May - June, 1978. Vol. 5 No. 2. Date: Great American Music Hall, San Francisco: October 1977 (?), early 1978(?). Credits: photography by Dave Patrick

P76800875. Source: "Sleazy Rider - A man who works at being a derelict". RELIX magazine by Clark Peterson. May - June, 1978. Vol. 5 No. 2. Date: Great American Music Hall, San Francisco: October 1977 (?), early 1978(?). Credits: photography by Dave Patrick

P76800880. Source: "Sleazy Rider - A man who works at being a derelict". RELIX magazine by Clark Peterson. May - June, 1978. Vol. 5 No. 2. Date: Great American Music Hall, San Francisco: October 1977 (?), early 1978(?). Credits: photography by Dave Patrick
P76800885. Source: "Sleazy Rider - A man who works at being a derelict". RELIX magazine by Clark Peterson. May - June, 1978. Vol. 5 No. 2. Date: Great American Music Hall, San Francisco: October 1977 (?), early 1978(?). Credits: photography by Dave Patrick

P76800886. Source: LitRay (Literary & art magazine). Date: San Francisco, 1978. Credits: photography by Dave Patrick

P76800890. Source: "Another Fein Mess/ Other Fein Messes" by Art Fein. March, 2003. Copyright Art Fein. Date: late 1977. Outside the Troubadour w. Chuck E. Weiss and Paul Body. Credits: Art Fein

P76800900. Source: "Another Fein Mess/ Other Fein Messes" by Art Fein. March, 2003. Copyright Art Fein. Date: late 1977. Outside the Troubadour w. Art Fein and Paul Body. Credits: Art Fein

P76800910. Source: "Another Fein Mess/ Other Fein Messes" by Art Fein. March, 2003. Copyright Art Fein. Date: ca. 1977. Los Angeles, w. Chuck E. Weiss and Art Fein. Credits: Art Fein

P76800930. Source: movie stll from "Paradise Alley", 1978 w. Sylvester Stallone. As printed on the back cover of the 1978 MCA soundtrack album. Date: movie released September, 1978. Credits: unknown

P76800931. Source: movie stll from "Paradise Alley", 1978 w. Sylvester Stallone. Date: movie released September, 1978. Credits: video screenshot

P76800932. Source: movie stll from "Paradise Alley", 1978 w. Sylvester Stallone. Date: movie released September, 1978. Credits: video screenshot

P76800933. Source: movie stll from "Paradise Alley", 1978 w. Sylvester Stallone. Date: movie released September, 1978. Credits: video screenshot

P76800940. Source: Bootlegbetty.com: Bette Midler site. Date: ca. late 1977-1978 (w. Bette Midler). Credits: photography unknown

P76800945. Source: Rolling Stone magazine. December 16-23, 1999. Date: Los Angeles, 1978 (w. David Bowie and Bette Midler). Probably after a David Bowie show at the Inglewood Forum, April, 1978. Credits: photography by Andy Kent. "It was at Ma Maison restaurant, in L.A.," says Bette Midler of this late-night hang after a David Bowie show in 1978. "That was a spectacular time in my life. I was just coming up, having tremendous success, meeting people I'd never imagined I'd meet. Tom Waits I actually knew very well, because I was a fan and a follower of his in the old days, and I was one of the first people to record his music. I knew David a little bit."

P76800950. Source: "Creem" magazine. March, 1978. Date: early 1978. Credits: photography by Mitchell Rose. Thanks to Kevin Molony for donating scan

P76800970. Source: Elektra/ Asylum promo picture. Date: East Hollywood Boulevard, 1978. Credits: photography by Ulvis Alberts

P76800980. Source: Elektra/ Asylum promo picture. Date: East Hollywood Boulevard, 1978. Credits: photography by Ulvis Alberts

P76800985. Source: KWFM archives. Pre show picture w. Jim Ray, John Shook and Allen Browning. Date: The Night Train, Tucson/ USA, 1978. Credits: KWFM archives

P76800990. Source: "Wild Years - The Music And Myth Of Tom Waits", ECW Press, 2000. Jay S. Jacobs. Date: ca. 1978. Credits: photography by Elizabeth Wolynski/ Liaison Agency

P76801000. Source: unknown. Date: ca. 1978. Credits: unknown

P76801010. Source: Rock Retrospect: Concert Photography by Ralph Hulett. Date: ca. 1978. Credits: photography by Ralph Hulett. Copyright 1969-2003 by Rock Retrospect

P76801020. Source: Rock Retrospect: Concert Photography by Ralph Hulett. Date: ca. 1978. Credits: photography by Ralph Hulett. Copyright 1969-2003 by Rock Retrospect

P76801025. Source: Oregon Daily Emerald. October 9, 1978. Date: EMU Ballroom, University Of Oregon. Eugene/ USA. October 8, 1978. Credits: photography by Dennis Hickok. Thanks to Ken Langford for donating scan

P76801026. Source: Twin Cities Reader. November 17, 1978. Date: Guthrie Mainstage, Vineland Place. Minneapolis/ USA. October 22, 1978. Credits: photography by Paul Shambroom. Thanks to Terry Hart for donating scan

P76801027. Source: Minnesota Daily. October, 1978. Date: Guthrie Mainstage, Vineland Place. Minneapolis/ USA. October 22, 1978 "Tom Waits contemplates his image". Credits: photography by April Saul. Thanks to Ken Langford for donating scan

P76801028. Source: The Michigan Daily. October 26, 1978. "Tough Tales And Old Golds". Date: Hill Auditorium. Ann Arbor/ USA. October 24, 1978. Credits: photography by Wayne Cable. Thanks to Ken Langford for donating scan

P76801030. Source: Jenny Lens Punk Archive, 2006. Date: Los Angeles/ USA, ca. 1978. Credits: photography by Jenny Lens (kind permission Jenny Lens)

P76801040. Source: Studio shot for animated short "Tom Waits For No One". Date: ca. October, 1978. Credits: photography by Gary Beydler. Copyright John Lamb, 2002

P76801041. Source: Sudio shot for animated short "Tom Waits For No One". Date: ca. October, 1978. Credits: photography by Gary Beydler. Copyright John Lamb, 2002

P76801042. Source: Still from the original 35-mm film for animated short "Tom Waits For No One". Date: ca. October, 1978. Credits: photography by Gary Beydler. Copyright John Lamb, 2002

P76801043. Source: Still from the original 35-mm film for animated short "Tom Waits For No One". Date: ca. October, 1978. Credits: photography by Gary Beydler. Copyright John Lamb, 2002

P76801044. Source: Still from the original 35-mm film for animated short "Tom Waits For No One". Date: ca. October, 1978. Credits: photography by Gary Beydler. Copyright John Lamb, 2002

P76801045. Source: Still from the original 35-mm film for animated short "Tom Waits For No One". Date: ca. October, 1978. Credits: photography by Gary Beydler. Copyright John Lamb, 2002

P76801050. Source: Skip Kerr archives (originally shot for the "Seattle Sun"). Used for ad promoting Kerr's "Waits And Gates" photo exhibit at Queen Anne gallery. Seattle/ USA August - September, 2007. Date: Paramount Theatre. Seattle/ USA. February 25, 1978 or October 7, 1978. Credits: photography Skip Kerr

P76801100. Source: Asylum promo picture (Herb Cohen Management). Also printed in Imagine June 1980, nr. 12 (USA/ Connecticut music magazine). Also used for a magazine ad promoting a show at the Whalley Concert Hall November 22, 1980. Date: June 1980 or earlier. Credits: photography Greg Gorman

P76801105. Source: Asylum promo picture (Herb Cohen Management). Date: 1977/ 1980 (Tropicana?). Credits: photography Greg Gorman

P76801110. Source: unknown. Date: ca. 1978 (w. Rickie Lee Jones). Credits: photography Greg Gorman(?)

P76801120. Source: Rolling Stone magazine. August 9, 1979. Date: ca. 1978 (with Rickie Lee Jones). Credits: Ricky Lee Jones archives.

P76801170. Source: detail from the back cover of the album: "Blue Valentine", released September 1978. Date: 1978 (with Rickie Lee Jones). Credits: photography by Elliot Gilbert

P76801171. Source: from the inner cover of the album: "Blue Valentine", released September 1978. Date: 1978 (with Rickie Lee Jones). Credits: photography by Elliot Gilbert

P76801180. Asylum Blue Valentine promo poster (notice reverse print), album released September 1978. Date: 1978. Credits: photography by Elliot Gilbert

P76801181. Source: promo poster from the Heartattack and Vine Promo Pack (Asylum/ Elektra), 1980. Date: 1978 (same session as Blue Valentine poster). Credits: photography by Elliot Gilbert

P76801190. Source: The Santa Barbara News And Review (USA). Late 1978 by Charley Delisle. Date: Los Angeles, ca. September, 1978. Credits: photography unknown. Thanks to Ken Langford for donating scan

P76801195. Source: The Agora Ballroom. Atlanta/ USA. Date: November 7, 1978. Credits: photography by Tom Hill.

P76801200. Source: from the Heartattack and Vine Promo Pack (Elektra), 1980. Also printed in Record Magazine November, 1983. Date: Beacon Theater, NYC. November, 1978. Credits: photography by Gary Green

P76801201. Source: Gary Green archives. Date: Beacon Theater, NYC. November, 1978. Credits: photography by Gary Green
P76801205. Source: The Dallas Times Herald. December 4, 1978 "Tom Waits: Sliding Along Life's Sharp Jagged Edges". Date: The Palladium. Dallas/ USA. December 2, 1978. Credits: photography by Andy Hanson. Thanks to Ken Langford for donating scan

P76801210. Source: still from "Austin City Limits" TV show, 1978. Date: recorded December 5, 1978. Broadcast April 28, 1979. Credits: unknown (Scott Newton?)

P76801211. Source: still from "Austin City Limits", 1978. As published on Austin City Limits site. Date: recorded December 5, 1978. Broadcast April 28, 1979. Credits: Scott Newton for Austin City Limits

P76801212. Source: still from "Austin City Limits", 1978. As published on Austin City Limits site. Date: recorded December 5, 1978. Broadcast April 28, 1979. Credits: Scott Newton for Austin City Limits

P76801213. Source: still from "Austin City Limits", 1978. As published on Austin City Limits site. Date: recorded December 5, 1978. Broadcast April 28, 1979. Credits: Scott Newton for Austin City Limits

P76801220. Source: Austin City Limits TV show. Date: recorded December 5, 1978. Broadcast April 28, 1979. Credits: video screenshot/ Austin City Limits

P76801221. Source: Austin City Limits TV show. Date: recorded December 5, 1978. Broadcast April 28, 1979. Credits: video screenshot/ Austin City Limits

P76801222. Source: Austin City Limits TV show. Date: recorded December 5, 1978. Broadcast April 28, 1979. Credits: video screenshot/ Austin City Limits

P76801223. Source: Austin City Limits TV show. Date: recorded December 5, 1978. Broadcast April 28, 1979. Credits: video screenshot/ Austin City Limits

P76801224. Source: Austin City Limits TV show. Date: recorded December 5, 1978. Broadcast April 28, 1979. Credits: video screenshot/ Austin City Limits

P76801225. Source: Austin City Limits TV show. Date: recorded December 5, 1978. Broadcast April 28, 1979. Credits: video screenshot/ Austin City Limits

P76801226. Source: Austin City Limits TV show. Date: recorded December 5, 1978. Broadcast April 28, 1979. Credits: video screenshot/ Austin City Limits

P76801227. Source: Austin City Limits TV show. Date: recorded December 5, 1978. Broadcast April 28, 1979. Credits: video screenshot/ Austin City Limits

P76801230. Source: promo picture for "Austin City Limits", 1978. Date: recorded December 5, 1978. Broadcast April 28, 1979. Credits: unknown.

P76801240. Source: Muziekkrant OOR magazine (The Netherlands) nr 2. May 16, 1979. Date: Early April 1979, The Netherlands. Credits: photography by Kees Tabak. Thanks to Gert-Jan Klanderman for donating scan

P76801241. Source: Muziekkrant OOR magazine (The Netherlands) nr 2. May 16, 1979. Date: Early April 1979, The Netherlands. Credits: photography by Kees Tabak. Thanks to Gert-Jan Klanderman for donating scan

P768001242: Source: "50 jaar Rock" De Morgen magazine (Belgium) july 29, 2004. Date: April 1979, The Netherlands or Belgium, with Dutch artist/ rocker Herman Brood. Credits: photography by Hans Vos/ RV

P768001243: Source: "50 jaar Rock" De Morgen magazine (Belgium) july 29, 2004. Date: April 1979, The Netherlands or Belgium, with Dutch actress Sylvia Kristel. Credits: photography by Hans Vos/ RV

P76801245. Source: MelodyMaker April 1979. Date: The Palladium. London/ UK. April 21, 1979. Credits: photography by Tom Sheehan. Thanks to Ken Langford for donating scan

P76801250. Source: screenshot from The Old Grey Whistle Test (BBC/ UK), "Burma Shave". Date: April, 1979. Credits: BBC (thanks to Tanja Petrova for donating scan)

P76801251. Source: screenshot from The Old Grey Whistle Test (BBC/ UK), "Burma Shave". Date: April, 1979. Credits: BBC (thanks to Tanja Petrova for donating scan)

P76801252. Source: screenshot from The Old Grey Whistle Test (BBC/ UK), "Burma Shave". Date: April, 1979. Credits: BBC (thanks to Tanja Petrova for donating scan)

P76801255. Source: unknown private archive. Date: Dublin (Jurys Hotel), April 22/ 23, 1979. Credits: unknown

P76801256. Source: De Morgen (Belgium). July 28, 2004. Date: according to article: May 31, 1976: Beursschouwburg, Brussels/ Belgium. Date seems to be wrong (probably April 24, 1979 VUB/ Auditorium Q. Brussels/ Belgium). Credits: photography unknown

P76801258. Source: unknown. Date: ca. 1979 (Blue Valentine tour). Credits: photography by Kirk West

P76801260. Source: Chorus TV show (ORTF. Paris/ France). Date: April, 1979. Credits: video screenshot/ ORTF

P76801261. Source: Chorus TV show (ORTF. Paris/ France). Date: April, 1979. Credits: video screenshot/ ORTF

P76801262. Source: Chorus TV show (ORTF. Paris/ France). Date: April, 1979. Credits: video screenshot/ ORTF

P76801263. Source: Chorus TV show (ORTF. Paris/ France). Date: April, 1979. Credits: video screenshot/ ORTF

P76801264. Source: Chorus TV show (ORTF. Paris/ France). Date: April, 1979. Credits: video screenshot/ ORTF

P76801270. Source: Don Lane TV show (Australia). Date: April, 1979. Credits: video screenshot

P76801270. Source: Don Lane TV show (Australia). Date: April, 1979. Credits: video screenshot

P76801270. Source: Don Lane TV show (Australia). Date: April, 1979. Credits: video screenshot

P76801270. Source: Don Lane TV show (Australia). Date: April, 1979. Credits: video screenshot

P76801270. Source: Don Lane TV show (Australia). Date: April, 1979. Credits: video screenshot

P76801270. Source: Don Lane TV show (Australia). Date: April, 1979. Credits: video screenshot

P7680280. Source: private picture by "Al". Date: May, 1979(?). Sydney/ Australia. Credits: photography by "Al". Thanks to Colin Hubert for donating scan

P76801300. Source: "New Musical Express" magazine. May 12, 1979. Date: London/ UK, April/ July 1979. Credits: photography by Chris Horler. Thanks to Kevin Molony for donating scan

P76801305. Source: unknown. Date: London/ UK, April/ July 1979 (?). Credits: photography by Chris Horler

P76801306. Source: Uncut magazine 5th Anniversary Special. Take 61, June (May) 2002. Date: London/ UK, April/ July 1979 (?). Credits: photography by Chris Horler

P76801307. Source: "Wild Years - The Music And Myth Of Tom Waits", ECW Press, 2000. Jay S. Jacobs. Date:London/ UK, April/ July 1979 (?). Credits: photography by Simon Fowler/ London Features International

P76801310. Source: Uncut magazine 5th Anniversary Special. Take 61, June (May) 2002. Date: early 1979. Credits: photography by Tom Sheehan

P76801320. Source: Cover for MelodyMaker magazine. May 5, 1979. Date: Denmark/ Copenhagen (?), April 1979. Credits: photography by Tom Sheenan

P76801321. Source: MelodyMaker magazine. May 5, 1979. Date: Denmark/ Copenhagen (?), April 1979. Credits: photography by Tom Sheenan. Thanks to Kevin Molony for donating scan

P76801322. Source: MelodyMaker magazine. May 5, 1979. Date: in front of The Montmartre, Denmark/ Copenhagen, April 1979. Credits: photography by Tom Sheenan. Thanks to Kevin Molony for donating scan

P76801323. Source: MelodyMaker magazine. May 5, 1979. Date: backstage at The Montmartre w. Greg Cohen (L), Denmark/ Copenhagen, April 1979. Credits: photography by Tom Sheenan. Thanks to Kevin Molony for donating scan

P76801360. Source: 1979 interview, featured in: "Egos And Icons: Tom Waits Skid Romeo" (MuchMusic, 1993). Date: April, 1979(?). Credits: unknown

P76801370. Source: 1979 interview, featured in: "Egos And Icons: Tom Waits Skid Romeo" (MuchMusic, 1993). Date: April, 1979(?). Credits: unknown

P76801380. Source: 1979 interview, featured in: "Egos And Icons: Tom Waits Skid Romeo" (MuchMusic, 1993). Date: April, 1979(?). Credits: unknown

P76801320. Source: "A Day In Vienna", Austrian television concert documentary (Rudi Dolezal and Hannes Rossacher). Date: Vienna/ Austria (recorded April 19, 1979). Credits: Rudi Dolezal/ Hannes Rossacher. TV screenshot

P76801321. Source: "A Day In Vienna", Austrian television concert documentary (Rudi Dolezal and Hannes Rossacher). Date: Vienna/ Austria (recorded April 19, 1979). Credits: Rudi Dolezal/ Hannes Rossacher. TV screenshot

P76801322. Source: "A Day In Vienna", Austrian television concert documentary (Rudi Dolezal and Hannes Rossacher). Date: Concerthaus. Vienna/ Austria (recorded April 19, 1979). Credits: Rudi Dolezal/ Hannes Rossacher. TV screenshot

P76801323. Source: "A Day In Vienna", Austrian television concert documentary (Rudi Dolezal and Hannes Rossacher). Date: Vienna/ Austria (recorded April 19, 1979). Credits: Rudi Dolezal/ Hannes Rossacher. TV screenshot

P76801324. Source: "A Day In Vienna", Austrian television concert documentary (Rudi Dolezal and Hannes Rossacher). Date: Concerthaus. Vienna/ Austria (recorded April 19, 1979). Credits: Rudi Dolezal/ Hannes Rossacher. TV screenshot

P76801325. Source: "A Day In Vienna", Austrian television concert documentary (Rudi Dolezal and Hannes Rossacher). Date: Concerthaus. Vienna/ Austria (recorded April 19, 1979). Credits: Rudi Dolezal/ Hannes Rossacher. TV screenshot

P76801326. Source: "A Day In Vienna", Austrian television concert documentary (Rudi Dolezal and Hannes Rossacher). Date: Concerthaus. Vienna/ Austria (recorded April 19, 1979). Credits: Rudi Dolezal/ Hannes Rossacher. TV screenshot

P76801327. Source: on the set of "A Day In Vienna", Austrian television concert documentary (Rudi Dolezal and Hannes Rossacher). Date: Vienna/ Austria (recorded April 19, 1979). Credits: Rudi Dolezal/ Hannes Rossacher as printed in “Lowside Of The Road: A Life Of Tom Waits" by Barney Hoskyns. Faber/ Broadway, 2009

P76801328. Source: Fotogalerie - Gennari. Date: April, 1979 (1978?). Concerthaus. Vienna/ Austria. Credits: photography by Christian Gennari
P76801330. Source: theatre l'Empire Paris/ France. Date: aired June 5, 1979. Paris/ France. Credits: video screenshot from unidentified French TV show
P76801331. Source: theatre l'Empire Paris/ France. Date: aired June 5, 1979. Paris/ France. Credits: video screenshot from unidentified French TV show
P76801332. Source: theatre l'Empire Paris/ France. Date: aired June 5, 1979. Paris/ France. Credits: video screenshot from unidentified French TV show

P76801341. Source: "Tonight In Person", BBC television concert documentary filmed at the BBC television Theatre, London/ UK. Date: aired July 26, 1979. Credits: video screenshot/ BBC

P76801342. Source: "Tonight In Person", BBC television concert documentary filmed at the BBC television Theatre, London/ UK. Date: aired July 26, 1979. Credits: video screenshot/ BBC

P76801343. Source: "Tonight In Person", BBC television concert documentary filmed at the BBC television Theatre, London/ UK. Date: aired July 26, 1979. Credits: video screenshot/ BBC

P76801344. Source: "Tonight In Person", BBC television concert documentary filmed at the BBC television Theatre, London/ UK. Date: aired July 26, 1979. Credits: video screenshot/ BBC

P76801345. Source: "Tonight In Person", BBC television concert documentary filmed at the BBC television Theatre, London/ UK. Date: aired July 26, 1979. Credits: video screenshot/ BBC

P76801346. Source: "Tonight In Person", BBC television concert documentary filmed at the BBC television Theatre, London/ UK. Date: aired July 26, 1979. Credits: video screenshot/ BBC

P76801347. Source: "Tonight In Person", BBC television concert documentary filmed at the BBC television Theatre, London/ UK. Date: aired July 26, 1979. Credits: video screenshot/ BBC

P76801348. Source: "Tonight In Person", BBC television concert documentary filmed at the BBC television Theatre, London/ UK. Date: aired July 26, 1979. Credits: video screenshot/ BBC

P76801349. Source: "Tonight In Person", BBC television concert documentary filmed at the BBC television Theatre, London/ UK. Date: aired July 26, 1979. Credits: video screenshot/ BBC

P76801350. Source: "Tonight In Person", BBC television concert documentary filmed at the BBC television Theatre, London/ UK. Date: aired July 26, 1979. Credits: video screenshot/ BBC

P76801351. Source: "Tonight In Person", BBC television concert documentary filmed at the BBC television Theatre, London/ UK. Date: aired July 26, 1979. Credits: video screenshot/ BBC

P76801352. Source: "Tonight In Person", BBC television concert documentary filmed at the BBC television Theatre, London/ UK. Date: aired July 26, 1979. Credits: video screenshot/ BBC

P76801353. Source: "Tonight In Person", BBC television concert documentary filmed at the BBC television Theatre, London/ UK. Date: aired July 26, 1979. Credits: video screenshot/ BBC

P76801354. Source: "Tonight In Person", BBC television concert documentary filmed at the BBC television Theatre, London/ UK. Date: aired July 26, 1979. Credits: video screenshot/ BBC

P76801355. Source: "Tonight In Person", BBC television concert documentary filmed at the BBC television Theatre, London/ UK. Date: aired July 26, 1979. Credits: video screenshot/ BBC

P76801400. Source: "Mousiki" magazine (Greece). December, 1981. Date: ca. 1978/ 1979. Credits: unknown

P76801490. Source: unknown. Date: ca. 1979. Mill Run Theatre, Niles/ Illinois. Credits: photography by "Dindmob"

P76801491. Source: unknown. Date: ca. 1979. Mill Run Theatre, Niles/ Illinois. Credits: photography by "Dindmob"

P76801492. Source: unknown. Date: ca. 1979. Mill Run Theatre, Niles/ Illinois. Credits: photography by "Dindmob"

P76801493. Source: unknown. Date: ca. 1979. Mill Run Theatre, Niles/ Illinois. Credits: photography by "Dindmob"

P76801495. Source: Tom Waits and Herbert Hardesty (picture slightly altered). Date: ca. 1979. Credits: Herbert Hardesty archives, 2005 (Herbert Hardesty official site).

P76801500. Source: Chuck E. Weiss Official Site. Date: Indigo Ranch Studios in Malibu, California. June/ August, 1979 (w. Chuck E. Weiss, Rickie Lee Jones and Dr. John). Credits: photography by Jenny Lens

P76801501. Source: Steve Clark at Rockabilly Hall Of Fame. Date: Indigo Ranch Studios in Malibu, California. June/ August, 1979. Credits: photography by Jenny Lens (kind permission Steve Clark/ Jenny Lens). From left to right: Tom Waits, Chuck E. Weiss, Rickie Lee Jones, Colin Winski (guitar), Steve Clark (drums), Ken Jacobs (bass), Dr. John and Jerry Sikorski (guitar). "Chuck E. Weiss and Steve knew each other from the days when they were both recording at Rollin' Rock Records in Van Nuys, California during the early 70s. Chuck was working on some new songs and asked The Rebels to back him in the studio. He asked Tom, Rickie and John to help him produce the material. We do not know what became of the session tapes." (Source: email Lisa Clark to Tom Waits Library. February 3, 2005). Probably sessions for "The Other Side Of Town"

P76801502. Source: Jenny Lens Punk Archive, 2006. Date: Indigo Ranch Studios in Malibu, California. June/ August, 1979 (w. Chuck E. Weiss). Credits: photography by Jenny Lens (kind permission Jenny Lens)

P76801503. Source: Jenny Lens Punk Archive, 2006. Date: Indigo Ranch Studios in Malibu, California. June/ August, 1979 (w. Rickie Lee Jones). Credits: photography by Jenny Lens (kind permission Jenny Lens)

P76801530. Source: DU magazine - Die Zeitschrift Der Kultur (Switzerland) Nr. 9, September, 1997. Copied from: Tom Waits Miscellania (kind permission Gary Tausch). Date: Dominion Theatre London. September 9, 1979 (with Rickie Lee Jones). Credits: photography by Adrian Boot

P76801540. Source: copied from: Rickie Lee Jones Official Web Site. Date: Dominion Theatre London. September 9, 1979 (with Rickie Lee Jones). Credits: photography by Adrian Boot. �Copyright 2000 Rickie Lee Jones

P76801550. Source: copied from: Rickie Lee Jones Official Web Site. Date: Dominion Theatre London. September 9, 1979 (with Rickie Lee Jones). Credits: photography by Adrian Boot. �Copyright 2000 Rickie Lee Jones

P76801560. Source: copied from: Rickie Lee Jones Official Web Site. Date: Dominion Theatre London. August, 1979 (with Rickie Lee Jones and Denver comedian Sam Diego). Credits: photography by Adrian Boot. Copyright 2000 Rickie Lee Jones

P76801570. Source: "Small Change, A life of Tom Waits". Patrick Humphries, 1989. Date: Dominion Theatre London. September 9, 1979 (with Rickie Lee Jones). Credits: photography by Adrian Boot

P76801580. Source: DU magazine - Die Zeitschrift Der Kultur (Switzerland) Nr. 9, September, 1997. Also printed in Rolling Stone magazine (Germany), December 2006. Date: Dominion Theatre London. September 9, 1979 (with Rickie Lee Jones). Credits: photography by Adrian Boot

P76801590. Source: unknown. Date: Dominion Theatre London. September 9, 1979 (with Rickie Lee Jones). Credits: photography by Adrian Boot. Thanks to Ken Langford for donating scan

P76801600. Source: Minnesota Daily October 1979. Date: Orpheum Theater. Minneapolis/ USA. October 11, 1979. Credits: photography unknown. Thanks to Ken Langford for donating scan

P76801603. Source: Beacon Theatre, New York/ USA. Date: November 1979 (1978?). Credits: photography by Nancy Marie

P76801604. Source: Beacon Theatre, New York/ USA. Date: November 1979 (1978?). Credits: photography by Nancy Marie

P76801605. Source: Beacon Theatre, New York/ USA. Date: November 1979 (1978?). Credits: photography by Nancy Marie

P76801607. Source: My Father's Place: Roslyn Village, Long Island, New York/ USA. Date: 1978/ 1979. Credits: photography by Nancy Marie

P76801608. Source: My Father's Place: Roslyn Village, Long Island, New York/ USA. Date: 1978/ 1979. Credits: photography by Nancy Marie

P76801609. Source: My Father's Place: Roslyn Village, Long Island, New York/ USA. Date: 1978/ 1979. Credits: photography by Slate Sky

P768001610. Source: Emulsion Problems. Date: Los Angeles, ca. late 1979/ early 1980 (after May 1979). Credits: Polaroid by Michael Dare (colours slightly adjusted)

P76801611. Source: Emulsion Problems. Date: Los Angeles, ca. late 1979/ early 1980 (after May 1979). Credits: Polaroid by Michael Dare (colours slightly adjusted)

P76801612. Source: Emulsion Problems. Date: Los Angeles, ca. late 1979/ early 1980 (after May 1979). Credits: Polaroid by Michael Dare (colours slightly adjusted)
P76801620. Source: detail from the cover for "Heartattack And Vine", 1980. Date: Los Angeles, 1980. Credits: photography Greg Gorman

P76801630. Source: Greg Gorman portfolio ("Greg Gorman Volume 1"/ "Perspectives"). Also used for the booklet for "Tales From The Underground 2". Date: Los Angeles, 1980. Credits: photography Greg Gorman

P76801631. Source: Orphans booklet, 2006. Date: ca. 1980(?). Credits: photography Greg Gorman(?)

P76801640. Source: "Bones Howe & Tom Waits", "Sound On Sound January/ February 2004. Date: July 15, 1980 (w. Bones Howe). Credits: photography by Geoff Howe

P76801650. Source: unknown. Date: ca. late 1980. Credits: unknown

P76801651. Source: unknown. Date: ca. late 1980. Credits: unknown

P76801655. Source: Canadian feature (1980). Unidentified Canadian TV show. Date: Toronto/ Canada November 19, 1980 (backstage at Convocation Hall, University of Toronto w. Kathleen Brennan). Credits: video screenshot.(also featured in: "Egos And Icons: Tom Waits Skid Romeo" MuchMusic, 1993)

P76801656. Source: Canadian feature (1980). Unidentified Canadian TV show. Date: Toronto/ Canada November 19, 1980. Credits: video screenshot.(also featured in: "Egos And Icons: Tom Waits Skid Romeo" MuchMusic, 1993)

P76801657. Source: screen still from 1980 interview, featured in: "Egos And Icons: Tom Waits Skid Romeo" (MuchMusic, 1993). Date: Toronto/ Canada November 19, 1980. Credits: video screenshot.(also featured in: "Egos And Icons: Tom Waits Skid Romeo" MuchMusic, 1993)

P76801660. Source: WMAQ-Channel 5 (NBC) television program. Date: aired November 29, 1980. Live footage from Park West Theatre: Chicago/ USA. November 11, 1980. Credits: video screenshot

P76801661. Source: WMAQ-Channel 5 (NBC) television program. Date: aired November 29, 1980. Live footage from Park West Theatre: Chicago/ USA. November 11, 1980. Credits: video screenshot

P76801662. Source: WMAQ-Channel 5 (NBC) television program. Date: aired November 29, 1980. Live footage from Park West Theatre: Chicago/ USA. November 11, 1980. Credits: video screenshot

P76801663. Source: WMAQ-Channel 5 (NBC) television program. Date: aired November 29, 1980. credits: video

P76801690. Source: Royal Oak Music Theatre. Royal Oak/ USA. Date: November 12, 1980. Credits: unknown

P76801691. Source: Royal Oak Music Theatre. Royal Oak/ USA. Date: November 12, 1980. Credits: unknown

P76801700. Source: Jean-Marc Carisse Photo Gallery. Date: October 3, 1979 or November 21, 1980. Montreal/ Canada. Credits: photography by Jean-Marc Carisse

P76801705. Source: Jean-Marc Carisse Photo Gallery. Date: October 3, 1979 or November 21, 1980. Montreal/ Canada. Credits: photography by Jean-Marc Carisse