Downtown Train (1985)
Rain Dogs promo clips (1986)
Jockey Full Of Bourbon (1986)
Blow Wind Blow (1987)
Temptation (1987)
Cold Cold Ground (1988)
16 Shells From A Thirty Ought Six (1988)
Tommy The Cat (1991)
Goin' Out West (1992)
I Don't Wanna Grow Up (1992)
Jesus' Blood Never Failed Me Yet (1993)
Hold On (1999)
God's Away On Business (2002)
Top Of The Hill (2004)
Lie To Me (2006)

In The Neighborhood (1983)
TW: musical performer/ actor.
Sepia music video promoting: "In The Neighborhood" (Island). Shot and directed by Haskell Wexler (October 18th, 1983). Co-directed by Michael A. Russ. Lyrics/ video

Downtown Train (1985)
TW: musical performer/ actor.
B&W music video promoting: "Downtown Train" (Island) Directed by Jean Baptiste Mondino. Date: October 18, 1985. According to 1991 "Night Flight Profile" this video features Jake La Motta. Lyrics/ video

Rain Dogs promo clips (1986)
TW: musical performer/ actor.
Series of five 30-second promotional video clips for Rain Dogs. Filmed early 1986 in Chinatown/ San Francisco (USA). "Rain Dogs", "Bob Christ", "Where The Clocks Are", "Who Cuts Your Hair Anyway?", "Ninth And Hennepin". Released: April, 1986. Directed by Chris Blum. Featured in: "Egos And Icons: Tom Waits Skid Romeo" (MuchMusic, 1993). Further reading: Rain Dogs

Jockey Full Of Bourbon (1986)
Music video promoting "Jockey Full Of Bourbon". Island/ MCA records, 1986.
TW: actor & composer. Footage from "Down By Law". Lyrics/ video

Blow Wind Blow (1987)
TW: musical performer/ actor.
Music video promoting: "Blow, Wind Blow" (Island, ca. August, 1987). With Val Diamond. Directed by Chris Blum. Shot at The Chi Chi Club run by former "exotic dancer" Miss Keiko, on 438 Broadway in San Francisco.
Tom Waits (1987): "Kathleen and I put together the ideas for it. It was done up there at the Chi Chi Club ... in [San Francisco's] North Beach. Miss Keiko's Chi Chi Club right there on Broadway next to Big Al's. I worked with a girl named Val Diamond, who played a doll. She drew eyeballs on the outside of her eyelids and wore a Spanish dress and I unscrewed one of her legs and pulled a bottle out of it. It's got some entertainment value." (Source: "Morning Becomes Eclectic": KCRW-FM, Deirdre O' Donohue. August, 1987). Lyrics/ video

Temptation (1987)
TW: musical performer/ actor.
Music video promoting: "Temptation" (Island). Directed by Betzy Bromberg. Date: August 19, 1987 Lyrics/ video

Cold Cold Ground (1988)
TW: musical performer/ actor.
Music video promoting: "Cold, Cold Ground" (Island). Features live performance taken from Big Time concert video. Lyrics/ video

16 Shells From A Thirty Ought Six (1988)
TW: musical performer/ actor.
Music video promoting: "16 Shells From A Thirty-Ought-Six" (Island). Features live performance taken from Big Time concert video. Date: August 4, 1988. Lyrics/ video

Tommy The Cat (1991)
TW: musical performer
Music video promoting "Tommy The Cat" (Sailing The Seas Of Cheese. Primus). Tom Waits vocals (does not appear in video). YouTube link, Lyrics

Goin' Out West (1992)
TW: musical performer/ actor.
Music video promoting: "Goin' Out West" (Island Records/ Boss Films 7/7/92). Directed by Jesse Dylan. Crew: Angus Wall, Harris Savides, Eli Miller, Brent Boates, Ellen Somers. Lyrics/ video

I Don't Wanna Grow Up (1992)
TW: musical performer/ actor.
Music video promoting: "I Don't Wanna Grow Up" (Island Records). Director: Dayton, Jonathan/ Faris, Valerie. Shot by Jim Jarmusch. Lyrics/ video
Jesus' Blood Never Failed Me Yet (1993)
TW: musical performer (vocals only, does not appear in video)
B&W music video promoting: "Jesus' Blood Never Failed Me Yet" (Gavin Bryars). Lyrics

Hold On (1999)
TW: musical performer/ actor.
Music video promoting "Hold On" (ANTI, 1999). Directed by Matt Mahurin. Lyrics/ video

God's Away On Business (2002)
TW: musical performer/ actor.
Music video promoting "God's Away On Business" (ANTI, 2002). Shot at the Ambassador Hotel. Los Angeles/ USA. Directed by Jesse Dylan. Lyrics/ video

Top Of The Hill (2004)
TW: musical performer.
Music video demo for "Top Of The Hill". Directed by Chris Blum. Composed of photos from the Real Gone studio sessions, April 2004. Photography by Chris Blum. Lyrics

Lie To Me (2006)
TW: musical performer/ actor.
Music video promoting "Lie To Me" (Anti/ Epitaph, November 9, 2006). Director: Danny Clinch. Producer: Lindha Narvaez. Production Co.:Three On The Tree Production. Filmed in the backyard of Little Amsterdam restaurant, Petaluma/ USA. Danny Clinch (2006): "I shot the stills with a motor drive on handheld. I just shot a bunch of frames consecutively and had him kind of running around and he was really giving it up which was really kind of cool. I shot it several times over and over again and then said, "Let's do a few close ups of your face, feet and things like that so that we would have some things to cut away to... let's do a couple that are really wide." Basically I was thinking like an editor, I was coming in close then backing up wide, having him doing some motion. I had never done anything like that before. When I got back and loaded it into the computer I talked to a friend of mine that knows the process and she was very excited and she said, "You shot this on a tripod, right?" I said, "No," and she said, "Ooo." And I said, "What do you mean?" She said, "Well, if you shoot it on a tripod, the background stays steady and the subject moves throughout the background, and that's how you get it animated to make sense." I said, "You (know) what, it doesn't have to make sense - it's Tom Waits." I used color film for the most part. I drained all the color out of it in the edit and added a lot of contrast to it... (and) edited on Final Cut Pro. [Editing process was done by] another friend of mine, Tosh, he is really an animator and we started to work on it. As I said, we were putting animation in with the stills. He started it and loaded it into the computer and just started to align the cut together. Once he did that, he put the images in some sort of order. I came in came up with the idea of stopping at certain points and having areas where you could actually freeze on the photo. I did belabor over it; it is Tom Waits and I wanted to give it my best." (Source: "Tom Waits' Video Highlights Rock Photographer's Talent", Freeze Frame/ Music Video Wire. December 2, 2006. � 2006 MVWire and contributors). Lyrics/ video